The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Alba County, Valea Lungă, 10.02.1868 leg. & det. Barth J., sub var. prolifera [SIB HF1498](Drăgulescu 1983:57).Cluj County, Feneşul Săsec, leg. Borza A., det. Papp C., sub fo. pinnata (Papp 1944a:98; Boros1958:7); Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden, Ţiganilor Brook, on common spruce, sub var. pinnata (Plămadă1963:179; Plămadă 1969:170; Ştefureac 1982c:197, Tab.2); Hoia Forest, north-west to Cluj, on soil <strong>and</strong>bark, 1961-1963, sub var. pinnata (Plămadă 1966:60); Cluj, on bark, 1961-1966, sub var. pinnata(Plămadă 1967:470); Mera Forest Basin, on soil, bark <strong>and</strong> rotten woods, 1963-1965 (Plămadă 1968:24).190Metzgeria violacea (Ach.) Dumort.Syn.:– Jungermannia fruticulosa (Dicks.) Sm.– Jungermannia furcata var. aeruginosa Hook.– Jungermannia furcata var. violacea (Ach.) Nees– Jungermannia violacea Ach.– Metzgeria fruticulosa (Dicks.) A. Evans– Metzgeria furcata var. aeruginosa (Hook.) Gottsche et al.– Metzgeria furcata var. fruticulosa (Dicks.) Lindb.– Riccia fruticulosa Dicks.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Boros & Vajda 1967.Ecology: corticolous, epilithic, mesoacidophytic, mesophytic, sciophytic; circumpolar; suboceanic; Hth.Distribution in Europe: Fo, No, Dk, Se, Ie, Br, Fr, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, Es, It, Si, Me, Ro, Lt, Ua, Ma.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Cindrel Mountains, Păltiniş, 1200-1300 m alt., leg. & det. Boros Á., sub M. fruticulosa (Boros &Vajda 1967:217; Gündisch 1977:46; Ştefureac 1986f:192; Drăgulescu 2003:8); Păltiniş, 1250 m alt., leg.Boros Á., sub M. fruticulosa (Gündisch 1977:46; Drăgulescu 2003:8; Goia & Ştefănuţ 2004a:33-35, Fig.1).Bihor Mountains, Cobleş Valley, Arieşeni, on willow bark, sub M. fruticulosa (Goia 2001:49-51,Figs.6,7; Goia & Ştefănuţ 2004a:33-35, Fig.1; Sass-Gyarmati, Goia & Pócs 2008:121); Cobleş Valley,1060 m alt., 11.08.1996, ass. Anomodonto viticulosi-Leucodontetum sciuroides Wisn. 1930, CobleşValley close to spring, 860 m alt., ass. Brachythecio salebrosi-Drepanocladetum uncinati Marst. 1989,sub M. fruticulosa (Goia & Schumacker 2004:110,111, Tabs.3,4). Galbena’s Gorges, gorge below thebridge, on shady limestone rocks <strong>and</strong> on decaying wood near the river, 46°33'11"N / 22°40'20"E, 700 malt., 8.09.2006, leg. Goia I. & Pócs T. (Sass-Gyarmati, Goia & Pócs 2008:121); Gârda Seacă Valley, ontwigs <strong>of</strong> Viburnum lantana along a creek <strong>of</strong> Izbuc Coteţul Dobreştilor, NW <strong>of</strong> Dobreşti village, in shadybush, 46°28'41"N / 22°48'32"E, 763 m alt., 13.06.2006, leg. Sass-Gyarmati A. (Sass-Gyarmati, Goia &Pócs 2008:121); Ordâncuşa’s Gorges, NE <strong>of</strong> Gârda, at several points <strong>of</strong> this deep gorge, along the trail tothe entrance <strong>of</strong> Poarta lui Ionele Cave near a creek, in Piceo-Fagetum, on Picea <strong>and</strong> on Acerpseudoplatanus twigs <strong>and</strong> bark, 46°27'59"N / 22°50'18"E, 770 m alt., 27.06.2006, leg. Sass-Gyarmati A.,at the narrowest part <strong>of</strong> the Gorge, on Salix caprea twigs along streamlet, 830-840 m alt., 20.04.2007, leg.Pócs S. & T., in the upper part <strong>of</strong> the Gorge, on twigs <strong>of</strong> different shrubs in streamside Alnetum incanae<strong>and</strong> Petasitetum st<strong>and</strong>s, 46°28'41-43"N / 22°50'51"E, 860-870 m alt., 27.06.2006, leg. Sass-Gyarmati A.(Sass-Gyarmati, Goia & Pócs 2008:121,122).Pădurea Craiului Mountains, Topliţa Valley, East <strong>of</strong> Vida Lake <strong>and</strong> Luncasprie Village, instreamside Fagetum-Carpinetum, small paches on bark <strong>of</strong> Carpinus betulus, 250 m alt., 2006, leg. PócsT. & R. Rico, det. Pócs T., sub M. temperata, rev. Pócs T. 2007 (Pócs 2006:9,11,14-16,24, Figs.6-8; Sass-Gyarmati, Goia & Pócs 2007:13; Sass-Gyarmati, Goia & Pócs 2008:121,122).Metzgeria sp.Rarău Mountain, Codrul Secular Slătioara (Ştefureac 1941:1177,1265).Cluj County, Finişel, leg. Péterfi M. (Györffy 1924b:38).Syn.:– Blyttia moerkii Nees– Calycularia blyttii (Moerch) Steph.– Cordaea blyttii (Moerch) Corda– Diplomitrium blyttii (Moerch) Nees– Jungermannia blyttii Moerch– Moerckia norvegica Gottsche– Pallavicinia blyttii (Moerch) Lindb.Moerckia blyttii (Moerch) Brockm.

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