The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Rarău Massif, between Dealul Colbului <strong>and</strong> Pietrele Doamnei, 1520 m alt., 10.09.1948, 27-28.08.1949, 27.08.1950, sub M. flotowiana (Ştefureac 1951a:59-69, Tabs.1,2, Pl.I, Fig.1a-c, Pl.II,Figs.1,2; Ştefureac 1963b:88, Fig.3a-c; Ştefureac 1967b:315,317; Ştefureac 1967c:98; Ştefureac1967d:246; Ştefureac 1970d:24,39, Fig.1; Ştefureac 1973c:135,136,151,158; Plămadă 1977b:113Ştefureac 1986f:196; Dihoru G. 1987a:88); Rarău Peak, sub M. flotowiana (Papp 1969b:188).Bucegi Massif, ♀, ♂ - Sinaia, towards Castelul Peleş, in forest, 960 m alt., 17.07.1897,12.08.1903, 24.04.1914, leg. Radian S.Ş. (Radian 1915:196, Ştefureac 1951a:58; Ştefureac1963b:88,101,102; Ştefureac 1967b:315,317; Ştefureac 1967d:246; Ştefureac 1973c:151; Plămadă1977b:113; Ştefureac 1986f:190,191; Dihoru G. 1987a:88).Alba County, Vârciorog Valley, on rotten wood (Goia 2001:53); Arieşul Mare Basin, on rottenwood (Goia & Schumacker 2002:86,89).†Cluj County, Apahida, Tăul Rotund (Darvastó) Lake, 370 m alt., 15.05.1916, leg. Péterfi M.,25.05.1916, leg. Györffy I. & Péterfi M., det. Péterfi M., sub M. flotowiana [CL 114276, FRE 16](Borza1921a:6; Prodan 1923:53; Györffy 1924b:39; Prodan 1931:52,225, Pl.II; Prodan 1939:202; Borza &Nyárády E.I. 1940:11; Nyárády E.I. 1941:5; Ştefureac 1951a:58; Müller 1954:526; Boros 1958:7;Ştefureac 1963b:88; Ştefureac 1967b:315,318; Ştefureac 1967d:246; Ştefureac 1971b:16; Ştefureac1973c:151; Ştefureac 1976a:318; Plămadă 1977b:113; Dihoru G. 1987a:88). Obs. <strong>The</strong> species was notrecovered by Ştefureac T., Pop E. & Ţopa E. in June 1950, because the lake has been drained (Ştefureac1951a:58; Plămadă 1977b:113; Ştefureac 1986f:189,196; Dihoru G. 1987a:88).Retezat Mountains, towards Tăul Judele, sub M. flotowiana (Páll 1964a:108); Obs. Unconfirmedby Ştefureac T. or Plămadă E. (Ştefureac 1973c:151; Plămadă 1977b:113).Mylia anomala (Hook.) GraySyn.:– Jungermannia anomala Hook.– Jungermannia anomala var. vagans Hartm.– Jungermannia taylorii var. anomalus (Hook.) Nees– Leioscyphus anomalus (Hook.) Steph.– Leptoscyphus anomalus (Hook.) Lindb.– Leptoscyphus anomalus var. subremotus Schiffn.– Leptoscyphus anomalus var. turfosus Schiffn.– Mylia anomala var. laxa (Nees) Jørg.– Mylia anomala var. subremota (Schiffn.) Jørg.– Mylia anomala var. turfosa (Schiffn.) Jørg.– Mylia anomala var. vagans (Hartm.) Kaal.– Mylia taylorii var. anomala (Hook.) BernetFirst citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Péterfi M. 1908.Moldova, sub Leptoschyphus (Papp 1943:659).Muntenia (Mohan 1988b:105).Ecology: epigaeic, truficolous, humicolous, highly acidophytic, hygrophytic, sciophytic; circumpolar; mountain-suboceanic;Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccate: BUCADistribution in Europe: Fo, No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Ad, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Es, It, Si, Ba, Ro, Bg, Ee, Lv, Lt, By,Ua, Rn, Rw, Rc, Re.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:? - Ţibleş Mountains, Mesteacănul Valley, „La Borcut”, small peatbog, 1650 m alt., 1984-1985(Mohan 1988a:20).Suceava County, Poiana Stampei, 17.05.1910, sub Aplozia (Lilienfeldówna 1911:732); TinovulMare (Papp 1931a:217-219, Figs.1-5); Tinovul Mare de la Şaru Dornei, 890 m alt., sub Leptoscyphus(Pop E. 1960:286); Valea Stânii Peatbog, between Fundul-Moldovei <strong>and</strong> Cârlibaba, peatbog, 1100 m alt.(Diaconeasa & Ştefureac 1971a:381); Cristişor-Neagra Broştenilor, Borcut Meadow, in peatbogs, ass.Campylopo-Dicranielletum cerviculatae Herzog 1943 (Lungu 1973b:70,72; Lungu 1974:74, Tabs.1,2;Lungu 1976:235, Tab.1; Lungu 1981c:93,95; Ştefureac 1986f:193); Neagra Broştenilor Meadow atCristişor, in peatbogs, ass. Eriophoro-Sphagnetum recurvi Hueck 1925, ass. Sphagnetum medii Kästn.,Flossn. & Uhl. 1933, ass. Sphagnetum acutifolii Puşcariu & al. 1956, ass. Sphagnetum fusci Luqu. 1926(Lungu 1977:232,234, Tab.1).192

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