scarica il Notiziario S.I.M. - Società Italiana di Malacologia

scarica il Notiziario S.I.M. - Società Italiana di Malacologia

scarica il Notiziario S.I.M. - Società Italiana di Malacologia


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Pubblicazioni ricevute46Ruthenica Vol. 14, No. 1 May 2004 Russian MalacologicalJournalChernyshev A.V. & Chernova T.V. The systematic positionof Lottia angusta (Moskalev in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967)(Gastropoda, Lottiidae) (in russo) 1Chernyshev A.V. On the type specimen of Acmaea personaRathke, 1833 (Gastropoda) (in russo) 5Kosyan A.R. & Kantor Yu.I. Morphology, taxonomic statusand relationships of Melongenidae (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda)(in inglese) 9Soldatenko E.V. & Starobogatov Ya.I. Genus AncylusMüller, 1774 (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) (in russo) 37Shirokaya A. & Röpstorf P. Morphology of alimentary systemand shell adductor muscles in some species of endemicBaikalian Acroloxidae (Pulmonata, Basommatophora)(in inglese) 57Smirnov I.P. Distribution of gastropods of the genus NeancistrolepisHabe et Sato, 1972 off Sakhalin Island (OkhotskSea) (in russo) 71Katugin O.N. Squids of the fam<strong>il</strong>y Gonatidae from the NorthPacific Ocean and their genetic <strong>di</strong>fferentiation: controversialissues in their systematics and phylogeny (in russo) 73Ivanov D.L. & Zarubina E.M. Distribution of scaphopodmolluscs (Mollusca, Scaphopoda) in the North Atlantic andArctic oceans, based on materials of Russian and Soviet expe<strong>di</strong>tions(in inglese) 89Spira Vol. 1, n. 3 Septembre 2004, Barcelona - Revista del’Associació Catalana de <strong>Malacologia</strong> (in spagnolo e catalano)V<strong>il</strong>ella Tejedo M. et al. Lista actualizzata dels mol.luscoscontinentals de Catalunja 1Spira Vol. 1, n. 4 Novembre 2004, Barcelona - Revista del’Associació Catalana de <strong>Malacologia</strong> (in spagnolo)Alba D.M. et al. Addenda a la lista dels mol.luscos continentalsde Catalunya 1Talaván Gómez J. & Talaván Serna J. Contributión a la malacologíade la Serranía de Cuenca 11López Soriano J. Técnicas de biología molecular aplicadas ala taxonomía y f<strong>il</strong>ogenía de moluscos 23Tarruella Ruestes A. Granaria variab<strong>il</strong>is (Draparnaud,1801) (Gastropoda: Chondrinidae): primiera cita para lafauna malacológica ibérica 35Corbella & Alonso J. Suboestophora ebria sp. Nov. (Polmonata:Trissexodontidae), una nueva specie de gasterópodode Andalucía 39Tarruella Ruestes A. & López Soriano J. Nuevos datos sobreBursa scrob<strong>il</strong>ator Linnaeus, 1758 en Cataluña e islasBaleares 47Alba D.M. & Tarruella Ruestes A. Nova cita de Suboestophoratarraconensis (Angu<strong>il</strong>ar-Amat, 1935) a Calanunya 51Talaván Gómez J. & Talaván Serna J. Fauna malacológicadel <strong>il</strong>ote de Benidorm (Alicante) 53Steenstrupia Vol. 28(1) 2004 Zoological Museum Universityof CopenaghenIl volume contiene soltanto lavori <strong>di</strong> nessun interesse malacologico.(Thalassia Salentina) Stazione <strong>di</strong> Biologia Marina <strong>di</strong> PortoCesareo:Parenzan P. Animalia Speluncarum Italiae- Congedo E<strong>di</strong>tore2002 222The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, January 8, 2004 n.1 (in inglese)L<strong>il</strong>ly M. Octopus veligero: permanent resident or fair-weatherfriend? 3The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, February 12, 2004 n.2 (in inglese)Mogollon Av<strong>il</strong>a & Kostelac Roca J. First record of ninespecies of Terebra (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Perù, with noteson five other species 13The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, March 11, 2004 n.3 (in inglese)Solis-Bautista J.C. et al. Growth series of Quoyula monodonta(Blainv<strong>il</strong>le, 1832, ex Quoy & Gaimard MS) Gastropoda: Corallioph<strong>il</strong>idae) 25Skoglund C. New <strong>di</strong>stributional records for Panamic ProvinceTurridae (Gastropoda) 29The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, Apr<strong>il</strong> 8, 2004 n.4 (in inglese)Schneider B. A fisherman explores Clipperton Island 36Herbert G.S. Observations on <strong>di</strong>et and mode of predation inStramonita biserialis (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from thenorthern Gulf of California 41The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, May 13, 2004 n.5 (in inglese)Clark R.N. On the identity of von Middendorff’s Chiton sitchensisand Chiton scrobiculatus 49Forsyth R.G. Gastrocopta in British Columbia (Mollusca:Pulmonata: Vertiginidae) 53The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, June 10, 2004 n.6 (in inglese)Kaiser K.L. New <strong>di</strong>stribution record for Bushia (Pseudocyathodonta)draperi Coan, 1990 (Mollusca: Bivalvia) 58Hertz C.M. On fin<strong>di</strong>ng the small bivalve Cooperella sub<strong>di</strong>aphana(Carpenter, 1864) (Petricolidae) living in a “mudball” 60The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, July 8, 2004 n.7 (in inglese)Groves L.T. The Cypraeoidean and Trivioidean Taxa ofCrawford Ne<strong>il</strong>l Cate (1905-1981) 65The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, August 12, 2004 n. 8 (in inglese)Skoglund C. New <strong>di</strong>stributional records for PanamicProvince Eulimidae (Gastropoda) 95Av<strong>il</strong>a V.M. First record of Cymatium (Monoplex) mundum(Gould, 1849) (Gastropoda: Ranellidae) on the Pacific coastof mainland South America 99The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, September 9, 2004 n.9 (in inglese)Hermos<strong>il</strong>lo A. Opisthobranch mollusks of Parque Nacionalde Coiba, Panamá (tropical eastern Pacific) 105The Festivus A publication of the San Diego Shell Club Vol.XXXVI, October 14, 2004 n.10 (in inglese)Temken I. The first occurrence of pearls in the Atlantic WingedOyster, Pteria colymbus (Rö<strong>di</strong>ng, 1798), from theFlorida Keys 123Garcia E.F. A range extension for Corallioph<strong>il</strong>a (Pseudomurex)parva E.A. Smith, 1877 127Yoshimoto D. Northern range extension for Nuttallia nuttallii(Conrad, 1837) (Bivalvia: Psammobiidae) 128

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