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erythromycin of Lactobacillus paracasei strains isolated from traditional Italian fermented foods. InternationalJournal of Food Microbiology, ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 138(1-2): 151-156.Confalonieri, M.; Cammareri, M.; Biazzi, E.; Pecchia, P.; Fevereiro, M.P.S.; Balestrazzi, A.; Tava, A.;Conicella, C. 2009. Enhanced triterpene sapogenin biosynthesis and root nodulation in transgenic barrelmedic (Medicago truncatula Gaertn.) expressing a novel β-amyrin synthase (AsOXA1) gene. PlantBiotechnology Journal, WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, 7(2): 172-182.Contarini, G.; Pelizzola, V.; Povolo, M. 2009. Content of conjugated linoleic acid in nautral and polar lipidfractions of milk of different ruminant species. International Dairy Journal, Elsevier, 19(5): 342-344.D’Addabbo, T.; Avato, P.; Tava, A. 2009. Nematicidal potential of materials from Medicago spp. .European Journal of Plant Pathology, SPRINGER, 125(1): 39-49.Falchero, L.; Coppa, M.; Esposti, S.; Tava, A. 2009. Essential oil composition of Potentilla grandiflora L.from Western Alpine pastures. Journal of Essential Oil Research, Allured, Carol Stream, IL, ETATS-UNIS,21(6): 549-552, ISSN 1041-2905 .Falchero, L.; Coppa, M.; Fossi, A.; Lombardi, G.; Ramella, D.; Tava, A. 2009. Essential oil composition ofLady's Mantle (Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm.) growing wild in Alpine pastures. Natural Product Research,TAYLOR & FRANCIS , 23(15): 1367-1372.Giangiacomo, R.; Pani, P.; Barzaghi, S. 2009. Sugars as a perturbation of the water matrix. Journal of nearinfrared spectroscopy, IM Publications LLP, 17(6): 329-335, ISSN 0967-0335.Migliorati, L.; Speroni, M.; Stelletta, C.; Pirlo, G. 2009. Influence of feeding flavouring-appetizingsubstances on activity of cows in an automatic milking system. Italian Journal of Animal Science, Avenuemedia, 8 (2S): 417-419, ISSN 1594-4077(1828-051X).Mucchetti, G.; Ghiglietti, R.; Locci, F.; Francolino, S.; Bonvini, B.; Remagni, M.C.; Zago, M.; Iezzi, R.;Carminati, D. 2009. Technological, microbiological and chemical characteristics of Pannerone, a traditionalItalian raw milk cheese. Dairy Science and Technology, EDP SCIENCES, 89(5): 419-436, ISSN 1958-5586.Muzzalupo, I.; Stefanizzi, F.; Perri, E. 2009. Evaluation of Olives Cultivated in Southern Italy by SimpleSequence Repeat Markers. HortScience, LeRon Robbins, M. (American Society for Horticultural Science),44(3): 582-588, ISSN 0018-5345.Muzzalupo, I.; Stefanizzi, F.; Salimonti, A.; Falabella, R.; Perri E. 2009. Microsatellite Markers foridentification of a group of italian olive accessions. Scientia Agricola, Luís Reynaldo Ferracciú Alleoni , 66(5):685-690.Pecetti, L.; Annicchiarico, P.; Battini, F.; Cappelli, S. 2009. Adaptation of forage legume species andcultivars under grazing in two extensive livestock systems in Italy. European Journal of Agronomy,ELSEVIER SCIENCE , 30(3): 199-204, ISSN 1161-0301.Pecetti, L.; Annicchiarico, P.; Porqueddu, C.; Khedim, A.; Abdelguerfi, A. 2009. Fitting germplasmtypes of tall fescue and orchardgrass to different cropping environments of the Mediterranean region. CropScience, CROP SCIENCE SOC AMER , 49(6): 2393-2399, ISSN 0011-183X .Povolo, M.; Pelizzola, V.; Ravera, D.; Contarini, G. 2009. Significance of the non-volatile minorcompounds of the neutral lipid fraction as markers of the origin of dairy products. Journal of Agricultural andFood Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 57(16): 7387-7394.Romani, M.; Pecetti, L.; Tosca, A.; Della Marianna, G.; Gusmeroli, F.; Paoletti, R.; Piano, E. 2009.Evaluation of morphology and seed production of Alpine cat's tail, Phleum rhaeticum (Humph.) Rauschert,germplasm in view of its use for ecological restoration at high altitude. Restoration Ecology, WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, 17(3): 386-392, ISSN 1061-2971.Rossetti, L.; Carminati, D.; Zago, M.; Giraffa, G. 2009. A qualified presumption of Safety approach for thesafety assessment of Grana Padano whey starters. International Journal of Food Microbiology, Elsevier,78

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