The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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din România (sărături, sfagnete, păduri)” (Bryological studies in some vegetation formations from<strong>Romania</strong> (saltings, sphagniherbosa, forests) (Ştefureac 1969a), “Conspectul bri<strong>of</strong>itelor din Dobrogea”(<strong>The</strong> epitome <strong>of</strong> the bryophytes from Dobrogea) (Ştefureac, Mihai & Pascal 1970), “Conspectulbri<strong>of</strong>itelor din Moldova” (<strong>The</strong> epitome <strong>of</strong> the bryophytes from Moldova) (Ştefureac & al. 1973),“Conspectul bri<strong>of</strong>itelor din Bucovina” (<strong>The</strong> epitome <strong>of</strong> the bryophytes from Bucovina) (Ştefureac & al.1981) etc.In the domain <strong>of</strong> palynology, he published a paper on the particularities <strong>of</strong> the hornwort, liverwort<strong>and</strong> moss spores, (Ştefureac 1971d:21-42), <strong>and</strong> also other papers in collaboration (Ştefureac, Ploaie P. &Ploaie G. 1971: 75-79; Ştefureac, Ploaie G. & Ploaie P. 1979: 279-286).Ştefureac T. was member <strong>of</strong> the IAB (International Association <strong>of</strong> Bryologists), <strong>of</strong> GTCBE(Groupe de Travail pour la Cartographie du Bryophytae de l’Europe) <strong>and</strong> reviewer at “RevueBryologique et Lichénologique”. Also, pr<strong>of</strong>. Ştefureac T. coordinated several doctoral theses at thebotanical department <strong>of</strong> the Biology Faculty – University <strong>of</strong> Bucharest (Cristurean I., DihoruAlex<strong>and</strong>rina, Dihoru G., Eftimie Elena, Mihai G., Plămadă E. etc).Studies on the muskegs in <strong>Romania</strong> were conducted especially by Pop Emil (13.04.1897-14.07.1974), whose contribution to the knowledge on the distribution <strong>of</strong> bryophytes in <strong>Romania</strong> is veryimportant. He cited 267 bryophyte species in his papers (32 liverworts <strong>and</strong> 235 mosses). He had asignificant contribution to the chorology <strong>of</strong> the glacial relict Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort.(Ştefureac 1976b:1017-1018; Ştefureac 1979b:183-188; Boşcaiu 1999; Boşcaiu, Toniuc & Purdelea 1999).Bryological researches in Transylvania were conducted by Péterfi M., author <strong>of</strong> several works, inwhich also a new species for <strong>Romania</strong> is published: Geocalyx graveolens. Also in Transylvania, BorzaA., Györffy I., Nyárády E.I., Nyárády A., Soó R. <strong>and</strong> others analyzed <strong>and</strong> published materials collectedfrom different sites. An important contribution to the knowledge <strong>of</strong> Transylvanian bry<strong>of</strong>lora was that <strong>of</strong>Boros Á. <strong>and</strong> Vajda L., who published several papers in which they list an important number <strong>of</strong> newspecies for <strong>Romania</strong>.During the 20 th century, important contributions to the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Romania</strong>n bry<strong>of</strong>lora hadalso some foreign bryologists, such as: Debreczy Z., Degen A., Düll R., Grolle R., Hargitai Z., HerzogT., Igmángy J., Jakucs P., Járai-Komlódi Magda, Karczmarz K., Kazimierz R., Mickiewicz J.,Muñoz J., Müller K., Novotný I., Ochyra R., Orbán S., Pax F., Podpěra J., Pócs T., Sass-GyarmatiAndrea, Schiffner V., Schuster R.M., Simon T., Szepesfalvi J. <strong>and</strong> Váňa J.Mihai Gheorghe studied the bry<strong>of</strong>lora <strong>of</strong> Moldova, especially in the Başeului valley, but he alsohad an important contribution to the bry<strong>of</strong>lora <strong>of</strong> Dobrogea, Muntenia <strong>and</strong> even Transylvania. In 1983 hepublished the list <strong>of</strong> liverworts from <strong>Romania</strong>, completed by Dihoru G. (1986:98) with the following taxa:Marsupella emarginata subsp. aquatica (under M. aquatica), Marchantia paleacea, Scapania compacta<strong>and</strong> S. brevicaulis (under S. degenii).Mohan Gheorghe, a disputed bryologist, published about several species, among which also theliverworts Marchantia paleacea <strong>and</strong> Scapania compacta, <strong>of</strong> which presence in <strong>Romania</strong> has beeninfirmed especially by Plămadă E. (Plămadă 1979b:379-382; Plămadă 1992:223-235, + annex 422-487).Dihoru Gheorghe had an important contribution to the bry<strong>of</strong>lora <strong>of</strong> Dobrogea, Siriu <strong>and</strong> CoziaMountains, he published several papers on nomenclature. His name is also connected to a new species for<strong>Romania</strong>, Scapania paludosa. During his research at the Institute <strong>of</strong> Biology in Bucharest, he mapped thespecies from the Anthocerotaceae <strong>and</strong> Pelliaceae families.Lungu Lucia conducted research on <strong>and</strong> published the bryophyte <strong>of</strong> peatbogs from the NeagraBoştenilor valley <strong>and</strong> contributed to the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Orthotrichum genus.Plămadă Emanoil has an important contribution to the knowledge <strong>of</strong> bry<strong>of</strong>lora from <strong>Romania</strong>,publishing several new species: Pleurocladula albescens var. isl<strong>and</strong>ica, Kurtzia pauciflora, Tritomariapolita, Cephaloziella elegans <strong>and</strong> Scapania glaucocephala, the latter one being a wrongly identifiedspecies.For this domain, important contributions had also the following researchers: Eftimie Elena,Pascal P., Páll Ş., Barabaş Victoria, Wallfisch R. etc.In the last five years, several papers regarding the bry<strong>of</strong>lora <strong>of</strong> <strong>Romania</strong> were published, a newmoss species was described, Dicranum transsylvanicum (Lüth 2002: 17-21), <strong>and</strong> Goia Irina has defendedher doctoral thesis entitled „Bri<strong>of</strong>lora de pe substrat lemnos din bazinul superior al Arieşului. Studiibriotaxonomice, corologice, ecologice şi cenologice” (<strong>The</strong> woody substrate bry<strong>of</strong>lora from the superior11

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