The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Hunedoara County, Hills from Şoimuş, Făerag Valley, Piscului Brook (Certejul de Sus) <strong>and</strong>Hunedoara on Sânpetru Hill, ass. Carpino-Fagetum Paucă 1941 (S<strong>and</strong>a, Popescu & Peicea 1972:315,Tab.7); between Deva <strong>and</strong> Şoimuş Commune, Certeju de Sus (Peicea 1973:440,443,446, Tabs.2,3).Mehedinţi County, Orşova (Simonkai 1872:66); †, ♀ - Ada-Kaleh Isl<strong>and</strong>, on Populus alba, P.nigra, Tilia tomentosa, rare on Acer campestre (Ştefureac & Mihai 1968a:298,303-305, Tab.1); EşelniţaValley, on Alnus glutinosa <strong>and</strong> rocks (Plămadă 1970b:206); Danube Defile, between Orşova <strong>and</strong> CernaValley, in forest, frequent, 1966-1968 (Plămadă 1970c:393); between Berzasca <strong>and</strong> Sviniţa, in forest, onrocks, 1966 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1970:501).Domogled Mountain, Şuşcu Peak, leg. & det. Papp C. (Papp 1939b:20); Cerna Valley, on soil,07.1933, leg. Badea M. (Papp 1937a:160); ♀ - Crucea Albă, 44°53'10"N / 22°25'48"E, 500 m alt.,9.08.2004, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2986, B2988], s - [BUCA B2987].Caraş Severin County, Mehadia (Simonkai 1872:66); Voislova (Simonkai 1872:66; Fuss1878:653); Poiana Ruscă, Rusca Montană, on Pleşu, on hornbeam trunks, 630 m alt., Rusca Mountain,800-850 m alt., Cracul Vulturului, 880-1100 m alt., on beech trunk (Papp 1942a:51); “Fântâna Moşului”,near the way from Herculane Spa towards Gorneşti, Isverna (Ştefureac 1947a:139); Caransebeş, 300 malt., 03-08.1943, leg. Boşcaiu N. (Ştefureac 1948a:220); Valea Mare Reserve, the station with Daphnelaureola, on Acer campestre, 25.07.1962 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1967:14,16; Plămadă 1990:74); CernaValley, Ciorici Peak (Boros, Vajda & Debreczy 1969:6,7); ♂ - Grota cu Aburi, 44°54'03"N / 22°25'05"E,400 m alt., 6.08.2004, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2973], s - [BUCA B2974].Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Luncani (Simonkai 1872:66; Fuss 1878:653); near Casa Verde(Timişoara), in Turkey oak <strong>and</strong> Hungarian oak forest, 24.07.1962 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1967:14); Sinersig„Dumbrava” Forest, in Turkey oak <strong>and</strong> Hungarian oak forest, 29.07.1962 (Ştefureac & Mihai 1967:14).Zar<strong>and</strong> Mountains, Jernova Valley, Gurahonţ, on deciduous trees trunks (Csűrös M. 1978:77;Ardelean 2006:106).Codru-Moma Mountains, Monesei Valley, Valea Lungă, Măgura Diecilor, Crişul Văratec Valley,on oak tree (Mohan 1996:50; Ardelean 2006:106).Arad County, Săvârşin (Simonkai 1872:66; Simonkai 1893:361); Ciala Forest, Pecica (Simonkai1893:361; Fuss 1878:653); ♀ - Ciala Forest, on poplar tree, 3.09.2003, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB2329], ♂ - [BUCA B2330], s - on Juglans nigra [BUCA B2333], ♂ - on Juglans nigra [BUCA B2334,B2336], ♂ - on oak tree [BUCA B2337, B2339], ♀ - on oak tree [BUCA B2338], s - on oak tree [BUCAB2331]; Runcu-Groşi Reserve, 46°10'14"N / 22°07'34"E, 428 m alt., 20.08.2008, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B3927, B3932].Mureş County, Sighişoara, leg. & det. Baumgarten J.C.G., sub Jungermannia [SIB HF 1579](Baumgarten 1846:230; Schur 1866:870; Fuss 1878:653; Höhr 1914:88; Drăgulescu 1983:59).Alba County, Galda de Sus, Mihalţ, leg. & det. Barth J. (Fuss 1878:653); Câmpeni, Poduri Forest,9.05.1902, leg. Győrffy I. (Schiffner 1909a:28,33; Goia 2001:83); ♂ - Felső-Vidra, „Piatra Struţu”(Schiffner 1914:309; Goia 2001:83); Valea Lungă, on old oak trees trunks, 15.04.1866, leg. & det. BarthJ. [SIB HF 1580,1581](Fuss 1878:653; Borza & Lupşa 1964:150; Drăgulescu 1983:59); Piatra Ceţii,Trascău Mountains, 3.07.1868 (Barth 1868:140,141); Pojar Hill, on hornbeam, 580 m alt., 25.08.1994,ass. Isothecietum myuri Hilitzer 1925, ass. Madotheco-Leskeeletum nervosae (Gams 1927) Barkman1958, Drăghiţa Valley, on fallen beech tree, 750 m alt., 20.08.94, ass. Anomodonto-Leucodontetum Wisn.1930 (Goia 1998:256-258, Tabs.6-8); Drăghiţa Valley, 750 m alt., 28.08.1994, ass. Anomodonto-Leucodontetum (Goia 2000:120, Tab.8); Arieşul Mic Basin (Goia & Schumacker 2000:92); PopeştilorBrook, Vidrişoara Valley, Măgurii Valley affluent <strong>of</strong> Neagra Valley, on beech <strong>and</strong> willow trees, CobleşValley, below Lucia Cave, on willow tree, Drăghiţa Valley, on beech <strong>and</strong> willow trees, on rotten woods,Pojar Hill, on hornbeam, Buciniş Valley, on apple tree <strong>and</strong> beech tree, Divaia Valley, Arieşul Mictowards springs, Gârda – Scărişoara interfluve, Gârda Seacă, Ordencuşa Valley, on beech forest, BăiiValley – Drăghiţa Valley, Morii Valley, on rotten wood (Goia 2001:83,84); Vidrişoara Valley, 2.06.1995,ass. Orthotrichetum pallentis Ochsn. 1928, Popeştilor Valley, 15.08.1994, Drăghiţa Valley, 20.08.1994,ass. Pylaisietum polyanthae Felf.1941, Divaia Valley, 21.08.1994, Pojar Hill, 25.08.1994, VidrişoaraValley, 20.08.1992, Cheia Valley, 31.07.1994, Morii Valley, 13.08.1994, Arieşul Mic Valley,16,20.08.1994, ass. Pterigyn<strong>and</strong>retum filiformis Hilitzer 1925, Drăghiţa Valley, 20.08.1994, MoriiValley, 7.08.1994, ass. Homalothecium sericei-Porelletum platyphyllae Størmer 1938, Drăghiţa Valley,20.08.1994, ass. Isothecietum myuri, Divaia Valley, 21.08.1994, Pojar Valley, 25.08.1994, DrăghiţaValley, 20.08.1996, ass. Anomodonto viticulosi-Leucodontetum sciuroidis, Pojar Hill, 25.08.1994, ass.113

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