programmes 2006 - Red de Juderías de España

programmes 2006 - Red de Juderías de España programmes 2006 - Red de Juderías de España
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PROGRAMMES 2006Sandys Row, 4a Sandys Row, E1 Booking and informationfrom Clive Bettington. (see above).JEWISH CULTURE UK:Monday 11-Friday 15 SeptemberSouth African High Commission, Trafalgar Square,WC2 Tube-Chancery Lane.*Exhibition: South African Jews and the britishConnection, looking at the valuable contributionmade by British Jews to South Africa and the contributionmade by South African Jews who settled inEngland. Free entry. For further details, contactClive Bettington (see above).Wednesday 13 SeptemberNational Gallery, Trafalgar Square, WC.*3 Concerts in Tribute to Dame Myra Hess whoseconcerts during World War II did so much to boostthe nation’s morale. Stephen Kovacevich, YontySolomon and Professor Piers Lane.Times: Enquiries to Clive Bettington (see above).*NB. Events for which tickets allocated & not sold.Contact Clive Bettington (see above).Sunday 17 September“Mitzvah on the Square”A Cavalcade of Jewish Culture to celebrate 350thyear of British Jewish Life.Trafalgar Square 1-7pm. Jewish Food, Music, Dance& Exhibitions. Presented by JCUK-the Association ofJewish Culture Providers-& the greated LondonAuthority, sponsored by the Jewish Chronicle.Tel: 020 8909 2445. www.jewishculture.ork.ukLONDON ALLIED EVENTS:- Stepney Community Center (Jewish Care)The East End’s last remaining Jewish centre foundedby B’nai B’rith in 1937 as Stepney B’nai B’rithJewish Settlement, now part of Jewish care.2-8 Beaumont Grove, E1Event 12 noon Reception 12.30pm Lunch, followedby Guest Speaker: “Stephen Massil, President of theJewish Historical Society on “The Resettlement ofthe Jews in England” Coach from Stanmore10.30am, Golders Green 11am Ticket £25 withcoach, £22.50 without transport. Tickets from JoyceSaffron (Tel. 020 7435 9121)P S Organised by the B’nai B’rith Past PresidentsAssociation in association with the B’nai B’rith FirstLodge of England.Reminiscence Exhibitions and Groups- Holocaust Survivors’ Centre and 45 Aid 2ndGenerationCorner Church Road and Parson Street London,NW4.Event: 3-6pm Exhibition: “The Survivors’Contributionto Great Britain” designed by grandchildren of thesurvivors. Film & meet members of the Centre.Entrance: £3Info: Rachelle Lazarus, tel. 020 8202 9844- Nightingale HouseThe largest Jewish residential care home in the UK105 Nightingale Lane, London, SW12Sun 3-Sun 10 Sept (not Sat 9 Sept)Event: 10am-4pm Reminiscence Exhibition displayingstories and contemporary photos from residentswho were born in Europe and came to britainduring the 20th century.Info: Alastair Addison, tel. 020 8673 Sinclair House (Jewish Care)Woodford Bridge Road, Ilford, Essex, IG4Event: 10am-4pm Open Day feat. Photo Exhib’n ofSinclair House’s history, videos, Open Reminiscencegroups for all the family, Jewish Genealogy workshop,family tree art workshop. Kosher café. Entryfree (voluntary donations welcome-£3 sugg.)Info: Sam Curtis Tel. 020 8551 0017Monday 4 September- Spiro Ark Tour of Jewish Oxford (including a visitto the Bodleian Library)10am Coach from Brent Cross Tube Station for guidedtour of Jewish Oxford (See REGIONAL EVENTSfor details)80

PROGRAMMES 2006Guided Walking ToursSunday 3 September- 1. “Jews within the City walls”From Restoration to Emancipation 1650-188010.15am Meet outside Tower Hill Tube. The returnof the Jewish community from 1650 onwards.Menasseh ben Israel and Oliver Cromwell. The firstmodern synagogues in the city incl. Bevis Marks &Great Synagogue, Dukes Place. Jewish communallife in the 1750s, Jewish trades, the fight for politicalrepresentation. Walk approx. 3 hours, finishes atGuildhall, Gresham Street. £7+£3 entry to BevisMarks Synagogue. Led by City of London Guide,John Thei. Booking not necessary for individualsbut groups of 10+ should advise beforehand.Tel. 020 8904 6021, tycho_tours@hotmail.comwww.gjl 2. Historic Jewish Soho & Fitzrovia-West End Tour10.30am Outside WarRen St Tube. Explore Jewishconnections in heart of London’s West End, learnabout the area’s rich social history with its clubs,schools and synagogues, walk streets where theWest End Jewish community worked as teachers,tailors, dressmakers, milliners, retailers and markettraders. Visit sites of a Jewish school, a synagoguenow converted to a theatre and London’s mostfamous literary pub run by Jewish landlords. Led byBlue Badge Guide Diane Burstein. £7 Booking preferred.Tel. 020 8881 2933 3. “Rabbis Rothschilds & Rogues” Tour ofWillesden Cemetery11.30am Meet at Prayer Hall of Willesden Cemetery,Beaconsfield Road, NW10. Fascinating tales of thishistoric United Synagogue cemetery, last home tothe elite of the Anglo-Jewish community fromVictorian times to the present. Talk and Tour guidedby Elkan Levy. Ends approx. 1.30pm £8 payable atthe door. To book, ring 020 7446-8660.- 4. History Jewish Spitalfields11am Meet outside Aldgate Tube. Walk back in timethrough the atmosphere of Spitalfields to discoveran old soup kitchen, historic synagogues, site of aYiddish theatre & some of best preserved earlyGeorgian domestic architecture in the capital whilehearing about the histoy of the Jews in London £7.Led by City Guide Julian Romain, Booking notnecessary for individuals but groups 10+ shouldadvise beforehand. Secret London Walks & Visits Tel.Julian 020 8599 6500 or Tel. 020 8881 5. “Jews within the City Walls”‘The First Jews of London: The Story of London’sMedieval Jewish Community 1169-1290’ 2.30pmMeet Guildhall Yard, Gresham Street. Talk on oldJewish qtr; where & how they lived; why they cameto London. Jewish life in the 12th-13th centuries;from Acceptance to Persecution; Expulsion of 1290& after Approx 2 hours, ends at Aldgate/Tower HillLT station. £7 Led by City of London Guide JohnThei. Booking not nec. for individuals, but groups of10+ should advise beforehand.Tel. 020 8904 6021, 6. Historic Jewish Spitalfields2.30pm Meet outside Aldgate Tube. Details: Walk 4.Wednesday 6 September- 7. “Jews within the City Walls”6.15pm “Twilight Walk” Details as for Walk 5.Sunday 10 September- 8. ‘Jews within the City Walls’From Restoration to Emancipation 1650-188010.15am Meet Tower Hill station Details: Walk1.- 9. Historic Jewish Spitalfields10.30am Meet outside Aldgate Tube Details: Walk 4.- 10. An East End Village-Jewish Stepney11am Meet outside Whitechapel Tube. Join RachelKolsky on a walk in and around Mile End Roadending at the surprisingly tranquil Stepney Green.En route Jewish memories abound with stories ofphilantropy, anarchy and the personalities forwhom this area was home-£7. Booking: or 020 8883 4169.- 11. Historic Jewish Soho and Fitzrovia-West EndTour. 2pm Outside Warren St Tube Details: Walk 2.- 12. Historic Jewish Spitalfields2.30pm Meet outside Aldgate Tube. Details as forWalk 4.81

PROGRAMMES <strong>2006</strong>Sandys Row, 4a Sandys Row, E1 Booking and informationfrom Clive Bettington. (see above).JEWISH CULTURE UK:Monday 11-Friday 15 SeptemberSouth African High Commission, Trafalgar Square,WC2 Tube-Chancery Lane.*Exhibition: South African Jews and the britishConnection, looking at the valuable contributionma<strong>de</strong> by British Jews to South Africa and the contributionma<strong>de</strong> by South African Jews who settled inEngland. Free entry. For further <strong>de</strong>tails, contactClive Bettington (see above).Wednesday 13 SeptemberNational Gallery, Trafalgar Square, WC.*3 Concerts in Tribute to Dame Myra Hess whoseconcerts during World War II did so much to boostthe nation’s morale. Stephen Kovacevich, YontySolomon and Professor Piers Lane.Times: Enquiries to Clive Bettington (see above).*NB. Events for which tickets allocated & not sold.Contact Clive Bettington (see above).Sunday 17 September“Mitzvah on the Square”A Cavalca<strong>de</strong> of Jewish Culture to celebrate 350thyear of British Jewish Life.Trafalgar Square 1-7pm. Jewish Food, Music, Dance& Exhibitions. Presented by JCUK-the Association ofJewish Culture Provi<strong>de</strong>rs-& the greated LondonAuthority, sponsored by the Jewish Chronicle.Tel: 020 8909 2445. www.jewishculture.ork.ukLONDON ALLIED EVENTS:- Stepney Community Center (Jewish Care)The East End’s last remaining Jewish centre foun<strong>de</strong>dby B’nai B’rith in 1937 as Stepney B’nai B’rithJewish Settlement, now part of Jewish care.2-8 Beaumont Grove, E1Event 12 noon Reception 12.30pm Lunch, followedby Guest Speaker: “Stephen Massil, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of theJewish Historical Society on “The Resettlement ofthe Jews in England” Coach from Stanmore10.30am, Gol<strong>de</strong>rs Green 11am Ticket £25 withcoach, £22.50 without transport. Tickets from JoyceSaffron (Tel. 020 7435 9121)P S Organised by the B’nai B’rith Past Presi<strong>de</strong>ntsAssociation in association with the B’nai B’rith FirstLodge of England.Reminiscence Exhibitions and Groups- Holocaust Survivors’ Centre and 45 Aid 2ndGenerationCorner Church Road and Parson Street London,NW4.Event: 3-6pm Exhibition: “The Survivors’Contributionto Great Britain” <strong>de</strong>signed by grandchildren of thesurvivors. Film & meet members of the Centre.Entrance: £3Info: Rachelle Lazarus, tel. 020 8202 9844- Nightingale HouseThe largest Jewish resi<strong>de</strong>ntial care home in the UK105 Nightingale Lane, London, SW12Sun 3-Sun 10 Sept (not Sat 9 Sept)Event: 10am-4pm Reminiscence Exhibition displayingstories and contemporary photos from resi<strong>de</strong>ntswho were born in Europe and came to britainduring the 20th century.Info: Alastair Addison, tel. 020 8673 Sinclair House (Jewish Care)Woodford Bridge Road, Ilford, Essex, IG4Event: 10am-4pm Open Day feat. Photo Exhib’n ofSinclair House’s history, vi<strong>de</strong>os, Open Reminiscencegroups for all the family, Jewish Genealogy workshop,family tree art workshop. Kosher café. Entryfree (voluntary donations welcome-£3 sugg.)Info: Sam Curtis Tel. 020 8551 0017Monday 4 September- Spiro Ark Tour of Jewish Oxford (including a visitto the Bodleian Library)10am Coach from Brent Cross Tube Station for gui<strong>de</strong>dtour of Jewish Oxford (See REGIONAL EVENTSfor <strong>de</strong>tails)80

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