The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Vâlcea County, Grebleşti, “la Olt”, 800 m alt., 14.08.1897, leg. & det. Loitlesberger K.(Loitlesberger 1898:196; Schiffner 1908b:275; Radian 1915:194).Căpăţânei Mountains, Lotru Valley, Bucureasa, Malaia, 9-15.09.1952 (Ştefureac, Popescu &Lungu 1955:526).Parâng Mountains, Coasta lui Rusu, 2080-2165 m alt. (Pócs & Simon 1957:57, Tab.1); lower side<strong>of</strong> Lotrioara Valley, 5.05.1967, ass. Asplenio (trichomanes-bivalens)-Poetum nemoralis Boşcaiu 1970subass. veronicetosum bach<strong>of</strong>eni (Borza 1959) Boşcaiu 1970 (Schneider-Binder 1972:Tab.B).Retezat Mountains, Gura Zlata, Cârligului Valley (Páll 1964a:108); Albele Mountain, 1800 malt., 24.06.1971 (Schneider-Binder 1980a:139,140, Tab.2).Ţarcu Mountains, Muntele Mic, 1937 (Györffy 1943b:120).Mehedinţi County, Cazane, † - Ada Kaleh, 1937 (Györffy 1943b:120).Domogled Mountain, s - Crucea Albă, 500 m alt., 9.08.2004, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB2976, B2980], ♂ - [BUCA B2977].Caraş-Severin County, Herculane Spa, 1937 (Györffy 1943b:120); Herculane Spa, Cerna Valley,on soil, alt. 150 m, leg. Bujorean G., det. Papp C., sub P. commutata (Papp 1944a:98); Herculane Spa(Györffy 1948:1); Cerna Valley (Boros, Vajda & Debreczy 1969:6).Codru-Moma Mountains, Monesei Valley, Ursului Hill, on soil (Mohan 1996:50; Ardelean2006:109).Alba County, Vidra at base <strong>of</strong> Găina Mountain, 800 m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:267); RunculuiGorges, 500-850 m alt., det. Páll Ş., ass. Seslerietum rigidae (Pop I. & al. 1964:216, Tab.3).Cluj County, Becaş Valley (Györffy 1948:1); Dâmbu Negru Peatbog - La Pod, Călăţele region,det. Ştefureac T. (Pop E. 1947:73); the peatbogs <strong>and</strong> fens from upper side <strong>of</strong> Someşul Cald Valley <strong>and</strong>from Bălăceşti-Călăţele region, sub P. commutata (Pop E. 1960:385); Morii Valley, on soil, 1961-1966(Plămadă 1967:470); Someşul Cald Valley (Boros & Vajda 1974:8).Gilău Mountains, common spruce forests (Plămadă 1985b:40).Bihor County, Feneş Valley near Beiuş, 300 m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:267); Crişul Repede Defile atVadu Crişului, 350 m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:267; Boros 1942a:31; Boşcaiu & Gergely 1966:103; Ştefureac1975b:312); Vadu Crişului Cave, 24.05.1915, leg. Györffy I. & Péterfi M., sub Chomiocarponcommutatus (Györffy 1924b:37); Şuncuiuş (Boros 1942e:153); Vadu Crişului, 1941 (Györffy 1943b:120); Vadu Crişului (Györffy 1948:1).Bihor Mountains, Izbucul Ponorului, Padiş Mountain (Vajda 1973:291); Izbucul Ponorului,Poiana Ponor (Boros & Vajda 1974:6,7); Someşul Cald Gorges, on soil, moist <strong>and</strong> dry rocks (Goia &Mătase 2001:16); Cetăţile Ponorului, 1150 m alt., 17.08.1999 (Jakab 2000a:92; Jakab 2000b:67); ♀ -Cetăţile Ponorului, AB, 46°33'55"N / 22°42'15"E, 1050 m alt., 3.09.2007, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB3845, B3868].Ptilidium ciliare (L.) HampeSyn.:– Blepharozia ciliaris (L.) Dumort.– Jungermannia ciliaris L.– Jungermannia ciliaris var. heteromalla Dumort.– Jungermannia h<strong>of</strong>fmannii Wallr.– Jungermannia leersii Roth– Ptilidium ciliare fo. rupicola Müll. Frib.– Ptilidium ciliare var. ericetorum (Nees) Gottsche et al.– Ptilidium ciliare var. heteromallum (Dumort.) Gottsche et al.– Ptilidium ciliare var. inundatum Schiffn.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Baumgarten 1846.Moldova (Ştefureac & al. 1973:143).Muntenia, incl. fo. rupicola (Mohan 1988b:110).Transylvania (Pax 1908:130).Ecology: epilithic, epigaeic, humicolous, saprolignicolous, acidophytic, xerophytic, photophytic; circumpolar; boreal-mountain;Hch. Characteristic species to common spruce forests.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccate: BUCA, CL, SIBDistribution in Europe: Sj, Is, Fo, No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Es, Co, It, Si, Hr, Sb, Me, Ba, Ro,Bg, Al, Gr, Ee, Lv, Lt, By, Ua, Nz, Rn, Rw, Rc, Re.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Maramureş Mountains (Hazslinszky 1885:42).235

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