The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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2003:7); Măgura Cisnădiei [SIB HL](Drăgulescu 2003:7); Dobârca at the waterfall [SIB](Drăgulescu2003:7); Sadu (Drăgulescu 1995; Drăgulescu 2003:7); Sibiu [SIB](Drăgulescu 2003:7).Cindrel Mountains, Crinţ, 1100 m alt., Păltiniş 1400 m alt., Cânaia 1700 m alt. (Gündisch1977:45; Drăgulescu 2003:7).Sebeşului Mountains, Sebeş Valley, towards Ciban, in common spruce forest, 19.09.1950, OaşaMare, on wet soil, in fountain (Borza 1959:68,252, Tab.14; Drăgulescu 2003:7).Căpăţânei Mountains, Lotru Valley, Bucureasa, Malaia, 9-15.09.1952 (Ştefureac, Popescu &Lungu 1955:526).Parâng Mountains, “Munţii Vâlcei şi ai Gorjului”, 1864, leg. & det. H<strong>of</strong>fmann U. (Kanitz1881:146; Brândză 1883: LXVI; Radian 1901a:134,139; Radian 1915:194).Şureanu Mountain, Râului Mare Valley (Greguss 1930:7).Hunedoara County, Hunedoara (Peicea 1973:437,438, 442,446, Tabs.1,3).Retezat Mountains, Bucura Glacial Ring, 2000 m alt., Zănoguţa Glacial Ring, 1900-2000 m alt.,ass. Aconitetum taurici retezatense (Borza 1934:30,64, Tab.4); Zlătuia Valley, Râul Mare Valley, wet <strong>and</strong>shady places (Páll 1962a:121); Dobrun Brook Valley, Radeşul Mare Valley, Piule (Páll 1964a:108);Judele Galcial Ring, in peatbogs, on peat, 2050 m alt. (Plămadă 1973b:102); Turcului Valley, 10.09.1969,ass. Pogonatetum urnigeri Krusenstjerna 1945 retezaticum Plămadă 1978 (Plămadă 1978:243, Tab.3;Plămadă 1993:54, Tab.3); Albele Mountain, 1800 m alt., 24.06.1971 (Schneider-Binder 1980a:139,140);♀ - Râuşor, 1050 m alt., 5.06.2003, leg. Paucă Mihaela, det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3095]; ♂ - Râul MareValley, 860 m alt., 23.05.2006, leg. Avramescu C., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3536].Ţarcu Mountains, Muntele Mic, 1000-1800 m alt., 03.-08.1943, leg. Boşcaiu N. (Ştefureac1948a:219).Gorj County, Polovraci Monastery, 17.06.1887, leg. Brândză D. (Radian 1915:194); OlanuMountain <strong>and</strong> on Sucevele from Gura Olanului, 7,8.08.1899 (Radian 1915:194).Mehedinţi County, Slătinicul Mare Brook spring, between Gura Văii <strong>and</strong> Vârciorova, 27.06.1945,Jidostiţei Valley, between Gura Văii <strong>and</strong> Schela Cladovei, 28.06.1945, „Apa verde”, Coşuşta affluent,Godeanu Village, 7.07.1945 (Ştefureac 1947a:138,148); †, s - Ada-Kaleh Isle, in wet <strong>and</strong> shady places(Ştefureac & Mihai 1968a:298,303); Eşelniţa Valley near village, on bank <strong>of</strong> brook<strong>and</strong> in forest, on leftside <strong>of</strong> the valley, on soil, in wet <strong>and</strong> shady places, ass. Salicetum purpurae (Plămadă 1970b:203,205);Danube Defile, between Orşova <strong>and</strong> Cerna Valley, in forest, along vales, in wet places, on soil, 1966-1968 (Plămadă 1970c:393); Eşelniţa Valley, between Berzasca <strong>and</strong> Sviniţa, on wet soil, Cazanele Mari <strong>of</strong>Danube, on wet s<strong>and</strong>y soil, 1966 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1970:500).Caraş-Severin County, Secăşeni, 1964, leg. Ionescu E. (Ştefureac 1970h:478, Tab.3); GăuriiBrook Valley, Valea Mare Reserve-Moldova Nouă (Plămadă 1990:75); Ţesnei Gorges, 2.05.1999, leg.Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2569, B2570].Semenic Mountain, Semenic, 25.07.1943, leg. Pop E. & Ciobanu I. (Ştefureac 1948a:219,221,222); in peatbogs (Pop E. 1960:363).Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Rusca Montană (Pančić 1861:94); Luncani (Simonkai 1872:66; Fuss1878:651).Arad County, near Arad in Park <strong>and</strong> in fountains in vecinity, along Şoimoş Valley, aboveNădălbeştilor, Ocoli Springs, Dezna Veche Valley, along Moneasa Brook Valley (Simonkai 1893:360).Mureş County, Sighişoara, sub var. minor (Schur 1866:873; Fuss 1878:651); Sighişoara (Höhr1914:85,86); Deda Commune, in hay-fields, ass. Caricetum gracilis (Graebn. et Hueck) Tx. 1937(Diaconeasa & Şuteu 1980:58).Alba County, Piatra Ceţii, Trascău Mountains, 3.07.1868 (Barth 1868:141); Mihalţ, Galda de Sus,leg. & det. Barth J. (Fuss 1878:651); above Avram Iancu Village toward Tomnatec, on wet soil <strong>and</strong> infountain (Simonkai 1893:360); Mihalţ, in forest, wet places, leg. & det. Fuss M. (Borza & Lupşa1964:150); Găina Mountain, 1300 m alt., sub fo. angustifrons (Péterfi M. 1908:268; Péterfi M. 1909:97);Alba (Papp 1945a:167); Ordencuşa Valley, Poarta lui Ionele, on soil (Papp 1942a:51); Colţii Trascăului(Páll 1960b:90); Întregalde Gorges, near Întregalde Brook, 06.1960 (Páll 1964b:25); Blaj, leg. & det.Barth J. [SIB HF 1493] (Drăgulescu 1983:56); Trascău Depresion, Colţeşti, Rimetea, on peaty soil, 5.4-7.0 pH, ass. Caricetum rostratae Rübel 1912 (Gergely 1966:60, Tab.2); Trascău Depresion, ColţeştiVillage, peatbog (Diaconeasa, Buz & Crişan-Mitroescu 1985:77); Cheia Valley, 700 m alt., 31.07.1994,ass. Pellio-Cratoneuretum filicini v.Dunk 1972 (Goia 1998:249, Tab.1).174

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