The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Galbena Valley, Arieşul Mare upstream to Arieşeni, Iarba Rea Valley, Gârda Seacă – upstream Casa dePiatră, Gogii Brook – Cobleş, Cobleş Valley, Scărişoara Cave – aven, Mătişeşti, Horea, Divaia Valley, onrotten wood (Goia 2001:76); Arieşul Mare Basin, on rotten wood (Goia & Schumacker 2002:87); ArieşulMic Valley down from the mine, 20.08.1994, ass. Orthodicrano montani-Hypnetum filiformis, ArieşulMic Valley up from the mine, 20.08.1994, ass. Dicrano scoparii-Hypnetum filiformis (Goia &Schumacker 2003:64, Tab.5); between Mătişeşti <strong>and</strong> Şaua Ursoaia, 730 m alt., ass. Orthodicranomontani-Hypnetum filiformis (Goia & Schumacker 2004:111, Tab.4); Detunata Mountains, 1055-1100 malt., det. Sass-Gyarmati A. (Sass-Gyarmati, Pócs & Orbán 2005:127).Cluj County, Dobrin Mountain (Péterfi M. 1918:61); Sălicea, leg. & det. Péterfi M. (Boros1958:4,8); the peatbogs from spring <strong>and</strong> upper course <strong>of</strong> Someşul Rece, incl. Muntele Mare <strong>and</strong> Dobrin(Pop E. 1960:397).Bihor Mountains, without locality, 300-900 m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:276; Goia 2001:76); GalbenaValley, 750 m alt., 08.1999 (Jakab 2000b:66); Someşul Cald Gorges, 4.08.1998 (Coldea & Wagner1999:85, Tab.1); Someşul Cald Gorges (Goia & Mătase 2001:17); Cetăţile Ponorului, AB, 46°33'55"N /22°42'15"E, 1050 m alt., 3.09.2007, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3838, B3852], ♀ - [BUCA B3862].Lophocolea bidentata (L.) Dumort. var. bidentataSyn.:– Chiloscyphus coadunatus (Sw.) J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust.– Chiloscyphus cuspidatus (Nees) J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust.– Chiloscyphus latifolius (Nees) J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust.– Jungermannia bidentata L.– Jungermannia coadunata Sw.– Lophocolea alata (Gottsche et al.) Mitt. ex Larter– Lophocolea bidentata var. ciliata Velen.– Lophocolea bidentata var. cuspidata (Nees) Gottsche et al.– Lophocolea coadunata (Sw.) Montin– Lophocolea cuspidata (Nees) Limpr.– Lophocolea cuspidata (Nees) Limpr. var. banatica Ştefur.First citation for <strong>Romania</strong>: Baumgarten 1846.Moldova, incl. sub L. cuspidata (Papp 1943:660; Ştefureac & al. 1973:144).Muntenia, incl. sub L. cuspidata (Mohan 1988b:108).Transylvania (Pax 1908:129).Ecology: epigaeic, saprolignicolous, acidophytic, meso-hygrophytic, sciophytic; circumpolar; mountain; Hch.Herbaria <strong>and</strong> Exsiccate: BUCA, PHHM, SIB, BRHEDistribution in Europe: Is, Fo, No, Dk, Se, Fi, Ie, Br, Fr, Nl, Be, De, Po, Ch, At, Cz, Sk, Hu, Pt, Es, Bl, Co, Sa, Sc, It, Si, Hr,Se, Me, Ba, Ro, Bg, Al, Gr, Ee, Lv, Lt, By, Ua, Cm, Rn, Rw, Rc, Re, Az, Ma, Cn.Distribution in <strong>Romania</strong>:Maramureş Mountains, Cornedei Peak - Prislop, 1550-1590 m alt., 19-20.06.1975, ass.Rhododendro kotschyi-Pinetum mugi (Borza 1959) em. Coldea 1985 subass. sphagnetosum nemoreiPlămadă & Coldea 1985 (Plămadă & Coldea 1985a:120,121, Tab.1); between Tocila Valley <strong>and</strong> Băiuţ,common spruce forest, 600 m alt., 21-23.08.1998 (Jakab 1999:55).Rodna Mountains, Lala Valley, 1200 m alt., 17.08.1937 (Ştefureac 1938:241,250,258).Ţibleş Mountains, Izvorul Ţibleşului, Ţibleş Valley, Mesteacănul Valley, 1984-1985, sub L.cuspidata (Mohan 1988a:20).Suceava County, Argestrul, 16.05.1910 (Lilienfeldówna 1911:734,735); Seriune Hill, northernslope, Ştirbu Brook Valley, sub L. cuspidata (Raclaru & Barbu 1959: Tab.6). Bistriţa Aurie Valley,between Iacobeni <strong>and</strong> Ciocăneşti (Pascal 1969:107; Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:479); Ouşorul Mountain, onsoil, 1971 (Mihai 1974b:318); Cristişor-Neagra Broştenilor, Borcut Meadow, in common spruce forest,aldertree thicket <strong>and</strong> peatbog, incl. sub fo. interrupta, ass. Pogonatetum alloides v. Krusenstjerna 1948(Lungu 1971; Lungu 1973b:72; Lungu 1974:74, Tabs.1,2; Lungu 1976:238, Tab.2; Lungu 1981c:92;Ştefureac & Pascal 1981:479); Barnar Gorges, on soil <strong>and</strong> humus (Pascal & Seghedin 1977:141).Bârgău Mountains, Cucureasa Reserve, Coşna Forest Hut, 930-1230 m alt., 1967, 1969, ass.Tetraphidetum pellucidae (Barkman 1958) Maurer 1961 (Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1976:36, Tab.1);Străja Valley, Măgura Calului, Piatra Fântânele, Tomnatec Peak, Măgura Ilvei, Iliuţa Bozghi Brook,Tureac Brook, Secu Brook, Cârţibavu Mare Valley, 1983-1984, incl. sub L. cuspidata (Mohan &Hodoroga 1986:212).Rarău Mountain, Rarău, 14.05.1910 (Lilienfeldówna 1911:735); Codrul Secular Slătioara, 860-1400 m alt., incl. sub L. cuspidata (Ştefureac 1941:1154,1279, Tabs.1,3,7; Papp 1969b:188); between147

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