Untitled - Casa d'Aste Babuino

Untitled - Casa d'Aste Babuino

Untitled - Casa d'Aste Babuino


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707 Archetto da viola probabilmentedi Charles Nicolas Bazin(Mirecourt, 1847 - 1915)Bacchetta rotonda scura. Tallone inbachelite con angoli arrotondati, conocchi parigini e guarnizioni in argento.Vite intera. Gr 85. Lunghezza cm75,7. Timbro a fuoco: C. BAZINA viola or cello silver mounted Bowprobably by Charles Nicolas BazinThe round and dark stick, thebachelite frog with rounded cornersinlaid with rings enclosing pearl eyes,silver overlaid adjuster. 85 grams.Length 75,7 cm. Branded on theshaft: C. BAZIN708E 800-1000707708 708708 Violoncello di Umberto Lanaro, Padova 1998 (Albignasego,1921)Fondo in due pezzi a marezzatura discendente, fasce e cavigliere con lostesso legno, piano a ventura media che si allarga verso i bordi, vernicebruna arancio. Lunghezza del fondo cm 75,6, diapason cm 40,4. Etichettafirmata dall’autore: Umberto Lanaro / fece in Padova / anno 1998. Timbri afuoco all’interno ed all’esterno sopra il puntale. All’interno sul fondo la firmadell’autore a pennaA Cello by Umberto Lanaro, Padova 1998The two-piece back with a descending to right curl, ribs and scroll of the samewood, the table of a medium grain in the centre opening out towards theflanks, the varnish of an orange-brown colour. Length of back 75,6 cm and ffstop at 40,4 cm. A label signed by the maker: Umberto Lanaro / fece inPadova / anno 1998. = branded internally on the back and externally by thetailpin with maker’s mark. Internally on the back signature of the maker by peE 8000-10000R O M A , 2 9 G E N N A I O 2 0 1 0261

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