The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Dealul Colbului <strong>and</strong> Pietrele Doamnei, 1520 m alt., 27-28.08.1949, 27.08.1950 (Ştefureac 1951a:60,65);Plaiul Todirescu-Slătioara Reserve, incl. sub L. cuspidata (Ştefureac & Raclaru 1978:196).Giumalău Mountain, Giumalău Secular Forest, 47°26'12"N / 25°29'20"E, 1210 m alt., 1.09.2008,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3935].Stânişoara Mountains, Stânişoarei Culm <strong>and</strong> Ostra Brook Valley below Puzdrele, on wet soil,1974 (Pascal & Toma M. 1977:42).Iaşi County, Repedea-Bârnova Forest Massif, on rotten woods (Papp 1924a:101; Papp1929:555,558; Papp & Eftimie 1963:108); Repedea <strong>and</strong> Bârnova forests (Papp 1939a:353).Bistriţa-Năsăud County, Măgheruş Valley, Hederiş Hill, around the springs, Querco-Fagetea, subL. cuspidata (Ştefureac & Cristurean 1973:315).Vaslui County, Stroieşti Forest, on soil, 1966-1969 (Plămadă & Viţalariu 1971:166).Ceahlău Mountain, Ceahlău, incl. sub L. cuspidata (Papp 1927b:149; Papp 1934b:66,68,72; Papp1942b:525; Zanoschi 1970:280; Manoliu & al. 1998:336).Neamţ County, Poieni Forest (Papp 1924a:101; Papp 1947a:159); Peste Recea, Muncelaşu <strong>and</strong>Poarta Poienilor Hills, in forests (Papp 1947b:182,188,190); Măgura Pietricica, on wet soil (Papp1937d:235,238,240); Neamţ Monastery, on clayey soil <strong>and</strong> humus, 07-08.1921,1923, leg. Brândză M.,det. Ştefureac T., incl. sub L. cuspidata (Ştefureac 1942a:4).Giurgeu Mountains, Bicaz Gorges, 1957-1960 (Papp & al. 1962:144); Bicaz Gorges, 1978, 1979,ass. Tortello-Ctenidietum (Gams 1927) Stodiek 1937 (Mihai 1981a:18, Tab.5).Harghita County, Vlăhiţa (Olohfalu), 20.08.1901 (Barth 1905:13).Harghita Mountains, Rotund Mountain, 1100 m alt., 28.08.2001, leg. Bálint L. & Csízi K., subChiloscyphus coadunatus (Bálint & Orbán 2003:14; Bálint & Orbán 2006:468).Nemira Mountains, Nemira, on siliceous rocks (Barabaş V. 1974:31); Nemira, near upside lakes,on clayey soil, 1970-1977 (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1978:115); Nemira Peak, Ş<strong>and</strong>ru Mountain, 1400-1500 malt. (Barabaş V. 1982b:56, Tab.3).Bacău County, Colina Măgura, 514 m alt. (Papp 1957:285; Papp 1958b:388); s - Măgura Hill,north-west to Târgu Ocna, the edge <strong>of</strong> brooks <strong>and</strong> cuted forest, on soil, 680 m alt., frequent (Mihai &Barabaş V. 1971:676,682); the forest way from Înţărcătoare towards Zboina Verde, Fundu Caşin, GuraDobrilor, on rotten fir wood <strong>and</strong> rocks (Eftimie 1972:151); Slănic Brook, on fir tree stump, 2.05-8.11.1971 (Ştefureac & Barabaş V. 1972:77,82).Ciucaş Mountains, Zăgan Mountain, Chiruşca Mountain, Fugarul Brook Valley, Berii BrookValley, Stâncoasă Culm, sub L. cuspidata, Berii Brook Valley, Roşu Brook Valley, Piscul Caprei,Căzăturii Culm, Piscul Gropşoarele, Piatra Laptelui Culm (Mohan 1990b:43).Braşov County, Cetăţii (Lempeş) Hill, in glades, on soil, 05.1961, sub L. cuspidata (Mihai1962:278).Piatra Mare Mountain, Tamina Waterfall, 45°32'58"N / 25°38'33"E, 6.09.1997, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2453].Gârbova Massif, Azuga Valley, Tufa Valley, on humus, 1967-1970 (Lungu & Ştefureac 1970:5).Prahova County, D<strong>of</strong>tana Valley [PHHM 7743/3873](Mohan 1971a:8; Mohan 1971b:47);D<strong>of</strong>tana Valley between Trăistieni <strong>and</strong> Tesila, 850 m alt. (Mohan 1981:99; Mohan 1990a:24); D<strong>of</strong>tanaValley, in mixed Quercus petraea with Fagus sylvatica forest, 45°10'01,6"N / 25°45'09,2"E, 27.04.2006,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3427] (Vasiliu-Oromulu 2008:87).Piatra Craiului Mountains, the way towards Vlăduşca Pasture, BV, 1100 m alt., 30.10.2001, leg.Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2834] (Dihoru G. & al. 2003:69; Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:77);Crăpătura Pietrei Craiului, BV, 45°33'30"N / 25°15'44"E, 1300 m alt., 22.08.2003, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B2696, B2714] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:77); towards Padinile Frumoase, BV, 1700 m alt.,7.08.2004, leg. Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3002] (Ştefănuţ & Pop O.G. 2006:77); Marele Grohotiş,AG, 45°30'36"N / 25°11'45"E, 1650 m alt., 24.07.2002, leg. Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3068],45°30'36"N / 25°11'38"E, 1550 m alt., 8.07.2003, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2646] (Ştefănuţ & PopO.G. 2006:77).Dâmboviţa County, Corbii Mari, 6.05.1998, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3377].Făgăraş Depression, ♀ - Lacul Tătarilor Peatbog, SB, 45°42'56"N / 24°29'07"E, 540 m alt.,8.10.2003, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3085] (Ştefănuţ 2004f:74); Lacul Tătarilor Peatbog, SB,45°42'56"N / 24°29'07"E, 540 m alt., 20.11.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3591].148

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