Strateġija għall-Industrija ta' Malta: 2007 - 2010 - doi photography ...

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Strateġija għall-Industrija ta' Malta: 2007 - 2010 - doi photography ...


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45,000 ruħ, waqt li s-Settur tas-Servizzi jimpjega madwar 100,000. Mit-total ta’ 149,000 29 persuna lijaħdmu bi qligħ, madwar 45,000 huma impjegati mas-Settur Pubbliku, jiġifieri madwar 70% talħaddiemahuma impjegati mas-Settur Privat.Graff 08: Total ta’ Persuni Impjegati taħt Kategoriji WiesgħinTotal Employed Persons by Broad Category160,000140,000120,000Total, 146,246Total, 146,017Total, 148,452Total, 148,764Total, 148,618Total, 149,091100,00080,000Services, 95,506Services, 96,424Services, 99,559Services, 100,960Services, 101,800Services, 101,46160,00040,00020,0000Agriculture, 2,845Industry, 47,895Agriculture, 3,295Industry, 46,298Agriculture, 3,223Industry, 45,670Agriculture, 3,154Industry, 44,650Agriculture, 3,185Industry, 43,633Agriculture, 3,045Industry, 44,5852000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Tabella 16: Total ta’ Persuni Impjegati skond l-Attività EkonomikaThe data is taken from annual LFS datasetsTotal Employed persons by broad Economic ActivityEconomic Activity2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 20052000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Agriculture 2,845 3,295 3,223 3,154 3,185 3,045Industry 47,895 46,298 45,670 44,650 43,633 44,585Services 95,506 96,424 99,559 100,960 101,800 101,461Total 146,246 146,017 148,452 148,764 148,618 149,091Economic Activity2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005No. No. No. No. No. No.Agriculture, hunting and forestry 2,410 2,688 2,752 2,655 2,638 2,566Fishing 435 607 471 499 547 479Mining and Quarrying 715 771 652 979 678 787Manufacturing 33,497 31,944 29,869 28,763 29,091 28,736Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 3,215 3,184 3,406 3,682 3,210 2,82329Data ppovduta mill-ETCStrateġija għall-<strong>Industrija</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> : <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2010</strong>Paġna 27

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