The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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1885:30; Ştefureac 1949a:287,288; Drăgulescu 2003:7); Făgăraş, sub Fegatella (Ştefureac 1949a:288);Voila Mountain, 25.06.1960, leg. & det. Moşneagă M. [PHHM 627667, 6207670] (Mohan 1971a:7);Pojorta Valley, BV, 45°38'14"N / 24°53'48"E, 800-1000 m alt., 18.09.2001, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCAB2555] (Ştefănuţ 2002:190); Vâlsan Valley, Brădet, AG, 45°18'39"N / 24°46'06"E, 713 m alt., 21.09.2003,leg. Matei B., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2920]; Bâlea Lake, SB, 45°36'08"N / 24°37'01"E, 2050 m alt.,16.07.2000, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2509]; Bâlea Lake, SB, 45°36'14"N / 24°37'04"E, 2040 malt., 18.07.2000, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2511]; Capra Lake, AG, 45°36'01"N / 24°37'41"E, 2250m alt., 17.07.2000, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2394], 45°36'01"N / 24°37'47"E, 2250 m alt.,17.07.2000, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2382]; <strong>The</strong> glacial ring from Doamnei Valley, SB,45°36'05"N / 24°36'27"E, 2150 m alt., 16.07.2000, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2362], 45°36'07"N /24°36'27"E, 2120 m alt., 16.07.2000, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2353], 45°36'10"N / 24°36'23"E,2100 m alt., 16.07.2000, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2154, B2157]; Capra Valley, AG, 45°34'42"N /24°38'33"E, 1200 m alt., 5.07.1998, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3069-B3071].Cozia Mountain, Cascada Păuşa, on soil, Poarta de Piatră – Slavei Brook, on wet soil, in east side<strong>of</strong> Bulzu Peak, on wet soil, 1560 m alt., 1975-1976 (Dihoru G. 1990:52); Roşiei Gorges, 1987, leg.Negrean G. (Dihoru G. 1990:52); Turnu towards Stânişoara, 08.2005, leg. Onete Marilena, det. ŞtefănuţS. [BUCA B3208].Sibiu County, Cisnădie, leg. & det. Sigerus P., incl. sub Marchantia conica [SIB HF 1482] (Fuss1865:28; Fuss 1878:651; Gündisch 1977:45; Drăgulescu 1983:57; Drăgulescu 2003:7); Prejba, subFegatella <strong>and</strong> Cynocephalum [SIB SCHUR 4550] (Schur 1866:870; Fuss 1878:651; Gündisch 1977:45;Drăgulescu 2003:7); Măgura Cisnădiei, Ursului Brook, leg. & det. Lerchenfeld J. [SIB HL 33708] (Fuss1878:651; Drăgulescu 1983:57; Drăgulescu 2003:7); Tălmaciu, on soil, 2.10.1874, 4.04.1878 [SIB HF1485](Fuss 1878:651; Gündisch 1977:45; Drăgulescu 1983:57; Drăgulescu 2003:7); Poiana Neamţului,26.08.1866, leg. & det. Barth J., sub Fegatella [SIB HF 1484](Fuss 1878:651; Drăgulescu 1983:57);Tălmaciu, conglomerate, 18.10.1968, det. Plămadă E., ass. Asplenio-Cystoperidetum Oberd. (1936) 1949em. (Schneider-Binder 1969:149, Tab.2; Schneider-Binder 1970a:166; Drăgulescu 2003:7).Cindrel Mountains, Crinţ, 1100 m alt., Păltiniş 1400 m alt., Cânaia 1700 m alt. (Gündisch1977:45; Drăgulescu 2003:7).Vâlcea County, Grebleşti (“la Olt”) (Loitlesberger 1898:196; Radian 1915:192); s - LotrişoareiGorges, on wet rocks (Ştefureac & Peicea 1973:45,50).Sebeşului Mountains, Sebeş Valley, on Bistra <strong>and</strong> between Oaşa <strong>and</strong> Ciban, wet places (Borza1959:68; Drăgulescu 2003:7).Căpăţânei Mountains, Lotru Valley, Bucureasa, Malaia, 9-15.09.1952 (Ştefureac, Popescu &Lungu 1955:526).Parâng Mountains, Parâng Mountain, 22-26.08.1882, leg. Barth J., sub Fegatella (Barth 1883:8);Latoriţa Valley, 08-09.1954 (Ştefureac, Popescu & Lungu 1959:8,20,23,29,36).Şureanu Mountain, Râul Mare Valley, sub Fegatella (Greguss 1930:7).Hunedoara County, Orăştie, leg. & det. Unverricht J., sub Marchantia conica [SIB HF 1483](Fuss 1878:651; Drăgulescu 1983:57); Geoagiu, Cigmău Cave, 19.04.1916, leg. Györffy I. (Györffy1924b:37); ♂ - Dumbrăviţa, Săcămaşul Valley, 280 m alt., 23.04.1943, leg. & det. Pteancu P., rev.Ştefureac T., conf. Szweykowski J., Buczkowska K. & Odrzykoski I.J., 2005 [FRE 3044b; PHHM6207735; M M-0060741; KRAM 43447] (Borza, Gergely & Raţiu O. 1968:522; Szweykowski,Buczkowska, Odrzykoski 2005:153).Retezat Mountains, Retezat (Simonkai 1872:66; Fuss 1878:651; Hazslinszky 1885:30); Râu deMori (Schiffner 1914:303); Slăveiu Culm, leg. Georgescu C.C. (Papp 1937a:159,163); Zlătuia Valley,Râului Mare Valley, on rocks (Páll 1962a:121); Dobrun Brook Valley (Páll 1964a:108).Godeanu Mountains, Lunca Berhinii, 28.06.1967, Stâna Mare Valley below Borăscu, 27.07.1967,ass. Chrysosplenio-Cardaminetum (Tx. 1937) Maas 1959 (Boşcaiu 1971a:125, Tab.1).Ţarcu Mountains, Bistra Mărului Valley, 15.06.1964, ass. Chrysosplenio-Cardaminetum (Tx.1937) Maas 1959 (Boşcaiu 1971a:125, Tab.1).Gorj County, “munţii Dealul lui Frate şi Braia (Gorj)”, leg. Panţu Z. & Procopianu A.,27,28.07.1896, sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:192); Tismana Monastery at waterfall <strong>and</strong> on Dorna Valleytowards Cioclovina Hermitage, 4.07.1905, sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:193); Bold Mountain <strong>and</strong> at GuraOlanului on Sucevele from left <strong>of</strong> Cerna, 5,8.08.1899, sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:193).102

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