The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania

The Hornwort and Liverwort Atlas of Romania


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(Mititelu, Barabaş N. & al. 1968:147,168; Mihai & Barabaş V. 1972:86; Ştefureac & al. 1973:140);Tălâmba Brook, on soil <strong>and</strong> rocks, Buciaş Waterfall, Clăbucu Mountain, on rocks, Fundu Caşin, forestway from Înţărcătoare towards Zboina Verde, Gura Dobrilor, on wet soil (Eftimie 1972:152); withoutlocality, 450 m alt. (Barabaş V. 1982b:70, Tab.20).Vrancea County, s – near Adjud (Mihai & Barabaş V. 1970:66); Tişiţei Gorges, on wet rocks,1977 (Mihai & Pascal 1986:46); Tişiţei Gorges, VN, 45°52'49"N / 26°30'38"E, 2005, leg. Pop O., det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3197].Penteleu Massif, Bâsca Roziliei at Nemertea, on bank, on wet soil, 1.09.1985 (Dihoru G. 1987b:94).Siriu Mountain, western slope <strong>of</strong> Mălâia, Fagetalia (Dihoru G. 1975:24).Tulcea County, Consul Hill, 8.07.1938, leg. & det. Popescu A. [PHHM 6207671](Mohan1971a:7); Luncaviţa on Fagilor Valley, 1995, leg. & det. Ifrim Luminiţa (Dihoru G. 1997:33).Braşov County, Braşov, at Pietrele lui Solomon, sub Fegatella <strong>and</strong> Cynocephalum (Schur1866:870; Fuss 1878:651); Homorod Spa, 20.07.1901, sub Fegatella (Barth 1905:12); Predeal, 1200 malt., 6.07.1897, leg. & det. Loitlesberger K. (Radian 1915:192); Predeal, Râşnoavei Valley,16,17.06.1914, leg. Săvulescu T., sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:193); Predeal, 800-900 m alt., 6.09.1997,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2533]; ♂ - Predeal, 6.04.2006, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3399];Strâmba Valley, 14.05.2006, leg. Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3806](Pop O.G. 2008:60); ŞincaNouă, 11.10.2006, leg. Pop O., det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3998].Ciucaş Mountains, Zăgan Mountain, on Cheia Teleajenului <strong>and</strong> Berei Valley at Bratocea,1,2.09.1900, sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:193); Berii Brook Valley, Zăgan Mountain, Caprei BrookValley, Albele Culm, Bratocea Culm, Roşu Mountain, Pârâul Sterp Valley (Mohan 1990b:45).Piatra Mare Mountain, Tamina Waterfall, 45°32'58"N / 25°38'33"E, 6.09.1997, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2056, B2536]; Chiva Valley, 17.05.2006, leg. Avramescu C., det. Ştefănuţ S.[BUCA B3429].Postăvaru Mountain, (Schiffner 1914:303); Dracului Valley, 850 m alt., 14.03.1999, leg.Mihăilescu Simona, det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2221].Gârbova Massif, Azuga Valley, Tufa Valley, Rea Valley, on soil <strong>and</strong> rocks, 1967-1970 (Lungu &Ştefureac 1970:6); Cumpătul Mountain, Rea Valley, on wet soil, 800 m alt., 30.09.1985, leg. & det.Lungu L. [CSH].Prahova County, along Prahova Valley (Loitlesberger 1898:196; Radian 1915:192); GreculuiValley at Azuga, 17.08.1897, sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:193); Cumpătul <strong>and</strong> Furnica Mountains, 06-07.1944, leg. Tăzlăuanu I. (Papp 1945b:92); D<strong>of</strong>tana Valley (Mohan 1971a:7; Mohan 1971b:45; Mohan1990a:25, Fig.3); Teleajen Valley, Negraşului Valley (Mohan 1990a:25, Fig.3), Valea Largă, 14.05.2008,leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B4004, B4005].Bucegi Massif, Jepi Valley, 8.07.1900, leg. Dumitrescu M., det. Radian S.Ş. (Radian 1901b:40;Radian 1915:192); Cerbului Valley, on soil, 1500-1800 m alt., 4.07.1899, leg. & det. Radian S.Ş. (Radian1903:4; Schiffner 1908b:275); ♂, ♀ - Mălăieşti Valley, Jepi Valley, Bucşoiu Mountain (Degen1914:216); Cerbului Valley, 7.06.1896, leg. Moisescu N., Ialomiţa Valley, around <strong>and</strong> above to PeşteraIalomiţei Hermitage, Obârşia Ialomiţei towards Omul, Cerbului Valley, 13.06.1894, 21.06.1897,11.08.1903, 30.07.1904, 5.08.1905, 30.08.1908, 5,6.07.1914, sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:192); Sinaiatowards Peleş castle, 17.08.1897, 12.08.1903, 24.04.1914, Jepi Valley towards Caraiman, 10.08.1903,30.08.1908, Urlătoarea Waterfall <strong>and</strong> towards Vârful cu Dor, 12.08.1903, 27.06.1911, sub Fegatella(Radian 1915:193); Jepi Valley at Buşteni, Cerbului Valley towards Diham, 16,17.06.1914, leg.Săvulescu T., sub Fegatella (Radian 1915:193); Bucegi (Radian 1923:10); Sinaia, 08.1920, leg. BrândzăM., det. Ştefureac T., sub Fegatella (Ştefureac 1942a:3); Jepi Valley, 2000 m alt., Ialomiţei Waterfall,1750 m alt., Tătarului Gorges, 1500 m alt. (Puşcaru D. & al. 1956:142,220,251, Tab.87); Ialomiţa Valley(Ştefureac 1972c:101,104); Ialomiţa Valley (Mohan 1990a:25, Fig.3); Gaura Glacial Ring, BV,45°26'29"N / 25°26'17"E, 2110 m alt., 8.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2045, B2046]; theglacial ring from Cerbului Valley, PH, 45°26'21"N / 25°27'40"E, 2150 m alt., 11.07.1999, leg. & det.Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2267]; <strong>The</strong> glacial rings <strong>of</strong> Ialomiţa Valley, DB, 45°26'02"N / 25°26'44"E, 2200 malt., 10.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2455, B2483]; Mălăieşti Glacial Ring, BV, 45°27'04"N/ 25°26'43"E, 2090 m alt., 9.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2346], s - 45°27'22"N /25°27'19"E, 1940 m alt., 9.07.1999, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B2272]; Lăptici Valley, DB,45°22'34"N / 25°27'32"E, 1700 m alt., 28.07.2005, leg. & det. Ştefănuţ S. [BUCA B3234].100

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