TESI_FILE INTERO - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

TESI_FILE INTERO - Università degli Studi di Ferrara TESI_FILE INTERO - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

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Dondi, M. (2008). Facial Expressions and the Affective Modulation of The Startle Reflex inEarly Infancy. Comunicazione orale presentata alla XII European Conference of FacialExpression, Ginevra, Svizzera, 27-31 Luglio.Dondi, M., Costabile, A., Vacca, T., Franchin, L., Agnoli, S., Lombardi, O., & Corchia, C.(2008). Alle origini delle emozioni: uno studio pilota sul sorriso e sull’espressionefacciale di distress nel neonato pretermine di età gestazionale molto bassa. PsicologiaClinica dello Sviluppo, 12 (1), 89-109.Dondi, M., Franchin, L., Agnoli, S., Vacca, T., & Scatturin, P. (2005, Settembre). Noninvasivemeasurements of the startle response in the early infancy. Poster presentato allaXI European Conference of Facial Expression, Durham, UK.Ekman, P. (1972). Universals and cultural differences in facial expressions of emotion. In J.Cole (a cura di), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1971, vol. 19 (pp. 207-283).Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.Ekman, P., & Friesen, W.V. (1978). The Facial Action Coding System (FACS). Palo Alto:Consulting Psychologists Press.Ekman, P., Friesen, W.V., & Hager, J. C. (2002). Facial Action Coding System (FACS). SaltLake City, UT: Research Nexus division of Network Information Research Corporation.Ekman, P., Friesen, W.V., & Simons, R. C. (1985). Is the Startle Reaction an Emotion?Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(5), 1416-1426.Engen, R., Levy, N., & Schlosberg, H. (1958). The dimensional analysis of a new series offacial expressions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55, 454-458.Erberich, S. G., Panigrahy, A., Friedlich, P., Seri, I., Nelson, M. D., & Gilles, F., (2006).Somatosensory lateralization in the newborn brain. NeuroImage, 29, 155-161.Essex, M. J., Goldsmith, H. H., Smider, N. A., Dolski, I., Sutton, S. K., & Davidson R. J.(2003). Comparison of video – and EMG – based evaluations of the magnitude ofchildren’s evolution – modulated startle response. Behavior research methods,instruments, & computers, 35(4), 590-598.Filion, D. L., Dawson, M. E., & Schell, A. M. (1993). Modification of the acoustic startlereflexeyeblink: A tool for investigating early and late attentional processes. BiologicalPsychology, 35, 185-200.Filion, D. L., Dawson, M. E., & Schell, A. M. (1998). The psychological significance ofhuman startle eye-blink modification: a review. Biological Psychology, 47, 1-43.104

Franchin, L. (2006). A new non-invasive measurement of the startle response in early infancy:a scientific contribution to the study of startle lateralization and affective modulation.Tesi di dottorato.Franchin, L., Dondi, M., Agnoli, S., & Scatturin, P. (2007). Postural and Facial Asymmetriesof the Startle Response in 5-Month-Old Infants. Poster presentato alla 13th EuropeanConference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Jena, Germania.Frankland, P. W., & Yeomans, J. S. (1995). Fear-potentiated startle and electrically evokedstartle mediated by synapses in rostrolateral midbrain. Behavioral Neuroscience, 109,669-680.Frijda, N. H. (1986). Emozioni. Bologna: Il Mulino.Frijda, N. H., & Tcherkassof, A. (1997). Facial expressions as modes of action readiness. InJ.A. Russell, J.M. Fernandez-Dols (a cura di), The Psychology of Facial Expression (pp.78–102). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Gard, D. E., Germans Gard, M., Mehta, N., Kring, A. M., & Patrick, C. J. (2007). Impact ofmotivational salience on affect modulated startle at early and late probe times.International Journal of Psychophysiology, 66, 266–270.Graham, F. K. (1975). The more or less startling effects of weak prestimulation.Psychophysiology, 12, 238-248.Graham, F. K. (1992). Attention: The hearbeat, the blink, and the brain. In B. A. Campbell, H.Hayne, & R. Richardson (a cura di), Attention and information processing in infantsand adults: Perspective and human and animal research (pp. 3-29). Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Graham, F. K. (1997). Afterword: Pre-attentive processing and passive and active attention.In P. J. Lang, R. F. Simons, & M. T. Balaban (a cura di), Attention and orienting:Sensory and motivational processes (417-452). New Jersey: Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates.Graham, F. K., & Hackley, S. A. (1991). Passive and active attention to input. In J. R.Jennings & M. G. H. Coles (a cura di), Handbook of cognitive psychophysiology:Central and autonomic nervous system approaches (pp. 251-356). New York: Wiley.Graham, F. K. Strock, B. D., & Ziegler, B. L. (1981). Excitatory and inhibitory influences onreflex responsiveness. In W. A. Collins (a cura di), Minnesota symposium on childpsychology: Vol. 14; Aspects of the development of competence (pp. 1-38). Hillsdale, NJ:Erlbaum.105

Franchin, L. (2006). A new non-invasive measurement of the startle response in early infancy:a scientific contribution to the study of startle lateralization and affective modulation.Tesi <strong>di</strong> dottorato.Franchin, L., Don<strong>di</strong>, M., Agnoli, S., & Scatturin, P. (2007). Postural and Facial Asymmetriesof the Startle Response in 5-Month-Old Infants. Poster presentato alla 13th EuropeanConference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Jena, Germania.Frankland, P. W., & Yeomans, J. S. (1995). Fear-potentiated startle and electrically evokedstartle me<strong>di</strong>ated by synapses in rostrolateral midbrain. Behavioral Neuroscience, 109,669-680.Frijda, N. H. (1986). Emozioni. Bologna: Il Mulino.Frijda, N. H., & Tcherkassof, A. (1997). Facial expressions as modes of action rea<strong>di</strong>ness. InJ.A. Russell, J.M. Fernandez-Dols (a cura <strong>di</strong>), The Psychology of Facial Expression (pp.78–102). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Gard, D. E., Germans Gard, M., Mehta, N., Kring, A. M., & Patrick, C. J. (2007). Impact ofmotivational salience on affect modulated startle at early and late probe times.International Journal of Psychophysiology, 66, 266–270.Graham, F. K. (1975). The more or less startling effects of weak prestimulation.Psychophysiology, 12, 238-248.Graham, F. K. (1992). Attention: The hearbeat, the blink, and the brain. In B. A. Campbell, H.Hayne, & R. Richardson (a cura <strong>di</strong>), Attention and information processing in infantsand adults: Perspective and human and animal research (pp. 3-29). Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Graham, F. K. (1997). Afterword: Pre-attentive processing and passive and active attention.In P. J. Lang, R. F. Simons, & M. T. Balaban (a cura <strong>di</strong>), Attention and orienting:Sensory and motivational processes (417-452). New Jersey: Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates.Graham, F. K., & Hackley, S. A. (1991). Passive and active attention to input. In J. R.Jennings & M. G. H. Coles (a cura <strong>di</strong>), Handbook of cognitive psychophysiology:Central and autonomic nervous system approaches (pp. 251-356). New York: Wiley.Graham, F. K. Strock, B. D., & Ziegler, B. L. (1981). Excitatory and inhibitory influences onreflex responsiveness. In W. A. Collins (a cura <strong>di</strong>), Minnesota symposium on childpsychology: Vol. 14; Aspects of the development of competence (pp. 1-38). Hillsdale, NJ:Erlbaum.105

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