Bruno de Finetti e la geometria del benessere

Bruno de Finetti e la geometria del benessere

Bruno de Finetti e la geometria del benessere


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around 1931 24 . The concept of subjective probability has been mentioned by L. Savage in hisbook Foundation of Statistics, in which he formu<strong>la</strong>ted the subjective expected utility theory.The economics works of De <strong>Finetti</strong> constitute a minority part of his contribution, but not lessinteresting: since 1935, he tries to analyse the possible implications of mathematics toeconomics and especially to the economics of welfare, that he called ‘Geometry of Welfare’,starting from a revision of the Pareto Optimum. During the 40s and 50s of <strong>la</strong>st century, as it isquite known, there was a long <strong>de</strong>bate concerning Welfare Economics and all the re<strong>la</strong>ted aspects:cardinal and ordinal utility, efficiency and equity, Arrow’s Theorem.In this work my aim is that of analysing De <strong>Finetti</strong>’s «Geometry of Welfare », or in other words,his operational point of view for Welfare Economics, where he applies the subjectiveinterpretation of utility as «subjectivism of preferences».CLASSIFICAZIONE JEL: B10, D60, D80KEYWORDS: <strong>Bruno</strong> De <strong>Finetti</strong>, subjective probability, welfare economics.24 “Probabilismo. Saggio critico sul<strong>la</strong> teoria <strong>de</strong>lle probabilità e. sul valore <strong>de</strong>l<strong>la</strong> scienza”, Logos (Biblioteca diFilosofia, diretta da A. Aliotta), Pezzel<strong>la</strong>, Napoli, 1931, pp. 163-219 e “Sul significato soggettivo <strong>de</strong>l<strong>la</strong> probabilità”,Fundamenta Mathematicae, 17 (1931), pp. 298-329.23

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