Participants list - European Renewable Energy Council

Participants list - European Renewable Energy Council

Participants list - European Renewable Energy Council


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3 rd <strong>European</strong> <strong>Renewable</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Policy Conference 16-17 November 2009Registered <strong>Participants</strong>Laepple Johannes Assistant to MEP Bernd LangeLaguna Maria EACI, Intelligent <strong>Energy</strong> Europe ProgrammeLandolina Simone EUREC AgencyLange Bernd Member of the <strong>European</strong> ParliamentLangeveld Johannes Biomass ResearchLatour Marie EPIALauber Matthias RWE AGLaumont Noémie EDORALaura Cordón ESTELALaws Tessa Rosenblatt SolicitorsLe Jeune Alain Star Capital PartnersLefébure Marie-Laure AREVA RenwableLeissner Johanna Fraunhofer GesellschaftLemaire Clara Fleishman-HillardLentz Guy Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the EULiberali Raffaele <strong>European</strong> CommissionLiberatore Sophie ERECLimet Florence EPIALins Christine ERECLintunen Kai Finnish Forest AssociationLlamas Paula EPIALodewijks Pieter VITO - Flemish Institute for Technological ResearchLombotessi Haralambia Invest in Greece Agency-ELKELong Tony WWFLópez Camilo Centro de Formación para la Integración Regional of UruguayLou Kasper Kjoeller DONG <strong>Energy</strong> PowerLoyen richard EnerplanLuis Guilherme ESTELALuis Marin Uribe Pedro Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and TradeLundmark Lisa Swedish <strong>Energy</strong> AgencyMacias Ernesto AREMaciulis Vitas <strong>European</strong> Economic and Social CommitteMader Silke Austrian <strong>Energy</strong> AgencyMadurga Mayor Ana Iberdrola S.A.Maniatis Kyriakos <strong>European</strong> CommissionManning Eibhilin EUBIAMarchal Olivier SPF Mobilité et TransportsMaroun Vénus Qualit'EnRMarques Javier EVEMarteel Lucile EIfERMartin Ignacio Spanish Office of Science and TechnologyMartin Kevin <strong>European</strong> Office of Shenzhen Municipal GovernmentMasuhara Naoki Association for Community <strong>Energy</strong>, JapanMattucci Massimo COMAU SpAMay Hanne New <strong>Energy</strong>Mayer Didier MINES ParisTechMazzucchelli Paola EUREC AgencyMcCrone Angus New <strong>Energy</strong> FinanceMcSweeney John EWEAMeinicke Jennifer Investitionsbank Schleswig-HolsteinMelton Keith EUREC AgencyMeyer Raphael EFTA Surveillance AuthorityMichaelides Ioannis Cyprus University of TechnologyMissfeld Tanja Deloitte & Touche GmbHMitchener Brandon First SolarMitov Martin <strong>European</strong> CommissionMizoguchi Owen Yoshimi Mitsui & Co Europe plcMonnet Alice GDF SUEZMorales Cecilia UNEPMorecroft Jane Platts News AgencyMosto Pablo UTEMotherway Brian Sustainable <strong>Energy</strong> IrelandMüllerSimonGerman Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation andNuclear SafetyMüller Anne-Dorothé EUFORESMurata Ryoichi Mitsui & Co Europe plcMuth Josche ERECNairn Gisela DLRNebrera José Alfonso ESTELANellen Joerg DLRNemac Franko ApE d.o.o.Nieburg Laura Vestas Wind Systems A/SNiels Brix Skykon A/SNikionok-Ehrlich Angelika Energie and ManagementNoyon Xavier ESTIFNuscheler Ulrike EC - EACIOetzel Nikolas BMUOlejnik Marta CEWEPpage 4of 6

3 rd <strong>European</strong> <strong>Renewable</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Policy Conference 16-17 November 2009Registered <strong>Participants</strong>Orengul Sacid Gent UniversityOvesen Stein North Norway <strong>European</strong> OfficeOzuyar Pinar Ozyegin UniversityPadreca-Ceratti Douglas ERECPalmers Geert 3EPapadopoulou Danai Greens/EFA, <strong>European</strong> ParliamentPappalardo Michèle MEEDDM FranceParr Michael PWR LimitedPastre Olivier EACIPause Fabian University of WuerzburgPeeva Valya <strong>Energy</strong> Charter SecretariatPeksa-Blanchard Malgorzata <strong>European</strong> CommissionPenker Jochen Federal Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth (Austria)Pennings Roy PNO ConsultantsPérez Latorre Mariàngels ESTELAPerino Sandrine In creationPetrauskaite Agne The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of LithuaniaPhilippe Benoit Journa<strong>list</strong>Pick Jenny Fraunhofer-GesellschaftPiebalgs Andris <strong>European</strong> CommissionPieck An CREGPiel Eloi Euroheat & PowerPietruszko Stanislaw M. Polish Society for PhotovoltaicsPiontek Andreas <strong>European</strong> CommissionPiria Raffaele eclareon GmbHPodimata Anni <strong>European</strong> ParliamentPolaski Katrina Sustainable <strong>Energy</strong> IrelandPommier Thierry ESTELAPotočnik Agnes OrgalimePouffary Stéphane ADEMEPullen Angelika Global Wind <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Putman Philippe 4<strong>Energy</strong> InvestRademaekers koen EcorysRagwitz Mario Fraunhofer ISIRakocevic Lucija Montenegro Ministry of EconomyRandrianantoandro Nirina MOL PlcRaoult Emmanuelle Vestas Wind Systems A/SRassaa Abdelaziz Tunisian Ministry of Industry, <strong>Energy</strong> and SMEsRatajska-Grandin Malgorzata Region Malopolska (Brussels Office)Rathmann Max EcofysRaventos Alex <strong>European</strong> Ocean <strong>Energy</strong> AssociationReid Robert <strong>European</strong> CommissionReimann Carsten NissanRetamoso Mercedes Centro de Formación para la Integración RegionalRhein Eberhard EuractivRiley Brook World Future <strong>Council</strong>Robinson Tim <strong>European</strong> Wind <strong>Energy</strong> Association - EWEARobledo Fraga Jose Luis <strong>European</strong> CommissionRodriguez Carolina Spanish Ministry of Science ans InnovationRothe Mechtild EUFORESRousseau Nathalie <strong>European</strong> Ocean <strong>Energy</strong> AssociationRübig Paul <strong>European</strong> ParliamentRudeck Barbara SHARP Solar Systems Grouprusso salvatore regione sicilianaSá da Costa António APRENSalminen Pertti Finnish <strong>Energy</strong> IndustriesSan Bruno Gema ESHASaurez Fabian TTR energySawyer Steve GWECSchaefer Oliver SunPower CorporationSchenk Ann-Katrin EUFORESSchippers Marie Service Public de WallonieSchippers Marie Wallonian Environment AdministrationSchleicher-Tappeser Ruggero Consultant - sustainable strategiesSchmitz Bruno <strong>European</strong> CommissionSchneider Norbert E.ON AGSchramm Christophe French Ministry of <strong>Energy</strong>Schubert Thomas <strong>European</strong> CommissionSchumacher Katharina TÜV NORD AGSchüβler Sebastian WPDScola Julian EWEAServin Geraud ECIShala Arsim EncoSmets Magali AREVA BrusselsSmith Eleanor ERECSoete Antoon 3ESombsthay Alexandra <strong>European</strong> CommissionSonntag-O'Brien Virginia REN21page 5of 6

3 rd <strong>European</strong> <strong>Renewable</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Policy Conference 16-17 November 2009Registered <strong>Participants</strong>Sowden Dave JDS Consulting AssociatesSrivastava Anil AREVA <strong>Renewable</strong>Stevens Arjette wwf NLStinissen Ellien Italian Trade Commission -Italian EmbassyStolpp Sebastian Fachverband Biogas e.V.Strömberg Gunilla Swedish <strong>Energy</strong> AgencyStubner Heiko Deutscher Bundestag/ German ParliamentSummerer Leopold <strong>European</strong> Space Agency - ESTECSverko Lorena Region of Istria Representation Officete Bos Jan EurimaTedeschi Elisabetta Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyTermansen Jannik Vestas Wind Systems A/STeske Sven Greenpeace InternationalTesnière Lucie ERECThams Christian Fleishman-HillardThomas Gwenael AREVA <strong>Renewable</strong>Thurmes Claude <strong>European</strong> ParliamentTisserand Perrine HinicioTondi Gianluca EACITorres Luis Sunpower CorporationTostmann Stefan <strong>European</strong> CommissionTrenkner Uwe trenkner consultingTrnokop-Tanta Vesna Croatian Chamber of EconomyTschernigg Gundula AIT Austrian Institute of TechnologyUherova Hasbani Katarina <strong>European</strong> CommissionV.Subramanian Shri INWEAVäänänen Hannu ABBvan der Leun Kees Ecofys Groupvan Erp Frank SenterNovemVan Steen Hans <strong>European</strong> Commissionvan Steenberghe Vincent Belgian Federal Ministry EnvironmentVanbelle Joeri Electrawinds NVVanderstraeten Stefaan Daikin Europe NVVanguers Kim ERECVargas Justo Pastor Ministerio de Agricultura y GanaderiaVelkova Maria <strong>European</strong> CommissionVeum Karina <strong>Energy</strong> Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)Vierhout Rob eBIOVitali Roscini Arianna WWF EPOVergote Stefaan <strong>European</strong> Commissionvon Zitzewitz Ellen Permanent Representation of Germany to the EUWege Thorsten Netherland Ministry of EnvironmentWendt Volker Burson-MarstellerWenner Clare <strong>Renewable</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> AssociationWenzel Klaus GTZ International ServicesWernicke Mark Land BrandenburgWhite Aoife Associated PressWilczek Paul EWEAWildiers Zoe EACIWilkes Justin EWEAWille Charlotte SHARP Solar Systems GroupWillems Jean-Marc ERECWindemüller Hanne Danish <strong>Energy</strong> AgencyWitschke Tobias EACIWittoeck Peter Belgium Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety & EnvironmentWohlleber Berthold GTZWorms Patrick ASPECTWowogno Kuami YIL AgenceWunnerlich Michael BDEWWyman Vic Bioenergy BusinessYoshizawa Yoichi Mitsui & Co. Deutschland GmbHYotsova Margarita Permanent Representation of Bulgary to the EUZatkova Maria Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak RepublicZervos Arthouros ERECZiebinski Bartlomiej SalansZvirgzdgrauds Jens EU Committee of the RegionsZwaenepoel Geroen Federal Public Service of Economy of Belgiumpage 6of 6

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