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RISVEM: D3 - REVISIONE CRITICA DELLO STATO DELL’ARTE DELLA RICERCA Data: 31/03/2004Documento: RS_01_D3-1.1 Pagina 113 di 238Krupa S.V., ManningJ. (1988) – Atmospheric ozone: formation and effects onvegetation. Environmental Pollution 74, 119-126.Lorenzini G. (1991) – Aspetti ambientali dell’inquinamento da ozono troposferico: lasituazione italiana. In: Atti del Convegno su “Monitorare l’ambiente agrario eforestale”. Porto Conte, 4-6 giugno 1991, pp. 267-280.Lorenzini G., Medeghini Bonatti P., Nali C., Baroni Fornasiero R. (1994a) Theprotective effect of the rust infection against ozone, sulphur dioxide and paraquattoxicity symptoms in broad bean. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 45,263-279.Lorenzini G., Nali C., Panicucci A., (1994b) – Surface ozone in Pisa (Italy): a six-yearstudy. Atmospheric Environment 19, 3155-3164.Mahlotra S.S., Khan A.A. (1984) – Biochemical and physiological impact of majorpollutants. In: Air pollution and plant life (Treshow M. Ed.). Wiley & Sons, NewYork, USA, pp. 113-159.Matheney N. P., Clark J. R.,1994 - Evaluation of hazard trees in urban areas.International Society of Arboriculture. Urbana, Illinois, Usa. Pp.85.Nali C., Pucciarello C., Lorenzini G. (2002) – Ozone distribution in Central Italy andits effect on crop productivity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 90, 277-289.Pääkkönen E., Metsärinne S., Holopainen T., Kärelampi L. (1995) – The ozonesensitivity of birch (Betula pendula) in relation to the developmental stage of leaves,New Phytologist 132, 145-154.Ragazzi A., 1998 - Le specie quercine e l’ambiente urbano: consigli per un correttoimpiego e analisi delle problematiche sanitarie. Inf.tore fitopat. 48: 41-44.Ragazzi A., S. Moricca, E. Turco, L. Marianelli, I. Dellavalle, 2003 - The mycobiotaof healthy and declining oaks in an urban setting. Second International Symposium onPlant Ealth in Urban Horticolture. Ed. by H. Balder, K. H. Strauch, G. F. Backhaus.Heft 394. Berlin: 43-47.

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