The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Rarău Mountain, Codrul Secular Slătioara, 800-1400 m alt., sub P. fabbroniana (Ştefureac1941:1154,1245,1279, Tabs.3,7; Papp 1969b:188); between Colbului Hill <strong>and</strong> Pietrele Doamnei, 1520 malt., 27-28.08.1949, 27.08.1950 (Ştefureac 1951a:59,65,66), sub P. fabbroniana var. furcigera (Ştefureac1951a:65); Plaiul Todirescu-Slătioara Reserve, sub P. fabbroniana (Ştefureac & Raclaru 1978:196).Stânişoara Mountains, the edge <strong>of</strong> Ostra Brook, below Puzdrele <strong>and</strong> Pietrelor Brook Valley atTarniţa, on wet soil, 1974, sub P. fabbroniana (Pascal & Toma M. 1977:42).Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Piatra Corbului, Budacul de Jos, Pârloagele, La Fântână, 1980-1981, subP. fabbroniana (Mohan & Hodoroga 1983:51; Mohan 1990a:24).Bârgău Mountains, Cucureasa Reserve, Coşna Forest Hut, 930-1230 m alt., 1967, 1969, sub P.fabbroniana (Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1976:35); Cârţibavu Mare Valley, Secu Brook, Tureac Brook,Muncel Peak, Piatra Fântânele, 1983-1984, sub P. fabbroniana (Mohan & Hodoroga 1986:211).Iaşi County, Bârnova Forest, sub P. fabroniana fo. furcigera (Papp 1924a:101); Repedea-BârnovaForest Massif, on wet soil, sub P. fabbroniana fo. furcigera (Papp 1929:555-557; Papp & Eftimie1963:108), 1975-1976, sub P. fabbroniana, ass. Conocephaletum conicae Schade 1934; Bracythecio(rutabuli)-Fissidentetum minutuli Mihai 1977 (Mihai 1977a:138, Tabs.1,2); Repedea-Bârnova ForestMassif, on wet soil, along brook vales, ass. Eurhynchietum swartzii Waldheim 1944, sub P. fabbroniana<strong>and</strong> in hornbean with beech grove, on clayey-s<strong>and</strong>y soil, along brooks, sub P. fabbroniana fo. furcigera(Mihai 1978:127-129, Tabs.1,3); Domniţa-Voineşti Forest, Voineşti <strong>and</strong> Ţibana Commune, on the edgebrook, on wet soil, sub P. fabbroniana (Mititelu & Chifu 1978:378,394); Humosu Natural Reserve (Mihai1980:8).Vaslui County, Buneşti, around the spring, on wet soil, sub P. fabbroniana, 1966-1969 (Plămadă& Viţalariu 1971:166).Harghita County, Vlăhiţa, 20.07.1901, sub P. calycina (Barth 1905:13); the bogs between Joseni<strong>and</strong> Remetea, leg. & det. Boros Á. (Pop E.1960:176); the peatbogs from Gheorgheni Basin (PopE.1960:180); Feliceni, on the edge <strong>of</strong> Târnava River, 1958-1962, sub fo. furcigera (Páll 1963b:17);Szejke Swamp, 3.10.2007, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3996].Harghita Mountains, Minei Valley, 1100-1200 m alt., 11.07.2000, Groapa Mare, 1300 m alt.,16.08.2001, Borsáros, 650 m alt., 6.04.2001, Ulieşul Mic, 1150 m alt., 17.04.2001, Luci Meleche forest,1050 m alt., 13.08.2001, Cucu Mountain, 1550 m alt., 15.08.2001, leg. Bálint L. & Csízi K. (Bálint &Orbán 2002:38; Bálint & Orbán 2003:15; Bálint & Orbán 2006:469).Giurgeu Depression, sub P. fabbroniana (Lungu & Raţiu F. 1975:49, Tab.1).Neamţ County, Agapia, 31.08.1914, leg. Săvulescu T., sub P. fabbroniana (Radian 1915:197);Cernegura Mountain, Sterghinosu Brook Valley, 400-550 m alt., sub P. fabbroniana (Lungu1963a:242,243); s - Botoşanu Hill, beech forest, sub P. fabbroniana (Mihai 1971e:406); PângărăciorBrook Valley, on wet soil <strong>and</strong> wet rotten woods, sub P. fabbroniana, incl. fo. furcigera (Mihai1973d:29,32).Ceahlău Mountain, Ceahlău, sub P. fabbroniana, Durău Hermitage, sub P. fabroniana fo.furcifera (Papp 1924b:391; Papp 1931a:218; Papp 1934b:66,67; Zanoschi 1970:279; Manoliu & al.1998:337,338); Ceahlău, 1200-1700 m alt., sub P. fabroniana (Mihai 1979b).Nemira Mountains, Nemira Mountain, 900-1000 m alt., sub P. fabbroniana (Barabaş V.1974:30); Ş<strong>and</strong>ru, in common spruce forest, on wet soil, Nemira, in common spruce forest, on wetmarshy soil, 1970-1977, incl. sub fo. furcigera (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1978:115).Bacău County, Slănic, 04.1890, leg. Vlădescu M., sub P. fabbroniana, incl. sub var. undulata(Radian 1915:197; Papp 1931a:217); Ceardac on Slănic, 05.1892, leg. Vlădescu M., sub P. fabbronianavar. lorea (Radian 1915:197; Papp 1931a:217); Ceardac, Şurei Brook, Slănic, Izvorul Negru Brook,Ciungetul Brook, Dobru Brook, Slănic Brook, Sălăria Brook, sub P. fabbroniana incl. var. lorea <strong>and</strong> fo.furcigera (Papp 1957:284); Cleja Mountains, 1025 m alt., sub P. fabbroniana (Papp 1958b:404); ŞureiHill, in forest, near Slănic-Moldova Spa, on the right side <strong>of</strong> Slănic Brook, 500 m alt., sub P. fabbroniana(Papp 1969a:181); Gura Bărzăuţei, on soil, 1966-1967, sub P. fabbroniana (Mihai & Barabaş V.1969:70,77); s - Măgura Hill, north-west to Târgu Ocna, on wet soil, in birch grove, 680 m alt., rare, subP. fabbroniana (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1971:675); Ghioina Forest, Catana, Dosul lui Urzică, Scorboroaia,sub P. fabbroniana (Eftimie 1972:150); Slănic Brook, Slănicel Brook, on wet soil, 2.05-8.11.1971, sub P.fabbroniana (Ştefureac & Barabaş V. 1972:77,82); Codrul Secular Runc-Racova, on soil (Barabaş V.1982a:49).204

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