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scarica il Notiziario S.I.M. - Società Italiana di Malacologia

scarica il Notiziario S.I.M. - Società Italiana di Malacologia


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Pubblicazioni ricevute44Owen B. Proposed Revision to Haliotis <strong>di</strong>versicolor Reeve,1846 and validation of Haliotis supertexta Lischke, 1870 99Rice T. Fim do Mundo - Northern Mozambique 106Owen B. & Potter D. A Photo Study of the Eastern PacificHybrid Abalones (Genus Haliotis). Part 4 Haliotis rufescensSwainson, 1822 x H. kamtschatkana assim<strong>il</strong>is Dall, 1878 119Owen B. The “Buzz” on Abalones - Haliotis mykonosensisOwen, Hanavan and Hall, 2001 129Recently Described Shelled Marine Mollusks 134Dardano M. Notes on recently described Spond<strong>il</strong>ydae 136Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia - Museu de Zoologia da Universidadede São Paulo Vol. 42(7), 2002Il fascicolo contiene un lavoro <strong>di</strong> nessun interesse malacologico.Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia - Museu de Zoologia daUniversidade de São Paulo Vol. 43(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), 2003Il fascicoli non contengono lavori <strong>di</strong> interesse malacologico.Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Special Publicationno. 25, 2001, Phuket(tutti ii lavori sono in inglese)Procee<strong>di</strong>ng of the 11 th Congress & Workshop, SuganthiDevadason Marine Research Institute, Tuticori, In<strong>di</strong>a 28September to 8 October 2000, part 1:Ecology, Acquacolture and Environment:Wells F.E. et al. Population characteristics and fee<strong>di</strong>ng of thesna<strong>il</strong> Chicoreus capucinus at Ang-S<strong>il</strong>a, Chomburi ProvinceTha<strong>il</strong>and 31Neo G.W.K. et al. Observations on the fee<strong>di</strong>ng habits of Gyrineumnatator (Gastropoda: Tonnoidea: Ranellidae) in Singapore41Lipton A.P. & Selvakku M. Tagging and recapture experimentsin the In<strong>di</strong>an sacred chank, Turbinella Pyrum alongthe Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, In<strong>di</strong>a 51Ramasamy M.S. & Murugan A. Development of fouling organismon pearl oyster Pinctada fucata during a period of2 months 57Kumar A.B. Foulers, borers, and parasites associated withCrassostrea madrasensis (Preston) cultured in Ashtamu<strong>di</strong>Lake, Kerala, In<strong>di</strong>a 59Omar S.B.A. Gastropod communities in seagrass beds atBarrang Lompo Island, South Sulawesi 71Ramesh R. & Patterson E.J.K. Parasitic trematode larvae inthe turbinid gastropod Turbo brunneus (Rö<strong>di</strong>ng, 1798) fromTuticorin, In<strong>di</strong>a 79Soekendarsi E. Sex ratio, lenght-width and weight relationshipsof the s<strong>il</strong>ver-mouth turban Turbo argyrostoma Linné,1758, Indonesia 85Paonganan Y. et al. Biometrics of male and female top shellTrochus n<strong>il</strong>oticus Linné 87Paonganan Y. et al. Size <strong>di</strong>stribution of male and female topshell Trochus n<strong>il</strong>oticus Linné in relation to depth and substrate89Nabhtabhata J. et al. Tolerance of eggs and hatchlings of neriticcephalopods to salinity changes 91Latama G. et al. Survival of giant clam larvae (Tridacna squamosa)fed zooxanthellae from three sources 101Taufiq N.S. et al. Effects of ecological variation in two estuarieson growth and survival of the clam Meretrix sp., northernJava 105Samuel V.D. & Patterson J. Chemoreception in spider conch,Lambis lambis (Mollusca: Gastropoda) 111Fermin A.C. & Buen S.M.A. Photoperiod effects on fee<strong>di</strong>ng,food conservation, growth, and survival of abalone (Haliotisasinina Linné) during nursery rearing 113Kaligis G.J.F. Oxygen uptake of Littorina littorea (Gastropoda:Littorinidae) at <strong>di</strong>fferent levels of oxygen tension andtemperature 119Nguyen T.X.T. et al. Salinity tolerance of larvae and adults ofthe gastropod Babylonia areolata 125Kumar S.S. & Patterson Edward J.K. Salinity tolerance ofthe volutid Harpulina lapponica (Neogastropoda) 129Yulianda F. Sex determination and sexual organ systems ofthe babylon sna<strong>il</strong> Babylonia spyrata Linné 131Soekendarsi E. et al.Growth rate of Trochus n<strong>il</strong>oticus L. fedon four species of benthic marine macroalgae 135Oma S. Bin Andy et al. Incubation period and hatching rate ofbigfin squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, in 24 to 38% Salinity139Pringgenies D. et al. Bacterial symbionts in the luminous organof squid, Loligo duvauceli, and cutthefish Sepia sp 145Danakusumah E. Effects of salinity on incubation time andhatching of spineless cuttlefish Sepiella inermis L 149Nugranad J. et al. Reproduction of the trumpet triton Charoniatritonis (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in captivity 153Hua N.P. Spawning characteristics of Babylonia areolata(Neogastropoda: Buccinidae) 161Setyobu<strong>di</strong>an<strong>di</strong> I. Sex ratio and gonad development of greenmussel, Perna viri<strong>di</strong>s (Linné) in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia 167Husin N.M. et al. Shell morphology and culture of Tridacnasquamosa larvae (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae) 169Mohammed N.A. et al. Mating behaviour, embryonic andearly larval development of three species of nu<strong>di</strong>branch, theSouth China Sea 173Granmo Å et al. Marine bivalve farming - a sustainable foodproduction 179Winanto T. et al. Hatchery production of spat of pearl oysterPinctada maxima (Jameson) in Indonesia 189Nguyen T.X.T. et al. Growth and survival of yellow-lippedpeart oyster Pinctada maxima in cage culture, Vietnam 193Le D.M. Reproductive characteristics of Haliotis ovinaGmelin, 1791 in South Central Vietnam 197Le D.M. Preliminary results on the artificial bree<strong>di</strong>ng of theabalone Haliotis asinina Linné, 1758 in Vietnam 203Madrones-Ladja J.A. & Polohan B.B. The effect of stockingdensity, temperature and light on the early larval survivalof the abalone Haliotis asinina Linné 207Lantama G. et al. Growth of Tridacna squamosa juven<strong>il</strong>e atthree levels of somatropin hormone treatment 211Jayaseeli A.A. et al. Antibacterial activity of four bivalvesfrom Gulf of Mannar 215Patterson J. Canning of smoked brown mussel Perna in<strong>di</strong>ca219Shanthini C.F. & Patterson J. Smoke curing of Pleuroplocatrapezium meat (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) 221Prem Anand T. & Patterson Edward J.K. Screening for antibacterialavtivity in the opercula of gastropds 225War<strong>di</strong>atno Y. et al. Variab<strong>il</strong>ity of mollusc assemblages in anarea affected by a coasta power plant 231Setyobu<strong>di</strong>an<strong>di</strong> I. Diversity of macrofauna associated with thegreen mussell Perna viri<strong>di</strong>s (Linné) in rearing cages,Indonesia 237Samuel V.D. & Patterson J. Gastropods and bivalves exploitedat Koswari Island, Gulf of Mannar, In<strong>di</strong>a 241Hartati R. et al. Tolerance of the oyster Saccostrea forskallito aerial exposure after exposure to lead 243Nagarajan D. Effect of endosulfan on the physiological activitiesof the estuarine bivalve Meretrix casta 247Part 2: Bio<strong>di</strong>versity:Simonsen V. Marine molluscs: hybri<strong>di</strong>sation and introgression315

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