ECDIS - Guardia Costiera

ECDIS - Guardia Costiera ECDIS - Guardia Costiera
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MSC 86/26/Add.lANNEXlRESOLUTION MSC.282(86)(adopted OD 5 JUDe 2009)ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE lNTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FORTHE SAFETY OF LlFE AT SEA, 1974, AS Al'\1ENDEDTHE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE,RECALLlNG Article 28(b) ofthe Convention on the lntemationa! Maritime Organizationconceming the functions ofthe Committee,RECALLlNG FURTHER article VIlI(b) ofthe International Convention for the Safety ofLife at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention"), conceming theamendment procedure applicable to the Annex to the Convention, other than to the provisions ofchapter I thereof,HAVING CONSlDERED, at its eighty-sixth session, amendments to the Convention,proposed and circulated in accordance with article VllI(b lei) thereof,l. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VlI1(b)(iv) of the Convention, amendments to theConvention, the text ofwhich is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VllI(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that thesaid amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2010, unless, prior to thatdate, more than one third of the Contracting Governments to the Convention or ContractingGovernments the combined merchant f1eets of which constitute not less than 50% of the grosstonnage ofthe world's merchant f1eet,have notified their objections to the amendments;3. lNVITES SOLAS Contracting Governments to note that, in accordance witharticle VllI(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on I January 20 l Iupon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with article VII1(b)(v) of theConvention, to transmit certified copies ofthe present resolution and the text ofthe amendmentscontained in the Annex to ali Contracting Governments to the Convention;5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution andits Annex to Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Govemments to theConvention.I:\MSC\86126-Add-l.doc

MSC 86/26/Add.lANNEX IPage 2ANNEXAMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OFLIFE AT SEA, 1974, AS AMENDEDCHAPTER II-lCONSTRUCTION - STRUCTURE, SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY, MACHINERYAND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONSPart A-lStructure of shipsRegulation 3-5 - New installation of materials containing asbestosThe existing text of paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"From l January 2011, for ali ships, new installation of materials which contai n asbestosshall be prohibited."PartCMacbinery installationsRegulation35-1 - Bilge pumping arrangements2 The following new paragraph 2.6.3 is added after the existing paragraph 2.6.2:"2.6.3 Provisions for the drainage of c10sed vehicle and ro-ro spaces and special categoryspaces shall also comply with regulations 11-2/ and 11-2/"CHAPTERVSAFETY OF NAVIGATIONRegulation 19 - Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment3 In paragraph 2.1, the existing subparagraph .4 is replaced by the following:".4 nautical charts and nautica I publications to pian and display the ship's route forthe intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage.An electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) is also accepted asmeeting the chart carriage requirements of this subparagraph. Ships to whichparagraph 2.10 applies shall comply with the carriage requirements for ECDISdetai led therein;".J :\MSC\86\26-Add- J .doc

MSC 86/26/Add.lANNEXlRESOLUTION MSC.282(86)(adopted OD 5 JUDe 2009)ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE lNTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FORTHE SAFETY OF LlFE AT SEA, 1974, AS Al'\1ENDEDTHE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE,RECALLlNG Article 28(b) ofthe Convention on the lntemationa! Maritime Organizationconceming the functions ofthe Committee,RECALLlNG FURTHER article VIlI(b) ofthe International Convention for the Safety ofLife at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention"), conceming theamendment procedure applicable to the Annex to the Convention, other than to the provisions ofchapter I thereof,HAVING CONSlDERED, at its eighty-sixth session, amendments to the Convention,proposed and circulated in accordance with article VllI(b lei) thereof,l. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VlI1(b)(iv) of the Convention, amendments to theConvention, the text ofwhich is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VllI(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that thesaid amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2010, unless, prior to thatdate, more than one third of the Contracting Governments to the Convention or ContractingGovernments the combined merchant f1eets of which constitute not less than 50% of the grosstonnage ofthe world's merchant f1eet,have notified their objections to the amendments;3. lNVITES SOLAS Contracting Governments to note that, in accordance witharticle VllI(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on I January 20 l Iupon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with article VII1(b)(v) of theConvention, to transmit certified copies ofthe present resolution and the text ofthe amendmentscontained in the Annex to ali Contracting Governments to the Convention;5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution andits Annex to Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Govemments to theConvention.I:\MSC\86126-Add-l.doc

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