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RISVEM: D3 - REVISIONE CRITICA DELLO STATO DELL’ARTE DELLA RICERCA Data: 31/03/2004Documento: RS_01_D3-1.1 Pagina 60 di 238Schwab A.P., 1998 - Phytoremediation of soil contaminated with PAHS and otherpetroleum compounds. Presented at: Beneficial effects of vegetation in contaminatedsofls workshop, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, jan 7-9, 1998.Turner M.A., 1997 - Effect of cadmium treatment on cadmium and zinc uptake byselected vegetable species. J. Environ. Qual. 2:118-119.Tyler G., 1990 - Bryophytes and heavy metals: a literature review. Botanical Journal ofthe Linnean Society. 104:231-253.

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