The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Valley, in beech forest, 900-1000 m alt., det. Páll Ş., sub Madotheca, ass. Fagetum silvaticaebrachypodiosum (Csűrös , Kovács & Moldovan 1964:169); Retezat National Park, sub Madotheca, ass.Neckero complanatae-Leucodontetum (Lippmaa 1935) Plămadă 1982, ass. Leucodonto-Madothecietumplatyphyllae Plămadă 1982, ass. Anomodontetum attenuati (Barkm. 1939) Peciar 1965, ass.Pterygyn<strong>and</strong>ro-Isothecietum myuri Plămadă (1976) 1978, ass. Neckeretum crispae Ştefur. 1941 (Plămadă1976a; Plămadă 1976b:20, Tab.2); Zlătuia Valley, ass. Homalothecio-Leucodontetum sciuroides (Størmer1938) Ježet et Vondr. 1962, 790-1200 m alt., 6-7.09.1969, ass. Neckero complanatae-Leucodontetum,between Zlătuia Valley <strong>and</strong> Turcului Valley, 900-1250 m alt., 7.09.1969, ass. Leucodonto-Madothecetumplatyphyllae, Zlătuia Valley, 790-850 m alt., 6-7.09.1969, Şesele Valley, 950 m alt., 9.09.1969, ass.Anomodontetum attenuati, Zlătuia Valley, 1000-1200 m alt., 7.09.1969, between Zlătuia Valley <strong>and</strong>Turcului Valley, 900 m alt., 7.09.1969, Turcului Valley, 850 m alt., 9.09.1969, Şesele Valley, 950 m alt.,9.09.1969, Şesele, 1000 m alt., 14.07.1970, ass. Pterigyn<strong>and</strong>ro-Isothecietum myuri, Zlătuia Valley, 1100m alt., 7.09.1969, ass. Anomodonto attenuati-Neckeretum crispae Plămadă 1982, sub Madotheca(Plămadă 1982a:303-307,309, Tabs.1-5; Plămadă 1993:51,52, Tab.1).Ţarcu Mountains, Muntele Mic, 1000-1800 m alt., Muntele Mic – Şeroni Glade, 900-1500 m alt.,03-08.1943, leg. Boşcaiu N., sub Madotheca (Ştefureac 1948a:220).Mehedinţi County, Orşova, sub Madotheca (Simonkai 1872:67); from Iloviţa to Predeal,25.06.1899, sub Madotheca, the forests from Suliţa to Gornenţi, sub Madotheca platyphylla fo.platyphylloydea (Radian 1901b:41); Orşova, Cazane, sub Madotheca (Schiffner 1914:308); Cazane, 200m alt., 11-14.06.1938, sub Madotheca, ass. Seslerietum filifoliae (Zólyomi 1939:141, Tab.7); †, s - Ada-Kaleh Isle, on Populus alba, sub Madotheca (Ştefureac & Mihai 1968a:298,304,305, Tab.1); CazaneleMari, sub Madotheca (Boros, Vajda & Debreczy 1969:8); Mraconia Valley, right slope, on rocks,7.10.1967, ass. Asplenio-Cystoperidetum Oberd. (1936) 1949, det. Plămadă E., sub Madotheca(Schneider-Binder 1969:149, Tab.2; Schneider-Binder 1980a:141, Tab.2); Ogaşul lui Nichici Valley, onCarpinus orientalis, sub Madotheca (Plămadă 1970b:206); Orşova City Park, Cerna Valley, in forest, onbark, 1966-1968, sub Madotheca (Plămadă 1970c:393); Mraconia Valley, 13.05.1969, sub Madotheca(Coldea & al. 1970:473, Tab.2); Cazanele Mari <strong>of</strong> Danube, on rocks, between Berzasca <strong>and</strong> Sviniţa, onQuercus pubescens, 1966, sub Madotheca (Ştefureac & Mihai 1970:500,506); Cazanele Mari, 65 m alt.,14.05.1969, ass. Asplenio-Ceterachetum Vives 1964 banaticum Schneider-Binder & al. 1970, subMadotheca (Schneider-Binder & al. 1970:314, Tab.2); Sohodoalele Mari, near Baia de Aramă, leg. DecuV., det. Ştefureac T., sub Madotheca (Ştefureac 1970h:480).Domogled Mountain, Domogled, sub Madotheca (Degen 1901:14; Matouschek 1903a:95);Domogled, leg. & det. Papp C., sub Madotheca (Papp 1939b:11); Crucea Albă, 44°53'10"N / 22°25'48"E,500 m alt., 9.08.2004, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2989]; Jelărău Valley, 500 m alt., 19.07.2005, leg.Cogălniceanu D., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3188].Caraş Severin County, Baziaş, Mehadia, sub Madotheca (Simonkai 1872:67); between Mehadia<strong>and</strong> Herculane Spa, leg. Schierl (Matouschek 1903a:95); Poiana Ruscăi, Ruschiţa, Cracul Polomului, 700m alt., Cracul Vulturului, 880-1100 m alt., on beech tree bark, sub Madotheca (Papp 1942a:51);Herculane Spa, on bark, 150 m alt., leg. Pteancu P., det. Papp C., sub Madotheca (Papp 1944a:99);„Fântâna Moşului”, near the way from Herculane Spa to Gorneşti, Isverna, sub Madotheca (Ştefureac1947a:139); Caransebeş-Teiuş, 250-300 m alt., 03.-08.1943, leg. Boşcaiu N., sub Madotheca (Ştefureac1948a:220); Gura Teşnei, right slope, 9.10.1967, ass. Asplenio-Cystoperidetum, det. Plămadă E., subMadotheca (Schneider-Binder 1969:149, Tab.2; Schneider-Binder 1980a:141, Tab.2); Valea MareReserve, on Acer campestre, 25.07.1962 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1967:16); Cerna Valley, Ciorici Peak, subMadotheca (Boros, Vajda & Debreczy 1969:6,7); Herculane Spa, sub Madotheca [PHHM 5841/3004,5989/3345](Mohan 1971a:9); Găurii Brook Valley, Cornetul Dracului, Valea Mare Reserve - MoldovaNouă (Plămadă 1990:75); Herculane Spa, Ruşeţu’s Waterfall, 2.05.1999, leg. Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B2435]; Grota cu Aburi, 44°54'03"N / 22°25'05"E, 400 m alt., 6.08.2004, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B2969]; Herculane Spa, Roman Hotel, 44°54'03"N / 22°25'02"E, 170 m alt., 8.08.2004, leg. &det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3034].Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Rusca Montană, sub Madotheca (Pančić 1861:94).Zar<strong>and</strong> Mountains, Milova Valley, Debela Gora, on bark, sub Madotheca (Csűrös M. 1978:77;Ardelean 2006:106).Codru-Moma Mountains, Monesei Valley, Valea Lungă, Boroaia Chalet, Crişul VărateculuiValley, on oak bark (Mohan 1996:50; Ardelean 2006:106).229

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