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Galletti, S.; Leoni, O.; Cinti, S.; Burzi, P. L.; Ugolini, L. 2009. Interaction of common non-pathogenic soilfungi with allyl glucosinolate and the related enzyme-derived compounds. The 2nd Conference onGlucosinolate - Taking the field into the next decade, Elsinore (DK), 24-27 maggio 2009.Galletti, S.; Leoni, O.; Cinti, S.; Ugolini, L.; Burzi, P. L. 2009. Aspergillus flavus interaction withbiofumigation related compouhd in soil. 5° Meeting IOBC/wprs working group .Grassi, G.; Casano, S.; Michelozzi, M.; Martini, V.; Kroeze, D. 2009. Effect of salinity in nutrient solutionon yield of Cannabis in indoor condition. International Association for Cannabis as Medicine IACM 5thConference on Cannabinoids in Medicine. 2-3 october 2009 Cologne, Germany, p. 28.Iori, R. 2009. Glucosinolati e chemoprevenzione. Comunicazione su invito; Congresso Nazionale diFitoterapia 29-31 maggio 2009, Grand Hotel Duca D’Este, Tivoli Terme (Roma) Abstract S3.2.Kim, J. H.; Bähr, M.; Wagner, J.; De Nicola, G.; Bub, A.; Rüfer, C.; Jung, M.; Iori, R.; Gerhäuser, C.;2009. Prostate cancer preventive potential of cruciferous vegetables. NATURAL COMPOUNDS IN CANCERPREVENTION AND TREATMENT, OCTOBER 13-15, 2009, SMOLENICE CASTLE, SLOVAKIA. Book ofAbstracts L.6.Kim, J.H.; Baehr, M.; Wagner, J.; De Nicola, G.; Bub, A.; Ruefer, C.; Jung, M.; Iori, R.; Gerhauser, C.;2009. Increased histone acetylation, but no inhibition of HDAC activity, by kale sprout intervention in ahuman prostate cancer xenograft model. American Association for Cancer Research – Frontiers in CancerPrevention Research, •December 6-9, 2009 • Houston, TX, (USA); Proceedings Poster Session A62.Kim, J.H.; Baehr, M.; Wagner, J.; De Nicola, G.; Bub, A.; Ruefer, C.; Jung, M.; Iori, R.; Gerhauser C.;2009. Concomitant activation of pro- and antiproliferative mechanisms abrogate tumor growth inhibition bykale sprout intervention in a human prostate cancer xenograft model. American Association for CancerResearch – Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, •December 6-9, 2009 • Houston, TX, (USA);Proceedings Poster Session A148.Kim, J.H.; Baehr, M.; Wagner, J.; De Nicola, G.; Ruefer, C.; Jung, M.; Iori, R.; Gerhauser, C.; 2009.Increased Histone acetylation by kale sprout intervention in a human prostate cancer xenograft model.NATURAL COMPOUNDS IN CANCER PREVENTION AND TREATMENT, OCTOBER 13-15, 2009,SMOLENICE CASTLE, SLOVAKIA Book of Abstracts P. 11.Manici, L. M.; Accinelli, C.; Caputo, F. 2009. Genetic Differences of Geographically Separated Isolates ofthe Fungus Macrophomina Phaseolina (S03 Soil Biol. & Biochem.). Intern. Annual Meeting ASA-CSSA-SSSA Pittsburgh Nov. 1-5 , Abst. 54925.Manici, L. M.; Caputo, F.; Carlucci, A. 2009. Endophyte Fungi as Indicators of Soil Health in ContinuousCropping Systems. Case Study Peach Tree and Horticultural Crops. Intern. Annual Meeting ASA-CSSA-SSSA Pittsburgh Nov. 1-5, Abst 54923.Manici, L.M.; Ciavatta, C.; Caputo, F. 2009. Soil-inhabiting fungal community composition as qualitativeindicator of C metabolism processes. EGU2009, p. 2593.Marinello, S.; Sala, E.; Burzi, P. L.; Galletti, S.; Cerato, C. 2009. Different chitinase expression in sugarbeet plants after acibenzolar-S-methyl applications. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, p. 58, ISBN 978-92-9067-218-0.Pacifico, D.; Mandolino, G. 2009. Cold-induced changes of transcript profiles correlated to sucrosemetabolism in sugar beet. Atti del 53° Congresso Annuale della Società Italia na di Genetica Agraria,Università di Torino - Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria, 2.62, ISBN 978-88-900622-9-2.Rongai, D.; Basti, C.; Di Marco, C.; Cerato, C. 2009. Osservazioni preliminari sull'uso di prodotti naturalicontro Saissetia oleae e fumaggini. Abstracts Books del PRIMO CONVEGNO NAZIONALE DELL'OLIVO EDELL'OLIO di Portici (1-2 Ottobre), 94-95.Salvadori, M.; Della Croce, C.; Fiorio, R.; Iori, R.; Nannelli, A.; Puccinelli, E.; Longo, V.; 2009. Effetti disostanze di origine vegetale sul sistema metabolizzante i farmaci e sugli enzimi antiossidanti. XV CongressoNazionale della Società Italiana di Tossicologia - Verona, 19-22 gennaio 2009.58

Atti di congressiAcutis, M; Confalonieri, R; Donatelli, M.; Rana G. 2009. Modellazione dell'allettamento dei cereali apaglia. CLIMA E AGRICOLTURA: Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione, 12° Convegno nazionale diAgrometeorologia- AIAM 2009, Sassari 15 - 17 giugno 2009, Associazione Italiana di AgroMeteorologia.Bregaglio, S.; Donatelli, M.; Confalonieri, R.; Orlandini, S. 2009. Confronto fra soluzioni di modellazioneper la generazione di umidità relativa oraria . AIAM-12° Convegno nazionale di Agrometeorologia , 15-17giugno 2009.Burzi, P. L.; Galletti, S.; Cerato, C. 2009. Proteomic investigation of resistance to late blight (Phytophthorainfestans) in potato genotypes treated by acibenzolar-S-methyl. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, IOBC/WPRS, 43: 387-389, ISSN 1027-3115.Ceotto, E.; Di Candilo, M. 2009. Are industrial N fertilizers so guilty? A case study of 7 lignocellulosicbiomass crops in the Northern Italy. Proceedings of Bioenergy 2009 Sustainable Bioenergy Business - 4thInternational Bioenergy Conference, 119-124., ISBN 978-952-5135-43-5 ISSN 1239-4874.Ceotto, E.; Librenti, I.; Di Candilo, M. 2009. Effetti di Medio Termine di Colture Perenni da Energia sulContenuto di Carbonio Organico del Terreno. Atti XXXVIII Convegno della Società Italiana di Agronomia,57-58, ISBN 9788 8904 38707.Confalonieri, R.; Donatelli, M; Acutis, M; Bellocchi, G; Lazar, C; Fanchini, D; Baruth, B; Tubiello, F.2009. Simulating crop damages due to abiotic events: case studies using the AbioticDamage model library.18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation.Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association forMathematics and Computers in Simulation, (July 2009), 2377-2383, ISBN 978-0-9758400-7-8.Di Candilo, M.; Ceotto, E. 2009. Effect of clone, harvesting interval and row spacing on yield and biomassquality of poplar grown as SRC in Northern Italy. Proceedings of Bioenergy 2009 Sustainable BioenergyBusiness - 4th International Bioenergy Conference, 211-215, ISBN 978-952-5135-43-5, ISSN 1239-4874.Donatelli, M.; Acutis, M.; Bregaglio, S.; Rosenmund, A. 2009. A model framework to simulateagromanagement at field and farm level. V Modeling Frameworks/Components and Agricultural DSSFarming Systems Design 2009, Aug. 23-26 - Monterey, CA, USA, 97-98.Donatelli, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Habyarimana, E.; Bregaglio, S.; Confalonieri, R.; Baruth, B. 2009. CLIMA:un generatore climatico modulare. AIAM-12° Convegno nazionale di Agrometeorologia , 15-17 giugno 2009.Donatelli, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Habyarimana, E.; Bregaglio, S.; Confalonieri, R.; Baruth, B. 2009. CLIMA,a modular weather generator. Proc. 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress onModelling and Simulation, 852-858, ISBN 978-0-9758400-7-8.Donatelli, M.; Confalonieri, R.; Cerrani, I.; Fanchini, D.; Acutis, M.; Tarantola, S.; Baruth, B. 2009.LUISA (Library User Interface for Sensitivity Analysis): a generic software component for sensitivity analysisof bio-physical models. 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modellingand Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and InternationalAssociation for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, 859-865, ISBN 978-0-9758400-7-8.Furlan, L.; Bonetto, C.; Costa, B.; Finotto, A..; Lazzeri, L. 2009. Observation on natural mortality factorsin wireworm populations and evaluation of management options. 12th European meeting del IOBC/WPRSon “Insect pathogens and insect parasitic nematodes” Pamplona (Spain) 23-27 June 2009, 45: 436-439.Galletti, S.; Burzi, P.L.; Sala, E.; Marinello, S.; Cerato, C. 2009. Synergy of Brassica napus green manureand Trichoderma seed treatment against Sclerotium rolfsii of sugar beet. IOBC WPRS Bulletin, IOBC WPRS,42: 69-72.59

Atti di congressiAcutis, M; Confalonieri, R; Donatelli, M.; Rana G. 2009. Modellazione dell'allettamento dei cereali apaglia. CLIMA E AGRICOLTURA: Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione, 12° Convegno nazionale diAgrometeorologia- AIAM 2009, Sassari 15 - 17 giugno 2009, Associazione Italiana di AgroMeteorologia.Bregaglio, S.; Donatelli, M.; Confalonieri, R.; Orlandini, S. 2009. Confronto fra soluzioni di modellazioneper la generazione di umidità relativa oraria . AIAM-12° Convegno nazionale di Agrometeorologia , 15-17giugno 2009.Burzi, P. L.; Galletti, S.; Cerato, C. 2009. Proteomic investigation of resistance to late blight (Phytophthorainfestans) in potato genotypes treated by acibenzolar-S-methyl. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, IOBC/WPRS, 43: 387-389, ISSN 1027-3115.Ceotto, E.; Di Candilo, M. 2009. Are industrial N fertilizers so guilty? A case study of 7 lignocellulosicbiomass crops in the Northern Italy. Proceedings of Bioenergy 2009 Sustainable Bioenergy Business - 4thInternational Bioenergy Conference, 119-124., ISBN 978-952-5135-43-5 ISSN 1239-4874.Ceotto, E.; Librenti, I.; Di Candilo, M. 2009. Effetti di Medio Termine di Colture Perenni da Energia sulContenuto di Carbonio Organico del Terreno. Atti XXXVIII Convegno della Società Italiana di Agronomia,57-58, ISBN 9788 8904 38707.Confalonieri, R.; Donatelli, M; Acutis, M; Bellocchi, G; Lazar, C; Fanchini, D; Baruth, B; Tubiello, F.2009. Simulating crop damages due to abiotic events: case studies using the AbioticDamage model library.18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation.Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association forMathematics and Computers in Simulation, (July 2009), 2377-2383, ISBN 978-0-9758400-7-8.Di Candilo, M.; Ceotto, E. 2009. Effect of clone, harvesting interval and row spacing on yield and biomassquality of poplar grown as SRC in Northern Italy. Proceedings of Bioenergy 2009 Sustainable BioenergyBusiness - 4th International Bioenergy Conference, 211-215, ISBN 978-952-5135-43-5, ISSN 1239-4874.Donatelli, M.; Acutis, M.; Bregaglio, S.; Rosenmund, A. 2009. A model framework to simulateagromanagement at field and farm level. V Modeling Frameworks/Components and Agricultural DSSFarming Systems Design 2009, Aug. 23-26 - Monterey, CA, USA, 97-98.Donatelli, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Habyarimana, E.; Bregaglio, S.; Confalonieri, R.; Baruth, B. 2009. CLIMA:un generatore climatico modulare. AIAM-12° Convegno nazionale di Agrometeorologia , 15-17 giugno 2009.Donatelli, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Habyarimana, E.; Bregaglio, S.; Confalonieri, R.; Baruth, B. 2009. CLIMA,a modular weather generator. Proc. 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress onModelling and Simulation, 852-858, ISBN 978-0-9758400-7-8.Donatelli, M.; Confalonieri, R.; Cerrani, I.; Fanchini, D.; Acutis, M.; Tarantola, S.; Baruth, B. 2009.LUISA (Library User Interface for Sensitivity Analysis): a generic software component for sensitivity analysisof bio-physical models. 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modellingand Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and InternationalAssociation for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, 859-865, ISBN 978-0-9758400-7-8.Furlan, L.; Bonetto, C.; Costa, B.; Finotto, A..; Lazzeri, L. 2009. Observation on natural mortality factorsin wireworm populations and evaluation of management options. 12th European meeting del IOBC/WPRSon “Insect pathogens and insect parasitic nematodes” Pamplona (Spain) 23-27 June 2009, 45: 436-439.Galletti, S.; Burzi, P.L.; Sala, E.; Marinello, S.; Cerato, C. 2009. Synergy of Brassica napus green manureand Trichoderma seed treatment against Sclerotium rolfsii of sugar beet. IOBC WPRS Bulletin, IOBC WPRS,42: 69-72.59

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