The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Ecology: humicolous, acidophytic, hydro-hygrophytic, sciophytic; circumpolar; mountain; Hch. In mountain Sphagnumpeatbogs.Distribution in Europe: Is, Fo, No, Dk, Se, Ie, Br, Fr, Ad, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Es, Co, It, Si, Ro, Bg, Lv, Lt, Ka.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Maramureş County, Vlăşchinescu Peatbog, det. Papp C. (Pop E. 1942:108; Ştefureac1976b:1018); the peatbogs from Oaş-Maramureş region (Pop E. 1960:312; Ştefureac 1967b:316,317,Fig.4; Ştefureac 1967d:246,247; Ştefureac 1970d:24,25,39, Fig.2; Ştefureac 1976b:1018; Plămadă1977b:113; Ştefureac 1979b:184; Ştefureac 1979c:59,65; Ştefureac 1986f:196).Suceava County, Tinovul Mare de la Şaru Dornei, 890 m alt. (Papp 1931a:217,219, Fig.6; Pop E.1960:286); Tinovul Mare de la Poiana Stampei (Ştefureac 1965d; Ştefureac 1967b:316,317, Fig.4;Ştefureac 1967d:246,247; Ştefureac 1970d:24,25,39, Fig.2; Plămadă 1977b:113; Ştefureac 1979b:184;Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:485; Ştefureac 1986f:196).Harghita County, Lueta <strong>and</strong> Căpâlniţa peatbogs, sub Jungermannia, incl. Sphagnoecetiscommunis (Baumgarten 1846:221,222; Schur 1866:875; Fuss 1878:655; Hazslinszky 1885:49; Plămadă1977b:113; Ştefureac 1986i:159); Puturosu Mountain, Büdös Peatbog, incl. sub Sphagnoecetis communis(Schur 1866:875; Fuss 1878:655; Hazslinszky 1885:49; Plămadă 1977b:113; Ştefureac 1986f:196;Ştefureac 1986i:159).200Oxymitra incrassata (Brot.) Sérgio et Sim-SimSyn.:– Oxymitra <strong>and</strong>rogyna M. Howe– Oxymitra paleacea Bisch.– Oxymitra pyramidata Huebener– Pycnoscenus pyramidatus Lindb.– Riccia incrassata Brot.– Riccia linkii Lindenb.– Riccia pyramidata Corda– Rupinia pyramidata Corda– Tessellina pyramidata Müll. Frib.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Simonkai 1892.<strong>Romania</strong> (Müller 1954:412; Szweykowski & Mendelak 1969:69, Fig.4); west part <strong>of</strong> <strong>Romania</strong> (Ştefureac 1969a:66).Dobrogea (Müller 1954:412; Papp 1956b:34; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:122).Transylvania (Papp 1956b:34).Ecology: epigaeic, basiphytic, xerophytic, photophytic; circumpolar; submediterranean; Hth.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccatae: FREDistribution in Europe: Fr, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, Pt, Es, Bl, Co, Sa, Sc, Mt, It, Hr, Me, Ro, Bg, Al, Gr, Ct, Ua, Ma, Cn.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Măcin Mountains, at base <strong>of</strong> Ţuţuiatu Mountain, Greci-Măcin granitic region, 8.05.1916, leg.Săvulescu T., sub Tesselina pyramidata (Radian 1920:73-75; Györffy 1926a:54; Györffy K. 1933; Papp1938:300; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:122); Greci, leg. & det. Radian S.Ş., sub Tesselina pyramidata(Vlădescu A. 1939:59; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:122).Tulcea County, Consul Hill, 250 m alt., 10.09.1921, leg. & det. Prodan I., sub Tesselinapyramidata var. paleacea [FRE 126](Borza 1922a:23; Györffy 1926a:54; Györffy K. 1933; Vlădescu A.1939:59; Borza & Nyárády E.I. 1940:12; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:122; Ştefureac 1971b:16);Iacobdeal, Piatra Roşie, sub Tesselina pyramidata (Vlădescu A. 1939:59; Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal1970:122); Cocoş Monastery, 12.11.1957, 23-24.11.1957, leg. Şerbănescu I., det. Ştefureac T. subGrimaldia fragrans, rev. Dihoru G. 1994, sub O. paleacea (Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970:121; DihoruG. 1994a:5-6).Hunedoara County, “Pîrîul Cheia” from Almaşul Mic de Munte, leg. & det. Bunea T., subTesselina pyramidata (Ştefureac 1969b:15).Arad County, near Ineu, sub Tesselina pyramidata (Simonkai 1892:386; Mágócsy-Dietz1892:362; Simonkai 1893:359,360; Degen 1894:172; Györffy 1908d:261; Radian 1920:75; Györffy K.1933; Müller 1954:412).Apuseni Mountains, sub O. paleacea (Ştefureac 1975b:313).Syn.:– Blyttia lyellii (Hook.) Lindeb., Gottsche & Nees– Dilaena lyellii (Hook.) Dumort.Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Carruth.

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