SETTEMBRU 2012 - signumfideimalta

SETTEMBRU 2012 - signumfideimalta

SETTEMBRU 2012 - signumfideimalta


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Riflessjoni:“Il-manswetudni ma tfissirx dgħjufija u lanqas li temmen kollox. Difatti, meta lilĠesù ġibulu mara żienja quddiemu, huwa ma bediex jgħajjarha kif ippretendew lisejjer jagħmel, iżda beda jikteb fl-art u qal dawn il-kelmiet: ‘Min minnkom huwamingħajr dnub jaqbad l-ewwel ġebla mill-art u jitfagħha (Ġw.8: 7) u ħadd ma ssograjitbaxxa fl-art biex jaqbad ġebla u jitfagħhielha, u meta telqu staqsieha: ‘Ħadd magħamel ħaqq minnek?’ ‘Ħadd’, weġbitu. ‘Mela lanqas jien ma nagħmel ħaqqminnek; mur, u tidnibx aktar’, weġibha Ġesù. (Ġw 8:7,11). Din hija l-ħlewwa litagħder u taħfer.”Dun Ġużepp Cauchi (1900-1955) - saċerdot GħawdxiMeditazzjoni ta’ San Ġwann Battista De La Salle:Med. 100, it-3 partiHaving been made Patriarch of Constantinople in spite of his own resistance and atthe request of the emperor, Saint John was zealous in undertaking a general moralreform and in tolerating no disorders. This led to strong confrontation with theempress, whose behavior in many respects was not Christian. Before long thisbrought great persecution on the saint, and he was several times driven from hissee.That is how people are treated who by their blameless life and their sound doctrineuphold the Gospel and the cause of religion. The demon, unable to endure theirprogress in virtue and the good they do for souls, never ceases to harass them byhis own efforts or by those of his agents. If you live holily, says Saint Paul, expect tobe persecuted. Such will be your lot and your destiny as long as you live in thisworld.Saint John (ca. 349–407) earned the name Chrysostom, which means goldenmouth, because of his eloquence. He was born at Antioch, in Syria, son of acommander in the imperial army, and was trained as a lawyer. After his conversionto Christianity, he withdrew into solitude with some friends and began the work ofwriting treatises that have earned him the title of Doctor of the Church. Later, asPatriarch of Constantinople, he was sent into exile by the empress; on the way,partly as a result of the rough treatment given him, he died. He can be considered amartyr, although he did not shed his blood.Missierna ...TALBAO Ġesù,agħtina ix-xorti tajbali fid-dar u l-imkejjen fejn naħdmu,joħroġ minn qlubna u mill-imġiba tagħnar-raġġi tal-ħlewwa u l-manswetudni,sabiex inkunu fil-grazzja tiegħekkull fejn ngħammru u b’hekk insiru ċentruta’ serħan, tgawdija, sabar u faraġ.Ammen.Dun Ġużepp Cauchi 1900-195526 SIGNUM FIDEI

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