The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Vacilor Hill, Cărbunelui Hill <strong>and</strong> Gol Hill, on soil <strong>and</strong> rotten woods (Mihai 1974c:23; Ştefureac & al.1973:146,147); Ghindăoani-Tupilaţi Woodl<strong>and</strong> Massif (Burduja, Mihai & Sîrbu 1973; Ştefureac & al.1973:147).Ceahlău Mountain, Ceahlău, Patapi <strong>and</strong> Durău, incl. sub var. major (Papp 1924a:101; Papp1924b:392; Papp 1934b:66-68; Zanoschi 1970:280; Manoliu & al. 1998:338); Ceahlău, 650-1700 m alt.(Mihai 1979b); Ceahlău, in bryocoenosis with Plagiochila asplenioides (Mihai 1987b: Tab.5); Ceahlău,ass. Tortello-Ctenidietum mollusci (Gams 1927) Stodiek 1937 (Mihai 1987b: Tab.2).Giurgeu Mountains, Bicaz (Papp 1942b:525); Bicaz Gorges, on soil, 1957-1960 (Papp & al.1962:144,147,149); Oii Valley, on rotten wood, 12.08.1953, sub fo. major (Bîrcă & Mihai 1963:127);Bicaz Gorges, on rocks, Oii Brook Valley, 1978, 1979, ass. Neckeretum crispae Ştefur. 1941, ass.Tortello-Ctenidietum, Cupaşului Valley, 1978, 1979, ass. Dicrano-Hypnetum cupressiformis (Ochsner1928) v. Krunsenstjerna 1945, ass. Lepidozio-Tetraphidetum pellucidae (Barkman 1958) Maurer 1961(Mihai 1981a:17-19, Tabs.3,5-7).Hăşmaş Mountains, ♂ - Hăşmaş (Schiffner 1914:306); Hăşmaşul Mare (Degen 1930:976).Harghita Mountains, Vermet Valley, 1050-1250 m alt., 2.07.2000, Mic Valley, 1050-1150 m alt.,16.08.2001, Ulieşul Mic, 1150 m alt., 17.04.2001, leg. Bálint L. & Csízi K. (Bálint & Orbán 2003:14;Bálint & Orbán 2006:469).Harghita County, 26.07.1901 (Barth 1905:14); Odorhei, Bükktető Beech Forest, 650 m alt.,Csicserlapos, 520-550 m alt., on soil <strong>and</strong> bark, Rokalyuk <strong>and</strong> Márerdő, 600 m alt., ass. Carpino-Fagetumcaricetosum, Szejke, 500 m alt., ass. Fageto-Pinetum (Páll 1960a: 180-181,185,187); Târnava MareValley between springs <strong>and</strong> Odorhei, frequent, in beech <strong>and</strong> common spruce forests, 1958-1962 (Páll1963b:17); Luci Reserve, in common spruce forests (Mititelu & Elekes E.S. 1984:124).Nemira Mountains, Nemira Mountain, 900-1600 m alt., on beech bark, on gritstone, in commonspruce forests (Barabaş V. 1974:23-25,29,30); Nemira, Ş<strong>and</strong>ru, Crăcurele, in common spruce forests, onhumus <strong>and</strong> rotten woods, 1970-1977 (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1978:116); Nemira Peak, Ş<strong>and</strong>ru Peak, 800-1640 m alt., above Nemira’s Lakes, 1500 m alt., Ţiganca Mountain, 1400 m alt., Bălătău Lake, 850-900m alt. (Barabaş V. 1982b:54,58-61,63,65,69,74,75, Tabs.1,2,6-9,11,12,20,25,26).Bacău County, Slănic, leg. Oescu C. (Papp 1942b:525); Cleja Mountain, Feşca de Sus BrookValley, Feşca de Jos, Izvorul Negru Forest, sub fo. feschii (Papp 1955; Ştefureac & al. 1973:147); DobrulCulm, 830 m alt., Sălăria Brook, Slănicului Valley, Cleja Mountain, 1100 m alt., Feşca de Jos Brook,Feşca de Sus Brook, Izvorul Negru Brook, Ciungetul Brook, Cerbu Brook, D<strong>of</strong>teana Brook, TalianuluiValley, incl. var. major, fo. subintegrum, Sălăria Brook, sub fo. heterophylla (Papp 1957:284); Ş<strong>and</strong>ruMountain, Cleja Mountain, 1025 m alt., Feşca de Sus Brook Valley, incl. sub fo. feschii (Papp1958b:399,404,417); Berzunţ Culm, 400-800 m alt., around Sava Hermitage (Papp & Bîrcă1960:316,321,323,325); Tajbuga Culm, on soil, fo. cinerea (Papp 1966:219-221); Gura Bărzăuţei, on soil,frequent, 1966-1967 (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1969:70,78); s - Măgura Hill, north-west to Târgu Ocna, on soil<strong>and</strong> wet rocks, in birch grove, 680 m alt., frequent (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1971:675,682,684,685); TălâmbaBrook, on rocks, Scorboroaia, the forest way from Înţărcătoare towards Zboina Verde, Fata Moartă Forest,on soil (Eftimie 1972:151); Seaca Forest, det. Mihai G. (Mititelu, Barabaş N. & al. 1968:147,168; Costică1995:252); upper basin <strong>of</strong> Caşin, between the springs <strong>of</strong> Fata Moartă Brook, the Buciaş’s affluent, on soil,1000 m alt., 06.1970 (Eftimie 1973:423); Codrul Secular Runc-Racova, on soil <strong>and</strong> stones (Barabaş V.1982a:49); near Târgu Ocna, beech forest, 400-500 m alt. (Barabaş V. 1982b:68, Tab.18).Bodoc Mountains, Micfalău-Burde, 15.08.1975, ass. Symphyto cordato-Fagetum Vida (1959)1963, Malnaş, 23.08.1975, ass. Luzulo luzuloides-Fagetum Zólyomi 1955, det. Ştefureac T. (Kovács1977:244,247); Beşeneu Brook Valley, the beech forests Burde <strong>and</strong> Malnaş, in Querco-Fagetea, sub fo.major (Ştefureac & Kovács 1981:117).Vrancea County, s – Cioara Forest, 207 m alt., Şişcani Forest, 106 m alt., on soil (Mihai &Barabaş V. 1970:66,69,72).Penteleu Mountain, Viforîta Reserve, on stumps, 1000 m alt. (Dihoru G. 1964:397,398 Tab.2;Dihoru G. 1987b:94); Tisa Reserve, on stumps, 1000 m alt. (Dihoru G. 1964:399, Tab.3; Dihoru G.1987b:94).Siriu Mountain, Poiana din Fundul Muntelui, common spruce forest, Piatra Zăpezii, MuchiaBradului, 1320 m alt., in Querco-Fagetea (Dihoru G. 1975:23).Buzău County, Gura Grămăticului, Argintăria, Molidu Valley, in Querco-Fagetea (Dihoru G.1975:23).213

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