The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Bârgău Mountains, Străja Valley, Poiana Ilvei, Lunca Ilvei, Secu Brook, Măgura Calului, TureacBrook, Leşu Commune, Iliuţa Bozghi Brook, Cârţibavu Mare Valley, 1983-1984 (Mohan & Hodoroga1986:210).Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Orheiul Bistriţei, Budacul de Sus, 1980-1981 (Mohan & Hodoroga1983:51).Căliman Mountains, upper side <strong>of</strong> Dorna Valley, near the forest hut (Mihai 1968a:204); belowAriniş Peak, at Şoimu, downstream, 800 m alt., 12.09.1959, ass. Symphyto (cordato)-Fagetum Vida(1959) 1963 (Raţiu O. 1970:200, Tab.3).Stânişoara Mountains, the edge <strong>of</strong> Ostra Brook at Ostra, Stânişoarei Culm <strong>and</strong> Pietrelor BrookValley at Tarniţa, 1974 (Pascal & Toma M. 1977:42).Iaşi County, Repedea, 1874-1875, leg. & det. Brândză D. (Brândză 1876a; Brândză 1876b; Kanitz1881:146; Radian 1901a:137; Radian 1915:194; Ştefureac & al. 1973:140); Iaşi University, in garden,30.04.1890, 3.07.1890, leg. Vlădescu M. (Radian 1915:194; Ştefureac 1982c:196); Repedea-BârnovaForest Massif, on soil (Papp 1924a:101; Papp 1929:555-557,560; Papp 1935a:431; Papp 1939a:354,355;Papp & Eftimie 1963:108,110), 1975-1976, ass. Bracythecio (rutabuli)-Fissidentetum minutuli Mihai1977 (Mihai 1977a:138); Repedea-Bârnova Forest Massif, on wet soil, along the brook vales, ass.Eurhynchietum swartzii Waldheim 1944 (Mihai 1978:127,128, Tab.1).Vaslui County, Târzii, in fountains, on stones, Buneşti in Hrusca Strâmbă Forest, on wet soil,1966-1969 (Plămadă & Viţalariu 1971:165).Ceahlău Mountain, Măcărescu, Ceahlău (Papp 1924a:101; Papp 1924b:391; Papp 1934b:66,67;Zanoschi 1970:279; Manoliu & al. 1998:337); Ceahlău, 650-1700 m alt. (Mihai 1979b).Neamţ County, Sihla, leg. & det. Grecescu D. (Grecescu 1880:65; Radian 1901a:136,138,139;Radian 1915:194); Agapia, 21,25.08.1914, leg. Săvulescu T. (Radian 1915:195); Tarcău, Tâmpeşti <strong>and</strong>Poieni Forests (Papp 1924a:101); Peste Recea <strong>and</strong> Poarta Poienilor Hills, in forests (Papp1947b:185,186,190); Cernegura Mountain, Sterghinosu Brook Valley, 400-550 m alt., 08.1959 (Lungu1963a:242,244).Giurgeu Mountains, Bicaz Gorges, 1957-1960 (Papp & al. 1962:147).Giurgeu Depression, (Lungu & Raţiu F. 1975:49, Tab.1); Voşlăbeni, După Luncă Peatbog, ass.Caricetum paniculatae Wangerin 1916) (Raţiu F. 1971: 287, Tab.9); Delniţe Peatbog, ass. Caricetumrostratae Rübel 1912 (Raţiu F. 1971: 290, Tab.10); without locality, ass. Caricetum fuscae (Br.-Bl. 1915s.l.) W. Koch 1928 (Raţiu F. 1972: 171, Tab.2).Harghita Mountains, Asău Valley, 1000-1100 m alt., Groapa Mare, 1300 m alt., 16.08.2001,22.10.2000, Pietros Valley, 900 m alt., 28.08.2001, Borsáros, 650 m alt., 6.04.2001, Ulieşul Mic, 1150 malt., 17.04.2001, leg. Bálint L. & Csízi K. (Bálint & Orbán 2002:38; Bálint & Orbán 2003:14; Bálint &Orbán 2006:469).Hăşmaş Mountains, Hăşmaş (Schiffner 1914:303).Harghita County, Tuşnad Spa (Schur 1859:115; Fuss 1878:651); Cetatea Făgetului Mountain nearBălan (Matouschek 1903b:160); Bălan, on Olt Valley (Degen 1930:975); the peatbogs from the edges <strong>of</strong>“Nagyvész” <strong>and</strong> “Aszó” vales, 650 m alt. (Pop E.1960:162); Valea Mijlocie peatbog („Középpatak”),637 m alt. (Pop E.1960:167); the peatbogs from Gheorgheni Basin (Pop E.1960:180); PârâulDobreanului, det. Ştefureac T. (Pop E. 1958:33; Pop E. 1959:223; Pop E.1960:200,201); PârâulDobreanului Peatbog, 05-06.1966, leg. Trică Valeria, det. Lungu Lucia (Trică 1971:233); PârâulDobreanului Peatbog, det. Plămadă E., ass. Caricetum fuscae (Pop I., Hodişan I. & Raţiu O. 1982:168,Tab.2); the peatbogs from Trei Scaune Basin (Pop E.1960:209); the peatbogs from Vlăhiţa-Lueta (PopE.1960:236); Dumbrava Harghitei Peatbog (Pop E.1960:238); Dumbrava Harghitei Peatbog, 789 m alt.,24.06.1976, ass. Caricetum di<strong>and</strong>rae (Jon. 1932) Oberd. 1957 (Coldea, Plămadă & Bartók 1977:71,Tab.1); Luci Reserve <strong>and</strong> in common spruce forest, around the Reserve (Mititelu & Elekes E.S.1984:124,126); Lacul Roşu (Dobrescu & Ghenciu 1974:33); Târnava Mare Valley, between springs <strong>and</strong>Odorhei, in wet places, 1958-1962 (Páll 1963b:16); Voşlăbeni Peatbog, 770 m alt., 27.06.1968, ass.Caricetum fuscae (Coldea & Plămadă 1970a:110, Tab.3); Vrabia (Nagy Csömő) Peatbog, 24.06.1978,Sînsimion (Honcsok) Peatbog, 24.06.1977 (Raţiu F. & Gergely 1981:79, Tab.8); Tuşnadul Nou(Varsavész) Peatbog, 25.06.1976 (Raţiu F. & Gergely 1981:81, Tab.9).Gurghiu Mountains, Dealu, Mlaştina fără fund, 700 m alt., 26.06.1976, ass. Caricetum di<strong>and</strong>rae(Coldea, Plămadă & Bartók 1977:71, Tab.1).171

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