Relazione annuale 2012 - Prima Comunicazione

Relazione annuale 2012 - Prima Comunicazione

Relazione annuale 2012 - Prima Comunicazione


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1. L’ecosistema digitaleTabella 1.10. Selezione delle iniziative regolamentari adottate a livello europeoe internazionale (2011-<strong>2012</strong>)Autore Titolo del documento DataCECECEBERECBERECBERECCECECEParl. Eur.OECDBERECBERECCEBERECBERECBERECBERECParl. Eur.RSPGCEProcedures for notifying and acting on illegal contenthosted by online intermediaries (public consultation)EU guidelines for the application of state aid rules inrelation to the rapid deployment of broadbandnetworks (public consultation)AVMS directive application (report)Guidelines for quality of service in the scope of netneutrality (public consultation)Differentiation practices and related competitionissues in the scope of net neutrality (draft)An assessment of IP-interconnection in the context ofnet neutrality (public consultation)Assessing State aid for films and other audiovisualworks (public consultation)The online distribution of audiovisual works(green paper)EU initiative to reduce the cost of rolling out highspeed communication infrastructure in Europe(public consultation)The online distribution of audiovisual works in theEuropean Union (public consultation)ICT Applications for the Smart Grid: Opportunitiesand Policy ImplicationsReport on impact of fixed-mobile substitution inmarket definition (public consultation)Report on special rate services (public consultation)Towards an integrated European market for card,internet and mobile payments (green paper)Co-investment and SMP in NGA networks(public consultation)Answer to the Commission’s questionnaire on nondiscriminationBroadband promotion (report)Guidelines on transparency in the scope of netneutrality: best practices and recommendedapproachesResolution on the open internet and net neutrality inEuropeOpinion on review of spectrum use(public consultation)Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliamentand of the Council on roaming on public mobilecommunications networks within the UnionGiugno <strong>2012</strong>Giugno <strong>2012</strong>Maggio <strong>2012</strong>Maggio <strong>2012</strong>Maggio <strong>2012</strong>Maggio <strong>2012</strong>Aprile <strong>2012</strong>Aprile <strong>2012</strong>Aprile <strong>2012</strong>Marzo <strong>2012</strong>Gennaio <strong>2012</strong>Gennaio <strong>2012</strong>Gennaio <strong>2012</strong>Gennaio <strong>2012</strong>Dicembre 2011Dicembre 2011Dicembre 2011Dicembre 2011Novembre 2011Novembre 2011Luglio 2011Legenda: CE - Commissione europea; BEREC - Body of European Regulators forElectronic Communications; Parl. Eur. - Parlamento europeo; OECD - Organisation forEconomic Co-operation and Development; RSPG - Radio Spectrum Policy GroupFonte: Autorità69

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