The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Zar<strong>and</strong> Mountains, Milova Valley, in beech forest <strong>and</strong> oak grove, Jernova Valley (Csűrös M.1978:77; Ardelean 2006:109, Fig.26).Codru-Moma Mountains, Monesei Valley, Lungă Valley, Crişul Văratecului Valley, BrihenilorValley, on wet soil (Mohan 1996:50; Ardelean 2006:109, Fig.26).Cluj County, Dobrin Mountain (Péterfi M. 1918:61); Cluj, leg. & det. Péterfi M. (Györffy1924b:38); ♀, ♂ - Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden, 350 m alt., 18.06.1915, leg. & det. Péterfi M. [FRE705b] (Borza 1935:64; Boros 1958:5,7; Borza & Nyárády E.I. 1940:11); Turda’s Gorges, on wet soil, onstone, 400-450 m alt., 07.1929 (Papp 1946a:13); ♀ - Cluj-Napoca, on walls, 26.06.1946, leg. & det.Morariu I. [PHHM 6207327, 6207335, 6207336]; Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden (Györffy1947a:173,175,178-180; Boros 1958:5,7); Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden (Boros 1958:5,7; Plămadă1963:179,189; Plămadă 1969:170; Ştefureac 1982c:197,200, Tab.2); the peatbogs from spring <strong>and</strong> uppercourse <strong>of</strong> Someşul Rece, incl. Muntele Mare <strong>and</strong> Dobrin (Pop E. 1960:397); the peatbog from the left side<strong>of</strong> Izbuc (Pop E. 1960:375); the peatbogs <strong>and</strong> marshes from upper course <strong>of</strong> Someşul Cald <strong>and</strong> Bălăceşti-Călăţele zone (Pop E. 1960:385); Puşcaşului Valley <strong>and</strong> in Mera Forest, on wet soil, 1963-1965 (Plămadă1968:24); Cluj, Someşul Valley at Gat, Petöfi A. France Street (Plămadă 1969:170); Someşul Cald Valley(Boros & Vajda 1974:8); Turzii Gorges (Plămadă & Goia 1994:87); Valea Popii (Goia 2002:115, Tab.1).Bihor County, Vadu Crişului Cave (Boros 1942e:154); Crişul Repede Defile, near waterfall, onsoil (Viehmann, Pleşa & Rusu 1964; Boşcaiu & Gergely 1966:103); Mădăraş, Marţihaz, Tulca, infountains, det. Ştefureac T. (Pop I. 1968:69); Ponor Hill, 450-590 m alt., 11.05.1967, ass. Chrysosplenio-Cardaminetum amarae (Tx. 1937) Mass 1959 (Coldea 1978:127, Tab.1; S<strong>and</strong>a & Popescu A. 1991a:42,Tab.1); Iadului Valley, Stâna de Vale, peatbogs, associations with Eriophorum <strong>and</strong> Sphagnum (Raţiu O.& al. 1982:9); Lacul Vărgat, at 4 km south-east to Săcueni, floating reed islet, 145 m alt., 05-09.1980,det. Dihoru G., ass. Carici-Menyanthetum Soó (1938) 1955, ass. <strong>The</strong>lypteridi-Alnetum Klika 1940, ass.Calamagrosti-Salicetum cinerae Soó & Zólyomi 1955, ass. Salici cinerae-Sphagnetum recurvi (Zólyomi1931) Soó 1954 (Karácsonyi 1982:30,33,35, Tabs.1,2); Someşul Cald Gorges, on soil <strong>and</strong> rocks (Goia &Mătase 2001:16).Pădurea Craiului Mountains, Ieduţului Valley, ass. Carici stellulatae-Sphagnetum (recurvipalustris)(Soó 1934) Soó 1954 (Raţiu O. & Boşcaiu 1967:37).Bihor Mountains, Izbucul Ponorului, in wet places, 2-9.07.1961 (Páll 1963a:8); Sighiştel Valley,ass. Carpino-Fagetum Paucă 1941 (Pop I. & Hodişan I. 1969:36); Ponor’s Spring, 1000 m alt., 08.1999(Jakab 2000a:93; Jakab 2000b:67).Satu Mare County, † - Ecedea marsh, near Berveni, 1859, leg. & det. Pokorny A. (Pokorny1860:286; Pop E. 1957b:174; Pop E. 1960:144).subsp. montivagans Bischl. et BoisselierSyn.:– Marchantia alpestris (Nees) Burgeff– Marchantia polymorpha var. alpestris NeesFirst citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Schur 1852.Ecology: epigaeic, meso-hygrophytic, euryion, photo-sciophytic; subalpine-alpine, circumpolar, Hth.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccate: BUCA, SIBDistribution in Europe: Sj, Is, Fo, No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Ad, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Es, It, Si, Hr, Sb, Me, Ro, Bg, Gr, Ee,Ua, Nz, Fl, Rn, Re, Ma, Cn.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Postăvaru Mountain, 4.07.1880, leg. & det. Fuss M., sub M. alpestris [SIB HF 1487] (Drăgulescu1983:56), sub var. alpestris (Schiffner 1914:303).Bucegi Massif, Bucegi, leg. & det. Fuss M., sub var. alpestris (Fuss 1878:651); Bucşoiu, sub var.alpestris (Degen 1914:216); Babele Mountain, 45°24'42"N / 25°28'37"E,. 2170 m alt, 7.09.2006, leg. &det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3500]; Babele Mountain, PH, 45°24'49"N / 25°28'43"E, 2220 m alt., 7.09.2006,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3561]; ♀ - Caraiman Mountain, PH, 45°24'56"N / 25°29'02"E, 2330 malt., 20.07.2007, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3913]; Babele Valley, PH, 45°24'43"N / 25°28'44"E,2150 m alt., 14.07.2008, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3912].Făgăraş Mountains, Arpaş Mountain, 1849-1850, leg. & det. Schur F., sub var. alpestris [SIBHK](Schur 1852:92; Heufler 1853:64,65; Schur 1866:873; Fuss 1878:651; Ştefureac 1949a:287,288;Drăgulescu 2003:7); ♀, ♂ - Arpaş Valley, common spruce forest, sub var. alpestris (Heufler 1853:52-53;175

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