Directory of International Agencies - United Nations in Serbia

Directory of International Agencies - United Nations in Serbia

Directory of International Agencies - United Nations in Serbia


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Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail Address Responsible/ Contact PersonsECPDEdMEuropean Center for Peace and DevelopmentEnfants du monde - Droits de l'Homme011/3246 041085/341 587011/3240 673, 3234 082085/341 587Negoslav P. Ostojic, Executive DirectorPascal SereniTerazije 41/ Knez Mihajlova 7, 2nd floor, 11000 BelgradeGlavna Ulica bb, Stari Bar, 85000 Bar011/3246 042 ecpd@eunet.yuemdh@cg.yuEuropean Perspective Development & Education Center 034/301 653 034/301 653 Pantelis Sklias, Head <strong>of</strong> OfficeEP Kragujevac Office, Karadjordjeva 34, 34000 Kragujevac <strong>of</strong>fice@epserbia.kg.co.yu Radmila Radovic, Programme ManagerVranje Office, Matije Gupca 16, 17501 Vranje 017/415 430 017/415 430, epvranje@eunet.yu Sanja Peric, Office AssistantEWIFHFORUM ZFDEastWest InstituteGen.Lesjan<strong>in</strong>a 1/36, 18 000 NisForum Civil Peace Service018/247 393www.ewi.<strong>in</strong>fo011/3674 023018/247 393vpandurov@ewi.<strong>in</strong>fo011/3674 023Vladimir Pandurov, Project ManagerSarah Simone Degen, Reg. Coord<strong>in</strong>atorFreedom House <strong>Serbia</strong>Sime Lozanica 3a, (former Mirka Tomica str) 11040 Belgrade011/3025 850 011/ 3025 851degen@forumzfd.deMr. Robert Lloyd Tudyk, Country DirectorIvana Ivkovic, Office ManagerZmaj Jov<strong>in</strong>a 34/ II, 11000 Belgrade www.freedomhouse.org beograd@yu.freedomhouse.orgForum Syd Balkans Programme 011/3036 399 011/3036 194 Marcella Gange, General ManagerRegional Office, Sim<strong>in</strong>a 10a, 11000 Belgrade 011/3036 193 ro.belgrade@forumsyd.org Adriana Tomas, ROAForum Syd Novi Sad Office, Maksima Gorkog 42, 21000 Novi Sad 021/6612 523 021/451 427; vojvod<strong>in</strong>a@forumsyd.org Cecilija Duj<strong>in</strong>, Project ManagerBalkans Subotica Office, Beogradski put 41, 24000 Subotica 024/670 170 024/670 170; vojvod<strong>in</strong>a@forumsyd.org Cecilija Duj<strong>in</strong>, Project ManagerProgramme Podgorica Office, Bratstva Jed<strong>in</strong>stva 4, 81000 Podgorica 081/602 710 081/602 710; montenegro@forumsyd.oAjsa Hadzibegovic, Project ManagerKotor Office, Muo, 85330 Kotor 082/336 109 082/336 119; montenegro@forumsyd.oAjsa Hadzibegovic, Project ManagerUlc<strong>in</strong>j Office, Ymer Prizreni, 85360 Ulc<strong>in</strong>j 085/422 250 085/421 741; montenegro@forumsyd.oAjsa Hadzibegovic, Project ManagerBalkan Trust for Democracy 011/3036 454 011/3288 022 Ivan Vejvoda, Executive DirectorBTD-GMFUS The German Marshall Fund <strong>of</strong> the <strong>United</strong> States <strong>in</strong>fo@gmfus.org Natalija Prelevic, Office ManagerDobrac<strong>in</strong>a 44, 11000 Belgradebalkantrust@gmfus.orgGVCGruppo Volontariato Civile 063/454 851 Alessandro Gramell<strong>in</strong>i, Country Coord.Narodni front 95, 21235 Temer<strong>in</strong> 063/530 645 serbia@gvc-italia.org Nenad Lavr<strong>in</strong>ic, Field OfficerHELP - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. 011/3046 340 011/3046 342 Timo Stegelmann, Head <strong>of</strong> MissionBelgrade 011/3046 341 helpbg@help-serbia.org.yu Joanna Mel<strong>in</strong>ska, Programme ManagerUciteljska 52, 11000 Belgrade www.help-serbia.org.yu Aleksandra Brkic, F<strong>in</strong>ance OfficerHELP - Nis 018/531 020 018/531 020, 235 619 Masa BubanjMilad<strong>in</strong>a Popovica 13, 18000 Nis 018/235 619 helpnis@help-serbia.org.yuHELP HELP - Kraljevo 036/375 274 036/375 274 Milena JelenkovicNikole Kareva 19/1, 36000 Kraljevo 036/379 210 helpkv@help-serbia.org.yuHELP - Bujanovac 017/654 322 017/354 322, 651 578 Valerie Covic,Save Kovacevica 48, 17520 Bujanovac 017/651 578 helpbuja@help-serbia.org.yu Head <strong>of</strong> Programme for Southern <strong>Serbia</strong>HELP - Montenegro 081/602 040 081/602 040 Klaus Mock, Head <strong>of</strong> OfficeOktobarske revolucije 122/3, 81000 Podgoricahelphelp@cg.yuHIHandicap <strong>International</strong>, Regional Office for SEE 011/3066 896 011/3066 398 Alexandre Cote, Director for SEEVelisava Vulovica 1, 11040 Belgrade <strong>of</strong>fice@hi-see.org Ivan Banjalic, Act<strong>in</strong>g Reg. Adm<strong>in</strong>istratorHilfswerk Austria 011/688 091 011/656 105 Heidi Burkhart, Regional ManagerHILFSWERKBalkanska 12/I, 11000 Belgrade hwabg@eunet.yu Jelena Vasiljevic-Petrovic, Project Mng.HR WATCH Human Rights Watch, Europe & Central Asia Division 063/8588 715 Bogdan Ivanisevic, ResearcherIAICG<strong>International</strong> Alliances<strong>International</strong> Crisis Group021/25 923011/3242 675021/25 923011/3242 675, 3345 955Patricia van Nispen tot Sevenaer, HoOJames Lyon, Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong> ProjectIse Bajica 8/I sprat, 21000 Novi Sad27. marta 42/III, 11000 Belgrade 011/3345 954<strong>in</strong>tall@eunet.yuicgserbia@crisisweb.org24/08/2006 ICVA/CIS, Kneza Milosa 55, Belgrade, Tel/fax: +381 11 3065 089, 3629 089 - E-mail: adm<strong>in</strong>@icvacis.org; Website: www.icvacis.org 6

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