The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Argeş County, Piatra Nemoeştilor (Loitlesberger 1898:193); Ghimbav Gorges, 810 m alt.,25.08.1994, ass. Asplenio (quadrivalens)-Poetum nemoralis Soó 1944 emend. Gergely 1966 (Alexiu1998:171); Great Gorges <strong>of</strong> Dâmboviţa River, AG, 45°23'18"N / 25°11'44"E, 800 m alt., 10.07.2003, leg.& det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2794]; ♀ - Great Gorges <strong>of</strong> Dâmboviţa River, AG, 45°23'04"N / 25°11'43"E,750 m alt., 8.06.2005, leg. Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3173].Iezer-Păpuşa Mountains, Păpău Mountain, 1800 m alt. (Loitlesberger 1898:193).Giurgiu County, s - Comana, on soil at the base <strong>of</strong> Quercus cerris bark, 1968-1969 (Ştefureac &Mohan 1970a:353).Făgăraş Mountains, Arpaş Valley, beech forest (Heufler 1853:48-49; Fuss 1854:20; Schur1866:873; Fuss 1878:657; Drăgulescu 2003:14); Bâlea Lake, leg. Zsák Z. (Schiffner 1914:306;Drăgulescu 2003:14); Clăbucet Mountain, AG, 06.1941, sub var. maior (Racoviţă A. 1942:510; RacoviţăA. 1944b:34,37); above Bâlea Labe, below Paltina Peak, on s<strong>and</strong>y soil, 2250 m alt., 13.07.1946, belowCiortea Peak, north-eastern slope, 2320 m alt. (Ştefureac 1949a:289,290; Drăgulescu 2003:14); Voila(Mohan 1971a:9); Pojorta Valley, BV, 800-1000 m alt., 18.09.2001, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB2542] (Ştefănuţ 2002:190); Vidraru Lake, AG, 6.07.1998, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3352].Sibiu County, Cisnădioara, Prejba [SIB SCHUR 4604](Schur 1866:873; Fuss 1878:657; Gündisch1977:49-50; Drăgulescu 2003:14); Tălmaciu [SIB HF 1068] (Fuss 1878:657; Gündisch 1977:49-50;Drăgulescu 2003:14); Bradu (Fuss 1878:657; Drăgulescu 2003:14); Sibiu, “in Querceto Cibinensi”, leg.& det. Lerchenfeld J., sub Jungermannia [SIB HL 33711](Fuss 1878:657; Drăgulescu 1983:58;Drăgulescu 2003:14); Gura Râului, 600 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:49-50; Drăgulescu 2003:14).Cindrel Mountains, Cibin Gorges, 900 m alt., Crinţ, 900-1000 m alt., Săroi, 1300 m alt., Păltiniş,1300 m alt., Beşineu, 1600 m alt. (Gündisch 1977:49-50; Drăgulescu 2003:14).Vâlcea County, s – Băiţa Valley, Văroasa Valley, in Carpino-Fagetum, on soil <strong>and</strong> bark (Ştefureac& Peicea 1973:45,46,49,50).Sebeşului Mountains, Sebeş Valley, between Oaşa <strong>and</strong> Ciban, in common spruce forest, 800-1200m alt., incl. sub var. maior (Borza 1959:68,220,283, Tab.38; Drăgulescu 2003:14).Căpăţânei Mountains, Lotru Valley, Bucureasa, Malaia, 9-15.09.1952 (Ştefureac, Popescu &Lungu 1955:527).Parâng Mountains, Latoriţa Valley, calcareous rocks, 900 m alt., 31.08.1954 (Ştefureac, Popescu& Lungu 1956a:513, Tab.1); Latoriţa Valley, Repedea Valley, 08-09.1954, incl. sub var. riparia(Ştefureac, Popescu & Lungu 1959:9,23-25,29,30,34,39, Tabs.3,4,6,7).Şureanu Mountains, Godeanu Valley, Tâmpu <strong>and</strong> Anineş, in beech forest (Balazs 1993:73).Hunedoara County, the Hills from Şoimuş, on Făeragului Valley <strong>and</strong> Piscului Brook (Certejul deSus), Hunedoara on Sânpetru Hill, ass. Carpino-Fagetum Paucă 1941 (S<strong>and</strong>a, Popescu & Peicea1972:315, Tab.7); between Deva <strong>and</strong> Şoimuş Commune, Certeju de Sus (Peicea 1973:440,443,446,Tabs.2,3).Retezat Mountains, Valereasca, upper region (Schiffner 1914:306); Zlătuia Valley, Râul MareValley, in common spruce forest, on wet rocks (Pall 1962:121); Dobrun Brook Valley, Radeşul MareValley, towards Tăul Negru (Páll 1964a:108); Zlătuia Valley, in beech-common spruce mixed forest, onsoil, 1000-1200 m alt., ass. Abieto-Fagetum piceetosum, det. Páll Ş. (Csűrös , Kovács & Moldovan1964:172); Şesele Brook, 1050 m alt., 21.06.1968, ass. Fontinaletum gracilis Plămadă 1974 (Plămadă1974b:Tab.3; Plămadă 1993:55, Tab.5); Retezat National Park, ass. Neckero complanatae-Leucodontetum(Lippmaa 1935) Plămadă 1982, ass. Leucodonto-Madothecietum platyphyllae Plămadă 1982, ass.Anomodontetum attenuati (Barkm. 1939) Peciar 1965, ass. Pterygyn<strong>and</strong>ro-Isothecietum myuri Plămadă(1976) 1978, ass. Neckeretum crispae Ştefur. 1941 (Plămadă 1976a; Plămadă 1976b:20, Tab.2); ZlătuiaValley, 16.09.1967, 6-7.09.1969, ass. Grimmio hartmanii-Isothecietum scabridi Plămadă 1978, TurculuiValley, 12.07.1968, Coama Şesele, 12.07.1968, ass. Pterigyn<strong>and</strong>ro-Isothecietum myuri Plămadă 1978,Turcului Valley, 10.09.1969, ass. Pogonatetum urnigeri Krusenstjerna 1945 retezaticum Plămadă 1978(Plămadă 1978:241-243, Tabs.1-3; Plămadă 1993:54, Tabs.3,4); Zlătuia Valley, ass. Homalothecio-Leucodontetum sciuroides (Størmer 1938) Ježet et Vondr. 1962, 800-1200 m alt., 6-7.09.1969, ass.Neckero complanatae-Leucodontetum, between Zlătuia Valley <strong>and</strong> Turcului Valley, 1100 m alt.,7.09.1969, ass. Leucodonto-Madothecetum platyphyllae, Zlătuia Valley, 800-850 m alt., 6-7.09.1969,Şesele Valley, 950 m alt., 9.09.1969, ass. Anomodontetum attenuati, Zlătuia Valley, 600 m alt.,6.09.1969, between Zlătuia Valley <strong>and</strong> Turcului Valley, 900 m alt., 7.09.1969, Şesele Valley, 950 m alt.,14.07.1970, ass. Pterigyn<strong>and</strong>ro-Isothecietum myuri, Şesele – Pârgului Valley, 950 m alt., 9.09.1969,215

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