TESI_FILE INTERO - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

TESI_FILE INTERO - Università degli Studi di Ferrara TESI_FILE INTERO - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

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Koch, M. and Schnitzler, H. U. (1997). The acoustic startle response in rats-circuitsmediating evocation, inhibition and potentiation. Behavavioral Brain Research, 89, 35-49.Kochanska, G., Coy, K. C., Tjebkes, T. L., & Husarek, S. J. (1998). Individual differences inemotionality in infancy. Child Development, 64 (2), 375-390.Kuhlman, K. A., Burns, K. A., Depp, R., & Sabbagha, R. E. (1988). Ultrasonic imaging ofnormal fetal response to external vibratory acoustic stimulation. American Journal ofObstetric and Gynecology, 158, 47-51.Landis, C., & Hunt, W. (1936). Studies of the startle pattern: III. Facial pattern. The Journalof Psychology, 2, 215-219.Landis, C., & Hunt, W. (1939). The startle pattern. NewYork: Farrar and Rinehart.Lane, R. D., Reiman, E. M., Bradley, M. M., Lang, P. J., Ahern, G. L., Davidson, R. J., et al.(1997). Neuroanatomical correlates of pleasant and unpleasant emotion.Neuropsychologia, 35 (11), 1437-1444.Lang, P. J. (1995). The emotion probe. Studies of motivation and attention. AmericanPsychologist, 50, 372-385.Lang, P. J., & Bradley, M. M. (1994). Measuring emotion: The self-assesment manikin andthe semantic differential. Journal of Behavior Therepy & Experimental Psychiatry, 25(1), 49-59.Lang, P. J., Bradley, M. M., & Cuthbert, B. N. (1997). Motivated attention: Affect, activation,and action. In P. J. Lang, R. F. Simons, & M. Balaban, (a cura di), Attention andorienting (pp. 97-135). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Lang, P. J., Bradley, M. M., & Cuthbert, B. N. (1998). Emotion and attention: Stop, look, andlisten. Current Psychology of Cognition, 17 (4-5), 997-1020.Lang, P.J., & Davis, M. (2006). Emotion, motivation, and the brain: reflex foundations inanimal and human research. Progress in Brain Research, 156, 3–29.Lang, P. J., Davis, M., & Öhman, A. (2000). Fear and anxiety: animal models and humancognitive psychophysiology. Journal of Affective Disorders, 61, 137-159.Lang, P. J., Greenwald, M. K., Bradley, M. M., & Hamm, A. O. (1993). Looking at pictures:Affective, facial, visceral, and behavioral reactions. Psychophysiology, 30, 261-273.Lang, P. J., Simons, R. F., & Balaban, M. T. (a cura di) (1997). Attention and orienting:Sensory and motivational processes. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.108

Langsdorf, P., Izard, C., Rayais, M., & Hembree, E. (1983). Interest expression, visualfixation, and heart rate changes in 2- to 8-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology,19, 375-386.Leaton, R. N., & Borszcz, G. S. (1985). Potentiated startle: Its relation to freezing and shockintensity in rats. Animal Behavior Processes, 11, 421-428.LeDoux, J. E. (1996). The emotional brain: The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life.New York: Simon and Schuster (trad. it.: Il cervello emotivo. Alle origini delle emozioni,Milano: Baldini & Castoldi, 1998).LeDoux, J. E. (2000). Cognitive-emotional interactions: listen to the brain. In R. D. Lane, L.Nadel, G. Ahern (a cura di), Cognitive neuroscience of emotion (pp. 129.155). NewYork: Oxford University Press.LeDoux, J. E. (1998). Il cervello emotivo. Alle origini delle emozioni. Milano: BaldiniCastaldi Dalai.Lilley, C. M., Craig, K. D., & Grunau, R. E. (1997). The expression of pain in infants andtoddlers: development changes in facial action. Pain, 72, 161-170.Lingenhohl, K., & Friauf, E. (1994). Giant neurons in the rat reticular formation: asensorimotor interface in the elementary acoustic startle circuit? Journal ofNeuroscience, 14, 1176-1194.Lipp, O. V., Neumann, D. L., Siddle, D. A. T., & Dall, P. J. (2001). Assessing the effects ofattention and emotion on startle eyeblink modulation. International Journal ofPsychophysiology 15, 173–182.Lissek, S., Baas, J. M. P., Pine, D. S., Orme, K., Dvir, S., Nugent, M., et al. (2005). Airpuffstartle probes: an effcacious and less aversive alternative to white-noise. BiologicalPsychology, 68, 283-297.Lovelace, C. T., Elmore, W. R., & Filion, D. L. (2006). Infrared reflectance as an alternativeto EMG for measuring prepulse inhibition of startle eyeblink. Psychophysiology, 43,511-515.Maier, K., Ambühl-Caesar, G., & Schandry, R. (a cura di) (1998). Psicofisiologia dellosviluppo. Bologna: Zanichelli Editore.Mastropieri, D., & Turkewitz, G. (1999). Prenatal experience and neonatal responsiveness tovocal expressions of emotion. Developmental Psychobiology, 35, 204–214.Matsumoto, D. (1993). Ethnic differences in affective intensity, emotion judgments, dysplayrule attitudes, and self-reported emotional expression in an American sample.Motivation and Emotion, 17, 107-123.109

Koch, M. and Schnitzler, H. U. (1997). The acoustic startle response in rats-circuitsme<strong>di</strong>ating evocation, inhibition and potentiation. Behavavioral Brain Research, 89, 35-49.Kochanska, G., Coy, K. C., Tjebkes, T. L., & Husarek, S. J. (1998). In<strong>di</strong>vidual <strong>di</strong>fferences inemotionality in infancy. Child Development, 64 (2), 375-390.Kuhlman, K. A., Burns, K. A., Depp, R., & Sabbagha, R. E. (1988). Ultrasonic imaging ofnormal fetal response to external vibratory acoustic stimulation. American Journal ofObstetric and Gynecology, 158, 47-51.Lan<strong>di</strong>s, C., & Hunt, W. (1936). <strong>Stu<strong>di</strong></strong>es of the startle pattern: III. Facial pattern. The Journalof Psychology, 2, 215-219.Lan<strong>di</strong>s, C., & Hunt, W. (1939). The startle pattern. NewYork: Farrar and Rinehart.Lane, R. D., Reiman, E. M., Bradley, M. M., Lang, P. J., Ahern, G. L., Davidson, R. J., et al.(1997). Neuroanatomical correlates of pleasant and unpleasant emotion.Neuropsychologia, 35 (11), 1437-1444.Lang, P. J. (1995). The emotion probe. <strong>Stu<strong>di</strong></strong>es of motivation and attention. AmericanPsychologist, 50, 372-385.Lang, P. J., & Bradley, M. M. (1994). Measuring emotion: The self-assesment manikin andthe semantic <strong>di</strong>fferential. Journal of Behavior Therepy & Experimental Psychiatry, 25(1), 49-59.Lang, P. J., Bradley, M. M., & Cuthbert, B. N. (1997). Motivated attention: Affect, activation,and action. In P. J. Lang, R. F. Simons, & M. Balaban, (a cura <strong>di</strong>), Attention andorienting (pp. 97-135). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Lang, P. J., Bradley, M. M., & Cuthbert, B. N. (1998). Emotion and attention: Stop, look, andlisten. Current Psychology of Cognition, 17 (4-5), 997-1020.Lang, P.J., & Davis, M. (2006). Emotion, motivation, and the brain: reflex foundations inanimal and human research. Progress in Brain Research, 156, 3–29.Lang, P. J., Davis, M., & Öhman, A. (2000). Fear and anxiety: animal models and humancognitive psychophysiology. Journal of Affective Disorders, 61, 137-159.Lang, P. J., Greenwald, M. K., Bradley, M. M., & Hamm, A. O. (1993). Looking at pictures:Affective, facial, visceral, and behavioral reactions. Psychophysiology, 30, 261-273.Lang, P. J., Simons, R. F., & Balaban, M. T. (a cura <strong>di</strong>) (1997). Attention and orienting:Sensory and motivational processes. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.108

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