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RISVEM: D3 - REVISIONE CRITICA DELLO STATO DELL’ARTE DELLA RICERCA Data: 31/03/2004Documento: RS_01_D3-1.1 Pagina 230 di 238Bonnes, M., Bonaiuto, M. 1995 - Expert and Layperson Evaluation of UrbanEnvironmental Quality: The "Natural versus the "Built" Environment, in Y. Guerrier, N.Alexander, J. Chase, M. O'Brien, (eds.), Values and the Environment - A Social SciencePerspective. New York: Wiley.Bonnes, M., Mannetti, L., Secchiaroli, G., Tanucci, G., 1990 - The city as a multiplacesystem: An analysis of people-urban environment transactions. Journal of EnvironmentalPsychology, 10, 37-65.Bonnes, M., Secchiaroli, G., 1992 – Psicologia ambientale. NSI, RomaCencini, C., Dindo, M.L. (a cura di), 1993 – Ecologia in città. Lo Scarabeo, BolognaChambers, R., 1994a - The Origins and Practice of Participatory Rural Appraisal, in:World Development, 22, pp. 953-969.Chambers, R., 1994b - Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Analysis of Experience,in: World Development, 22, 1253-1268.Chambers, R., 1994c - Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Challenges, Potential andParadigm, in: World Development, 22, pp. 1437-1454.Coles, R.W. & Bussey, S.C. 2000 - Urban forest landscapes in the UK - Progressingthe social agenda. Landscape and Urban Planning 52: 181-188.de Vreese, R., Konijnendijk, C., Ottitisch, A., Salbitano, F., 2002 - NeighbourWoods Stateof the Art Report - Strategic Aspects. NeighbourWoods, European Commission Quality ofLife and Management of Living Resources, 2001-2004. http//www.fsl.dk/euforic/nbw.htmDenzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. (eds.), 2000 - Handbook of Qualitative Research. SAGE,Thousand OaksGibson, J.J. 1979. - The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Hillsdale, NewJersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (Original work published 1979).Guerrier, Y., Alexander, N., Chase, J., O'Brien M. (eds.), 1995. Values and theEnvironment - A Social Science Perspective. New York, WileyHands, D. E. and Brown R. D., 2002 - Enhancing visual preference of ecologicalrehabilitation sites. Landscape and Urban Planning. 58 (2002) 57-70

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