Vous venez d'acquérir le système audio Devialet, la référence en ...

Vous venez d'acquérir le système audio Devialet, la référence en ...

Vous venez d'acquérir le système audio Devialet, la référence en ...


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5 REMOTE CONTROLThe remote control allows you to control the Devia<strong>le</strong>t and access the various m<strong>en</strong>us, which are disp<strong>la</strong>yed onthe device’s control scre<strong>en</strong>.The Devia<strong>le</strong>t’s remote control operates via radio waves: there is no need to point it in the direction of the device.The battery compartm<strong>en</strong>t is located at the back of the remote control. Battery life is over 2 years.123 4512POWER• Short press: standby, ON• Long press: OFFVOLUME CONTROL AND MENUNAVIGATION4TONE• Short press: ba<strong>la</strong>nce/bass/treb<strong>le</strong>• Long press: M<strong>en</strong>u• To navigate within the m<strong>en</strong>u,use short presses. A long pressexits the m<strong>en</strong>u.3SOURCE• Short press: change source• Long press: sampling frequ<strong>en</strong>cy5MUTE• Short press: Devia<strong>le</strong>t si<strong>le</strong>nt mode10

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