The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Arad County, Săvârşin, sub Madotheca (Simonkai 1872:67; Simonkai 1893:361); Ciala Forest,Pecica, sub Madotheca (Simonkai 1893:361; Fuss 1878:653); Ciala Forest, on Juglans nigra, 3.09.2003,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2335].Alba County, Piatra Ceţii, Trascău Mountains, 3.07.1868, sub Madotheca (Barth 1868:140,141);Scărişoara, Ordencuşa Valley, sub Madotheca (Schiffner 1914:308; Goia 2001:83); Feneş Gorges, subMadotheca (Papp 1944b:236; Papp 1945a:165); Colţii Trascăului, sub Madotheca (Páll 1960b:90);Întregalde Forest, in beech forests, on bark, 06.1960, sub Madotheca (Páll 1964b:25); Runcului Gorges,at base <strong>of</strong> tree’s trunks, 900-1000 m alt., det. Páll Ş., ass. Fagetum silvaticae transsilvanicum (Pop I. &al. 1964:221); Colteşti, Piatra Urdaş, 850 m alt., 07.1960, leg. Nyárády A., sub Madotheca (Nyárády E.I.& Nyárády A. 1964a: Tab.4; Nyárády E.I. & Nyárády A. 1964b:134, Tab.4); Valea Lungă, leg. & det.Barth J., sub Madotheca [SIB HF 1567](Drăgulescu 1983:59); the region between Geoagiu-Mureş-Ampoi-Feneş vales <strong>and</strong> Detunata Peak from Trascău Mountain, frequent, sub Madotheca (Plămadă1986a:58); Drăghiţa Valley, on fallen beech tree, 750 m alt., 20.08.94, ass. Anomodonto-LeucodontetumWisn. 1930, Pojar Hill, on hornbeam, 580 m alt., 25.08.1994, ass. Madotheco-Leskeeletum nervosae(Gams 1927) Barkman 1958 (Goia 1998:257,258, Tabs.7,8); Drăghiţa Valley, 750 m alt., 28.08.1994, ass.Anomodonto-Leucodontetum Wisn. 1930 (Goia 2000:120, Tab.8); Arieşul Mic Basin (Goia &Schumacker 2000:92); Popeştilor Brook, below Lucia Cave, on willow, Pojar Hill, on hornbeam, PoianaVadului, on ash tree, Drăghiţa Valley, Divaia Valley, Vidrişoara Valley, Pătroşeilor Valley, Morii Valley,Arieşul Mic towards the springs, Măgura Valley – Neagra, Gârda – Scărişoara interfluve, OrdencuşaValley, Gogii Brook – Cobleş, on beech tree, Băii Valley – Drăghiţa Valley, Morii Valley, on rottenwood (Goia 2001:83); Popeştilor Valley, 15.08.1994, ass. Pylaisietum polyanthae Felf. 1941, Pojar Hill,25.08.1994, Vidrişoara Valley, 20.08.1992, Arieşul Mic Valley, 16,20.08.1994, ass. Pterigyn<strong>and</strong>retumfiliformis Hilitzer 1925, Vidrişoara Valley, 20.08.1992, Drăghiţa Valley, 20.08.1994, Morii Valley,7.08.1994, ass. Homalothecium sericei-Porelletum platyphyllae Størmer 1938, Pătroieştilor Valley,22.08.1992, Morii Valley, 13.08.1994, Divaia Valley, 21.08.1994, ass. Anomodontetum attenuati Cain etSharp 1938, Drăghiţa Valley, 20.08.1994, ass. Isothecietum myuri Hilitzer 1925, Divaia Valley,21.08.1994, ass. Anomodonto viticulosi-Leucodontetum sciuroidis (Goia & Schumacker 2003:59-63,Tabs.1-4); between Măgura <strong>and</strong> Obârşia Valley, 980 m alt., 27.09.1996, between Gârda Valley <strong>and</strong>Scărişoara cave, 1000 m alt., 11.08.1996, ass. Pterigyn<strong>and</strong>retum filiformis, Scărişoara cave, 1080 m alt.,11.08.1996, ass. Homalothecio sericei-Porelletum platyphyllae Størmer 1938, Pârâul Gogii Valley, 1300m alt., 9.08.1996, ass. Isothecietum myuri, Ordâncuşa Valley, 1060 m alt., 11.08.1996, between MăguraValley <strong>and</strong> Ordâncuşa Valley, 700 m alt., 27.09.1996, ass. Anomodonto viticulosi-Leucodontetumsciuroides (Goia & Schumacker 2004:108-110, Tabs.2,3); Detunata Mountains, Detunata Goală, 1200 malt., det. Sass-Gyarmati A. (Sass-Gyarmati, Pócs & Orbán 2005:127); Feneş Gorges, 26.07.1944, leg.Papp C., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B5483].Mureş County, Sighişoara, sub Madotheca (Höhr 1914:87).Cluj County, Turda’s Gorges, on rocks <strong>and</strong> bark, 400-450 m alt., sub Madotheca (Papp1946a:13,17; Papp 1946e:263; Páll 1960b:90); Turda, Băile Sărate, sub Madotheca, incl. Madothecaplatyphylloidea (Todor 1947:41); Mănăştur, sub Madotheca (Soó 1951:40; Boros 1958:8); Făget, GrebenValley, Pleşca Valley, Lomb Forest, Cluj-Napoca (Boros 1958:8); Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden, subMadotheca (Boros 1958:5,8; Plămadă 1963:180; Ştefureac 1982c:197,200, Tab.2); on bark, rocks <strong>and</strong>soil, 1961-1966 (Plămadă 1967:470); Mera Forest, on Quercus petraea bark, 1963-1965, sub Madotheca(Plămadă 1968:25); Huza Forest on Filii Mountain, Muntele Mare, near the Hut, on bark, 700-750 m alt.,car. Leucodonto-Madothecietum platyphyllae, in Fagetalia (Plămadă & Coldea 1989b:121); Turda’sGorges, on rocks <strong>and</strong> bark (Plămadă & Goia 1994:87); Sălicea, Cluj-Napoca, Central Park (Goia2002:115, Tab.1).Gilău Mountains, beech forests (Plămadă 1985b:41).Sălaj County, Someşan Plateau, Băltişeni Forest from Ungur Valley, near Popteleac (GârbăuCommune), on bark, 430-500 m alt., car. Leucodonto-Madothecietum platyphyllae, in Fagetalia(Plămadă & Coldea 1989b:121).Bihor Mountains, without locality (Péterfi M. 1908:278; Goia 2001:83); Someşul Cald Gorges, ontree trunks, rocks <strong>and</strong> soil (Goia & Mătase 2001:18).Bihor County, Felix Spa, sub Madotheca (Simonkai 1876; Borbas 1879:262); Crişul RepedeDefile, on rocks <strong>and</strong> bark, ass. Carpino-Fagetum <strong>and</strong> Stellario-Carpinetum (Boşcaiu & Gergely1966:104); Stâna de Vale, ass. Piceetum montanum Br.-Bl. 1939, Baia Popii Hill, below Poieni, 1470-230

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