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Distribuzione delle pubblicazioni per gruppi omogenei3025N. pubblicazioni20151050Libri, capitoli dilibro, monografieArticoli su rivisteISIArticoli su rivistenon ISIAbstract, posterAtti di congressiPubblicazioni su riviste ISI(percentile di appartenenza in funzione dell'IF normalizzato)11%33%IF > 75° percentile56%50° percentile

156, ISBN 978-88-86817-53-0.Ceotto, E. 2009. Grassland for bioenergy production. A review. In Sustainable Agriculture, Springer, 141-152, ISBN 987-90-481-2665-1.Di Candilo, M.; Ceotto, E.; Barbanti, L.; Fazio, S.; Monti, A.; Venturi, G. 2009. Le colture lignocellulosicheper la produzione di biomassa da energia. In Le piante industriali per una agricolturamultifunzionale, Avenue Media, 199-244, ISBN 978-88-86817-53-0.Donatelli, M.; Russell, G.; Rizzoli, A.; Ceotto, E.; Manici, L.; et al. 2009. A component-based frameworkfor simulating agricultural production and externalities. In Environmental and agricultural modelling:integrated approaches for policy impact assessment, Springer, 63-108, ISBN 9789048136186.Stevanato, P.; McGrath, J.M.; Biancardi, E. 2009. Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris). In Manual ofMethod for Soil and Land Evaluation, Science Publishers Inc., 236-248, ISBN 9781578085712.Pubblicazioni su riviste ISIConfalonieri, R.; Acutis, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Donatelli, M. 2009. Multi-metric evaluation of themodelsWARM, CropSyst, andWOFOST for rice. Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, 220(11): 1395-1410, ISSN0304-3800.Donatelli, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Habyarimana, E.; Confalonieri, R.; Micale, F. 2009. An extensible modellibrary for generating wind speed data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Elsevier, 69(2): 165-170,ISSN 0168-1699.Lazzeri, L.; Curto, G.; Dallavalle, E.; D’Avino, L.; Malaguti, L.; Santi, R.; Patalano, G. 2009. Nematicidalefficacy of biofumigation by defatted Brassicaceae meal for control of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid etWhite) Chitw. on zucchini crop. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, HAWORTH PRESS, 33(3): 349-358,ISSN 1044-0046.Manici, L. M.; Caputo, F. 2009. Fungal community diversity and soil health in intensive potato croppingsystems of the east Po valley, northern Italy . Annals of Applied Biology, J Wiley-Blackwell, 155(2): 245-258,ISSN 0003-4746.Montaut, S.; Grandbois, J.; Righetti, L.; Barillari, J.; Iori, R.; Rollin, P. 2009. Updated GlucosinolateProfile of Dithyrea wislizenii. Journal of Natural Products, The American Chemical Society and AmericanSociety of Pharmacognosy, 72(5): 889-893.Omirou, M.; Papastylianou, I.; Iori, R.; Papastephanou, C.; Papadopoulou, KK.; Ehaliotis, C.;Karpouzas, DG.. 2009. Microwave-assisted extraction of glucosinolates from Eruca sativa seeds and soil:comparison with existing methods. Phytochemical Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 20(3): 214-220.Rongai, D.; Cerato, C.; Lazzeri, L. 2009. A natural Fungicide for the Control of Erysiphe betae (Vanha) andErysiphe cichoracearum DC. European Journal of Plant Physiology, Springer , 124(4): 613-619, ISSN 0929-1873.Saccomani, M.; Stevanato, P.; Trebbi, D.; McGrath, M.; Biancardi, E. 2009. Molecular and morphophysiologicalcharacterization of sea, ruderal and cultivated beets. Euphytica, Springer Netherlands, 169(1):19-29.Valgimigli, L.; Iori, R.; 2009. Antioxidant and pro-oxidant capacities of ITCs.; Review Article. Environmentaland Molecular Mutagenesis , Wiley InterScience, 50(3): 222-237.55

156, ISBN 978-88-86817-53-0.Ceotto, E. 2009. Grassland for bioenergy production. A review. In Sustainable Agriculture, Springer, 141-152, ISBN 987-90-481-2665-1.Di Candilo, M.; Ceotto, E.; Barbanti, L.; Fazio, S.; Monti, A.; Venturi, G. 2009. Le colture lignocellulosicheper la produzione di biomassa da energia. In Le piante industriali per una agricolturamultifunzionale, Avenue Media, 199-244, ISBN 978-88-86817-53-0.Donatelli, M.; Russell, G.; Rizzoli, A.; Ceotto, E.; Manici, L.; et al. 2009. A component-based frameworkfor simulating agricultural production and externalities. In Environmental and agricultural modelling:integrated approaches for policy impact assessment, Springer, 63-108, ISBN 9789048136186.Stevanato, P.; McGrath, J.M.; Biancardi, E. 2009. Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris). In Manual ofMethod for Soil and Land Evaluation, Science Publishers Inc., 236-248, ISBN 9781578085712.Pubblicazioni su riviste ISIConfalonieri, R.; Acutis, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Donatelli, M. 2009. Multi-metric evaluation of themodelsWARM, CropSyst, andWOFOST for rice. Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, 220(11): 1395-1410, ISSN0304-3800.Donatelli, M.; Bellocchi, G.; Habyarimana, E.; Confalonieri, R.; Micale, F. 2009. An extensible modellibrary for generating wind speed data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Elsevier, 69(2): 165-170,ISSN 0168-1699.Lazzeri, L.; Curto, G.; Dallavalle, E.; D’Avino, L.; Malaguti, L.; Santi, R.; Patalano, G. 2009. Nematicidalefficacy of biofumigation by defatted Brassicaceae meal for control of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid etWhite) Chitw. on zucchini crop. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, HAWORTH PRESS, 33(3): 349-358,ISSN 1044-0046.Manici, L. M.; Caputo, F. 2009. Fungal community diversity and soil health in intensive potato croppingsystems of the east Po valley, northern Italy . Annals of Applied Biology, J Wiley-Blackwell, 155(2): 245-258,ISSN 0003-4746.Montaut, S.; Grandbois, J.; Righetti, L.; Barillari, J.; Iori, R.; Rollin, P. 2009. Updated GlucosinolatePro<strong>file</strong> of Dithyrea wislizenii. Journal of Natural Products, The American Chemical Society and AmericanSociety of Pharmacognosy, 72(5): 889-893.Omirou, M.; Papastylianou, I.; Iori, R.; Papastephanou, C.; Papadopoulou, KK.; Ehaliotis, C.;Karpouzas, DG.. 2009. Microwave-assisted extraction of glucosinolates from Eruca sativa seeds and soil:comparison with existing methods. Phytochemical Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 20(3): 214-220.Rongai, D.; Cerato, C.; Lazzeri, L. 2009. A natural Fungicide for the Control of Erysiphe betae (Vanha) andErysiphe cichoracearum DC. European Journal of Plant Physiology, Springer , 124(4): 613-619, ISSN 0929-1873.Saccomani, M.; Stevanato, P.; Trebbi, D.; McGrath, M.; Biancardi, E. 2009. Molecular and morphophysiologicalcharacterization of sea, ruderal and cultivated beets. Euphytica, Springer Netherlands, 169(1):19-29.Valgimigli, L.; Iori, R.; 2009. Antioxidant and pro-oxidant capacities of ITCs.; Review Article. Environmentaland Molecular Mutagenesis , Wiley InterScience, 50(3): 222-237.55

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