Environmental weed list for the Adelaide region (116kb pdf)

Environmental weed list for the Adelaide region (116kb pdf)

Environmental weed list for the Adelaide region (116kb pdf)


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Sustainable Landscapes ProjectInterim integrated <strong>weed</strong> <strong>list</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> greater <strong>Adelaide</strong> <strong>region</strong> incorporating:• Weeds of National Significance• SA Urban Forest Biodiversity Program environmental <strong>weed</strong> <strong>list</strong>• CRC <strong>for</strong> Australian Weed Management factsheet: Alternatives to invasive garden plants,Greater <strong>Adelaide</strong> Region 2004• CSIRO ten most serious invasive garden plants <strong>for</strong> sale in South Australia #Many of <strong>the</strong> plants in <strong>the</strong> following <strong>list</strong> may not cause problems if properly contained, but whenplanted or dumped near remant native vegetation can easily escape and become invasive. Werecommend that <strong>the</strong>se plants only be planted in areas where <strong>the</strong>y do not cause problems, andeven <strong>the</strong>n that <strong>the</strong>y be carefully maintained and monitored.Plant species common as environmental <strong>weed</strong>s of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Adelaide</strong> <strong>region</strong>* non-native (exotic) species ** proclaimed species # CSIRO invasiveTrees and tall shrubsCommon name Scientific name Where it is a problemCootamundra wattle Acacia baileyana hillssilver wattle Acacia dealbata hillsearly black wattle Acacia decurrens hillsFlinders Ranges wattle Acacia iteaphyllasallow wattleAcacia longifolia var.hillslongifolia# golden wreath wattle Acacia saligna all areastree of heaven *Ailanthus altissima plains, hillsIrish strawberry tree *Arbutus unedo hillstree lucerne / tagasaste *Chamaecytisus palmensis plains, hills, creekcotoneaster *Cotoneaster spp. creek, hillsMay hawthorn *Crataegus monogyna creek, hills** azzarola Crataegus sinaica creek, hills# desert ash*Fraxinus angustifolia ssp. creek, hillsoxycarpapincushion hakea Hakea laurina hillstree tobacco *Nicotiana glauca all areas** # olive *Olea europaeaall areas (Olives can be grown<strong>for</strong> agricultural purposes)Cape Leeuwin wattle Paraserian<strong>the</strong>s lophantha creek, hills, coast** # Aleppo pine *Pinus halepensis plains, hills,malleeradiata pine *Pinus radiata hillssweet pittosporum Pittosporum undulatum plains, hills, creekmyrtle-leaf milkwort *Polygala myrtifolia hills, coastpoplar *Populus spp. plains, hills, creekplum *Prunus spp. creek, hillscastor oil plant *Ricinus communis all areasblack locust Robinia pseudoacacia creek, hills# weeping willow *Salix babylonica hills, creekpeppercorn tree *Schinus molle plains, creek, hills** a<strong>the</strong>l pine *Tamarix aphylla creekelm *Ulmus spp. plains, hills

ShrubsCommon name Scientific name Where it is a problemswan plant *Asclepias fruticosus hillsbroad-leaved cotton-bush *Asclepias rotundifolia hillsgreen poison berry *Cestrum parqui plains, hills** boneseed *Chrysan<strong>the</strong>moidesall areasmonilifera ssp. moniliferaNew Zealand mirror-bush *Coprosma repens creek, hills, coast** English broom *Cytisus scoparius hillsheath/ Spanish heath/ treehills*Erica spp.heathflax-leaf broom *Genista linifolia hills** Montpellier broom *Genista monspessulana hillsrosemary grevillea Grevillea rosmarinifolia hillssilky hakea Hakea sericea hillsholly *Ilex aquifolium hills# topped lavender *Lavandula stoechas hillscoastal teatree Leptospermum laevigatum coast** African boxthorn *Lycium ferocissimum all areas** horehound *Marrubium vulgare plains, coast, malleeCape honey flower *Melianthus major creek, coastAfrican furze *Muraltia heisteria hillsoleander *Nerium oleander (high toxicity)** prickly pear*Opuntia spp.all areas(except O. ficus-indica)blowfly bush / buckthorn *Rhamnus alaternus plains, creek, hills, coast** dog rose *Rosa canina hillssalt cedar *Tamarix ramosissima plains, creek, coast** gorse *Ulex europaeus hillsClimbers and creepersCommon name Scientific name Where it is a problemMadiera vine *Anredera cordifolia creek, hills, coast** bridal creeper *Asparagus asparagoides all areas** bridal veil *Asparagus declinatus all areasasparagus fern*Asparagus scandens and A. plains, creek, hills, coastdensiflorusblue-bell creeperBillardiera (orSollya )creek, hills, coas<strong>the</strong>terophyllaCape ivy *Delairea odorata creek, hills, coastdolichos pea *Dipogon lignosus creek, hills, coastFumitory *Fumaria spp. plains, hills, creekEnglish ivy *Hedera helix creek, hillspurple morning glory *Ipomoea congesta plains, hills, creekmorning glory *Ipomoea indica plains, creek, hills, coastJapanese honeysuckle *Lonicera japonica creek, hills** sweet briar/eglantine *Rosa rubiginosa plains, creek, hills** blackberry *Rubus fruticosus agg. plains, hillswandering jew *Tradescantia fluminensis plains, creek, hillsnasturtium *Tropaeolum majus plains, creek, hills# blue periwinkle *Vinca major creek

Grasses, herbs, bulbs and cormsCommon name Scientific name Where it is a problemcentury plant *Agave americana coast, mallee** three-cornered garlic *Allium triquetrum plains, creek, hills** crow garlic *Allium vineale malleemarram grass *Ammophila arenaria coas<strong>the</strong>art-leaf iceplant *Aptenia cordifolia coastarctotis *Arctotis stoechadifolia plains, coastgiant reed/bamboo *Arundo donax creekbaboon-flower *Babiana angustifolia hillspigface Carpobrotus edulis coastAfrican corn-flag*Chasman<strong>the</strong> floribunda var. plains, creek, hillsfloribundapampas grass *Cortaderia spp. creek, hillscouch *Cynodon dactylon plains, creek, hills, coastmonadenia *Disa bracteata hillsseaside daisy*Erigeron karvinskianusplains, hills, coast (invasivein bushland)euryops *Euryops abrotanifolius hillsfreesia *Freesia alba x leichtlinii hillsgalenia/ carpet <strong>weed</strong>*Galenia pubescens & G. plains, coastsecunda# gazania *Gazania linearis hybrids coast, malleewild gladiolus* Gladiolus tristis & G. hillsundulatuscoolatai grass / tambookieall areas*Hyparrhenia hirtagrassiris *Iris spp. hills (invasive in bushland)ixia *Ixia spp. hillstangier pea *Lathyrus tingitanus hillsSnowflake *Leucojum aestivum hillssea-lavender *Limonium spp. coastmedic *Medicago spp. all areascommon iceplant*Mesembryan<strong>the</strong>mum plains, coast, malleecrystallinum** Cape tulip *Moraea flaccida & M. miniata plains, hillsthread iris *Moraea setifolia plainsfragrant onion *Nothoscordum inodorum plains, creek, hillscarrion flower *Orbea (or Stapelia) variegata plains** sour sob *Oxalis pes-caprae plains, hillsone-o'clock *Oxalis purpurea hills# kikuyu *Pennisetum clandestinum all areas# fountain grass *Pennisetum setaceum all areasphalaris *Phalaris aquatica hills, creekrice millet *Pipta<strong>the</strong>rum miliaceum plains, hillspolygala *Polygala virgata plains, hillspincushion/ scabious *Scabiosa atropurpurea plains, hillssparaxis *Sparaxis spp. hillssynnotia *Synnotia villosa hillstritonia *Tritonia spp. hillsvetch *Vicia spp. plains, hillsblue periwinkle *Vinca major plains, creek, hills** bulbil watsonia*Watsonia meriana var. creek, hillsbulbilliferaarum lily *Zantedeschia aethiopica creek

AquaticsCommon name Scientific name Where it is a problem** alligator <strong>weed</strong> *Alternan<strong>the</strong>ra philoxeroides creek** cabomba *Cabomba caroliniana creek** leafy elodea *Egeria (or Elodia) densa creek** water hyacinth *Eichhornia crassipes creek** horsetail or scouring rush *Equisetum spp. creekparrot’s fea<strong>the</strong>r *Myriophyllum aquaticum creek** salvinia *Salvinia molesta creekThis plant <strong>list</strong> includes <strong>the</strong> <strong>list</strong> adapted from SA Urban Forest Biodiversity Program (2001)Conserving <strong>Adelaide</strong>'s Biodiversity: Resources, SA Urban Forest Biodiversity Program,<strong>Adelaide</strong> & Robertson, M. (1997) Stop Bushland Weeds, Nature Conservation of SouthAustralia Inc., <strong>Adelaide</strong>.Weeds of National SignificanceCommon NameScientific Nameprickly acaciaAcacia nilotica ssp. indicaalligator <strong>weed</strong>Alternan<strong>the</strong>ra philoxeroidespond appleAnnona glabrabridal creeper Asparagus asparagoides & A.declinatuscabombaCabomba carolinianabitou bush/boneseedChrysan<strong>the</strong>moides moniliferarubber vineCryptostegia grandiflorahymenachneHymenachne amplexicaulislantanaLantana camaramimosaMimosa pigraChilean needle grassNassella neesianaserrated tussockNassella trichotomaParkinsoniaParkinsonia aculeatapar<strong>the</strong>nium <strong>weed</strong>Par<strong>the</strong>nium hysterophorusblackberryRubus fruticosus agg. (industrycultivars exempt)Willows except weeping willows,pussy willow and sterile pussy willowSalix spp. except S. babylonica S.X calodendron and S. X reichardtiisalviniaSalvinia molestaa<strong>the</strong>l pineTamarix aphyllagorseUlex auropaeusThese plants should not be established in parks or gardens.

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