The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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Mehedinţi County, Piatra lui Vodiţă <strong>and</strong> Vârciorova Mountains, 9.06.1886, leg. Brândză D., subFegatella (Radian 1915:192); Bahnei Valley at Vârciorova, 4.09.1908, leg. Panţu Z., sub Fegatella(Radian 1915:193); Vârciorova, on edge <strong>of</strong> Lutiţa Brook, 10.06.1945, Topolniţa Hermitage, ClecevăţBrook, 5.06.1945, sub Fegatella (Ştefureac 1947a:138); Cazanele Mari (Boros, Vajda & Debreczy1969:9); Eşelniţa Valley, edge <strong>of</strong> the brook, on wet soil (Plămadă 1970b:205); Câmpul Mare, MotruValley, on wet soil, in Carpino-Fagetum (Costache 2002:55).Domogled Mountain, sub Fegatella (Degen 1901:14).Caraş-Severin County, Goleţ, leg. & det. Borbás V., sub Fegatella (Hazslinszky 1885:30); CernaValley at Crucea-Ghizelei, on soil, 25.12.1937, leg. Cretzoiu P., det. Pilous Z., sub Fegatella [Bryothecaromanica 7] (Pilous 1938:2; Ştefureac 1947a:134,135); Herculane Spa, Vânturătoarea, 2.05.1999, leg.Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2025].Zar<strong>and</strong> Mountains, Highiş Valley, Debela Gora, along mountain brooks (Csűrös M. 1978:77;Ardelean 2006:108; Ardelean 2006:108, Fig.25).Codru-Moma Mountains, Monesei Valley, Valea Lungă, Măgura Diecilor, Brihenilor Valley, onwet soil (Mohan 1996:50; Ardelean 2006:108, Fig.25).Arad County, Cladova Valley, Şoimoş Valley, on mountains from Arăneag, on Highiş Mountains,Dezna Veche Valley <strong>and</strong> Răşirata Valley; Dulcele Valley, Valea cea Mare, above Nădălbeştilor alongCodru Brooks, on wet soil or rocks (Simonkai 1893:360); ♀ - Runcu-Groşi Reserve, Palom Valley,46°10'11"N / 22°06'56"E, 515 m alt., 19.08.2008, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3933], ♂ - [BUCAB3934].Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Rusca Montană, sub Fegatella (Pančić 1861:94; Hazslinszky 1885:30);Rusca Mountain, Luncani, sub Fegatella (Simonkai 1872:66; Fuss 1878:651; Hazslinszky 1885:30);Tomeşti, sub Fegatella (Simonkai 1872:66; Fuss 1878:651); Poiana Ruscă, Luncani, on soil, 700 m alt.,leg. Pteancu P., det. Papp C. (Papp 1944a:98).Mureş County, Sighişoara, sub Fegatella (Höhr 1914:86); Sălardului Valley, 10.08.1995, ass.Chrysosplenio-Cardaminetum amarae Mass. 1959 (Oroian 1996:248, Tab.22); Ilva Valley, 9.08.1995(Oroian 1997:113, Tab.1).Alba County, Piatra Ceţii, Trascău Mountains, 3.07.1868, sub Fegatella (Barth 1868:141); Galdade Sus, leg. & det. Barth J. (Fuss 1878:651); Scărişoara, on soil, 1200 m alt. (Papp 1942a:51); FeneşGorges (Papp 1944b:236; Papp 1945a:163); Feneş Gorges, 900 m alt., 30.08.1961 (Hodişan I. 1965:20,Tab.4); in the Scărişoara Cave aven (Boros & Vajda 1974:4,6,7); Râmeţ Gorges, 26.05.1997, leg.Mihăilescu Simona, det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2559].Cluj County, Southern Ciucea on Surduc Valley (Boros 1942a:34); Feleac, Făget (Boros1958:3,7); Făget <strong>and</strong> Mănăştur Forests, on soil, 1961-1966 (Plămadă 1967:470); Puşcaşului Valley, onwet s<strong>and</strong>y soil, 1963-1965 (Plămadă 1968:24); Someşul Cald Valley (Boros & Vajda 1974:8); TurziiGorges (Plămadă & Goia 1994:86).Gilău Mountains, in beech forest (Plămadă 1985b:41).Bihor County, Aleşd, Pădurea Neagră, sub Fegatella (Simonkai 1890a:129); Stâna de Vale, 1100m alt. (Péterfi M. 1908:267); Drăgan Valley (Boros 1942a:35); Crişul Repede Defile, wet rocks on bank<strong>of</strong> the Vadu Peşterii Brook (Boros 1942a:31; Boros 1942e:154; Boşcaiu & Gergely 1966:103); Şuncuiuş(Boros 1942e:153); Tâlharului Cave, Vadu Crişului Cave (Boros 1942e:154); Crişul Repede Defile, wetrocks on bank <strong>of</strong> the Vadu Peşterii Brook, det. Plămadă E. (Viehmann, Pleşa & Rusu 1964; Boşcaiu &Gergely 1966:103); Vadu Crişului Cave, 1968, leg. Neacşu M., det. Ştefureac T. (Ştefureac 1970h:482;Ştefureac 1985e:111,113,114,116, Tab.1); Izbucul Ponor, Poiana Ponorului (Boros & Vajda 1974:4,6,7);Mărişel towards Beliş, 950 m alt., ass. Symphyto (cordato)-Fagetum Vida 1959, 1963 (Pop I. & HodişanI. 1981:45, Tab.2); Ponor Hill, 480-590 m alt., 11.05.1967, Arsura Hill, 500 m alt., 12.05.1867, TopliţaValley, 610 m alt., 11.05.1967, ass. Chrysosplenio-Cardaminetum amarae (Tx. 1937) Mass 1959 (Coldea1978:126, Tab.1; S<strong>and</strong>a & Popescu A. 1991a:41, Tab.1); Padiş, rocks below Biserica Moşului,10.07.1996, ass. Asplenio-Caricetum brachystachyos Richard 1972 (Coldea, Plămadă & Wagner 1997:85,Tab.1); Someşul Cald Gorges (Goia & Mătase 2001:16).Bihor Mountains, Cetatea Rădesei Cave, 1971 (Ştefureac 1985e:111,113, 114, Tab.1); PonoruluiSpring, 1000 m alt., 08.1999 (Jakab 2000a:93; Jakab 2000b:67); Galbena Valley, 750 m alt., 08.1999(Jakab 2000b:66).103

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