programmes 2006 - Red de Juderías de España

programmes 2006 - Red de Juderías de España programmes 2006 - Red de Juderías de España
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PROGRAMMES 2006Georgian town house once occupied by FrenchHuguenot silk weavers.19 Princelet Street, Spitafields, E1 10am-5pm Freevoluntarydonations welcome (usually £4pp)Sukkat Shalom Reform SynagogueNew synagogue housed in restored VictorianWanstead Hospital Chapel, feat, interior fittingsfrom former Totenham Jewish Home & Hospital. Amodel conservation project.1 Victory Road, Hermon Hill, E11 10am-5pmSouth West Essex & Settlement Reform SynagogueOaks Lane, Newbury Park, illford, Essex IG4,12 noon-5pmEvent: 3-4pm “Jewish Synagogue Artefacts-Silver,Emboidery, etc.” tel 020 8599 0936London West:New West End SynagogueLondon’s most splendid synagoge interior. HighVictorian ‘orientalist’ opulence, opened 1879 andGrade II* listed.St. Petersburgh Place, Bayswater, W2 10am-1pmSpanish & Portuguese Synagogue-Holland parkByzantine style synagogue of 1928 by Pritlove &Castello. 8 St. James’s Gardens, Holland Park, W11.Tuesday, 5 September.Synagogue open: 10am-4pmEvent: 7pm Talk: “Timeline: The origins of HollandPark Community”.Suzanne Dellal Hall (next to synag.). Refreshments.No charge.Mrs. Ruth Lynton 020 7603 7961/3232Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue-LaudersdaleRoadQuality Grade II listed 1890s Sephardi synagoguewith imposing domed roof.9 Lauderdale Road, Maida vale, W9 9.30-12 noonWest London SynagogueBritain’s oldest reform synagogue opened 1870,magnificent interior featuring an impressive pipeorgan; Grade II listed. 34 Upper Berkeley Street, W1.11am-1:30pm Tours of the synagogueEvent: 2-3:30pm Short intro to a Jewish wedding,then observe a real Jewish wedding from gallerytimefor questions after ceremony. Booking necessaryby Monday 28 August.Contact Simone 020 7535 0267 Northwest/Middlesex:Edgware & District Reform SynagogueCelebrated its 70th anniversary in 2005; EDRS hasbeen completely re-built and is now housed in astriking octagonal-shaped building designed byJeffrey Howard with unique stained glass windows.118 Stonegrove, Edgware, Middx. HA8Event: 10am-12.30pm Talk, Discussion & TourLiberal Jewish SynagogueState-of-the art auditorium, rebuilt in 1992 behindErnest Joseph’s 1925 classical portico.28 St. John’s Wood Road, NW8Event: 10am-12.30pm Silk Sale. The Miriam HymanMemorial Fund.Middlesex News Synagogue39 Bessborough Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1.Sunday 3 September10am-12noon Exhibition of ScrollsWednesday 6 September8pm “East End Jewish Settlement 1890-1939”-Talkby Professor W. FishmanJEWISH EAST END CELEBRATION SOCIETY(JEECS) 3-17 SEPT. EVENTS AND WALKSBooking and Information (except Walk J4) fromClive Bettington, Tel. 07941, Walks:Sunday 3 September- J1 Mysteries of the Kabbalah1pm Meet St. Paul’s tube Station. Walk through the78

PROGRAMMES 2006East End and the City looking at the influence of theKabbalah on the great English architects and otheraspects of Kabbalism.Led by well known writer Ed Glinert. £8 (JEECSmembers £6).- J2 Jewish Musical Walk of the East End10.30am Meet Liverpool Street Station (next toMacdonalds and the Kinderstransport Museum).Walk traces the rich and vibrant history of the musicof the Jewish East End. Lionel Bart, Joe Loss, RonnieScott, Bud Flanagan, Marc Bolan, Alma Cogan, etc.will be looked at and extracts from their work willbe played.Led by Clive Bettington £8 (JEECS members £6).- J3 Pickles, Pimps and the Palais2.30pm Meet Tower Hill Tube. Explore origins of theJewish institutions which started life in theCommercial Road area, such as the Jewish LadsBrigade, The Poor Jews Temporary Shelter, etc.Led by Clive Bettington. £8 (JEECS members £6).Wednesday 6 September- J4 350 Years of Jewish Financiers in the City10am at Museum of London. Walk examines contributionof Jewish financiers to dvlpmt of SquareMile over 350 yrs. Booking: Mus. of London,tel. 0870 444 3850, info: Clive Bettington as above.Thursday 7 September- J5 Jewish Chelsea2pm Meet outside Sloane Square Tube Station.Walk through one of the most beautiful suburbs inLondon examining the lives of its Jewish occupantsand those of its residents who had strong links withthe Jewish community. Among the people discussedwill be Arnold Wesker, Oscar Wilde, John SingerSargent, Sir Jacob Epstein, Bela Bartok, AnitaBrookner, Ronnie Scott, etc. There will also be a visitto an unusual Jewish Cemetery.Led by Clive Bettington. £8 (JEECS members £6).Sunday 10 September- J6 80th Anniversary of the Death of IsraelZangwill10.30am Tower Hill Tube. Look at world of “JewishCharles Dickens”, who died 1926. Particular attentionto his two works, “Children of the Ghetto” & “theKing of Schnorrers”.Led by Clive Bettington. £8 (JEECS members £6).- J7 The Dark Side of the Stepney Ghetto1.30pm Meet at Aldgate East Tube (CommercialRoad, Toynbee Hall exit) A view of the more sinisteraspects of the East End ghetto-Oswald Moseleygangsters, etc.Led by well known writer Ed Glinert. £8 (JEECSmembers £6).- J8 Rabbis, Radicals and the Yiddish Theatre1.30pm Meet at Aldgate East Tube (CommercialStreet, Toynbee Hall exit) This walk looks at thegreat political events and radical politics of theJewish East End, and the constant conflict with theorthodox Jews in the area.Led by Clive Bettington. £8 (JEECS members £6).Sunday 17 September- J9 Wigs, Pens and Paparazzi10.30am Meet at St. Paul’s Tube Station. Discoverthe contribution over 350 years of the Jews topublishing newspapers and the law. Walk by CliveBettington. Tickets £8 (JEECS members £6).- J10 London under the Fascists: They shall notpass1.30pm Meet at Victoria Tube (ticket office) Learnabout the various Fascist movements in London inthe 30s & 40s, esp. Sir Oswald Moseley’s BritishUnion of Fascits. Walk led by Ed. Glinert, the wellknownwriter. Tckts £8 (JEECS members £6).Sunday 3 September- AGM of JEECS:5.30pm followed by refreshments & cultural eventEast London Central Synagogue, 30-40 Nelson St,El.Sunday 10 September- Cong. of Jacob Synagogue will be open (see 10September London list) Events staged at: FieldgateStreet Great Synagogue, 41 Fieldgate Street, E1;79

PROGRAMMES <strong>2006</strong>Georgian town house once occupied by FrenchHuguenot silk weavers.19 Princelet Street, Spitafields, E1 10am-5pm Freevoluntarydonations welcome (usually £4pp)Sukkat Shalom Reform SynagogueNew synagogue housed in restored VictorianWanstead Hospital Chapel, feat, interior fittingsfrom former Totenham Jewish Home & Hospital. Amo<strong>de</strong>l conservation project.1 Victory Road, Hermon Hill, E11 10am-5pmSouth West Essex & Settlement Reform SynagogueOaks Lane, Newbury Park, illford, Essex IG4,12 noon-5pmEvent: 3-4pm “Jewish Synagogue Artefacts-Silver,Emboi<strong>de</strong>ry, etc.” tel 020 8599 0936London West:New West End SynagogueLondon’s most splendid synagoge interior. HighVictorian ‘orientalist’ opulence, opened 1879 andGra<strong>de</strong> II* listed.St. Petersburgh Place, Bayswater, W2 10am-1pmSpanish & Portuguese Synagogue-Holland parkByzantine style synagogue of 1928 by Pritlove &Castello. 8 St. James’s Gar<strong>de</strong>ns, Holland Park, W11.Tuesday, 5 September.Synagogue open: 10am-4pmEvent: 7pm Talk: “Timeline: The origins of HollandPark Community”.Suzanne Dellal Hall (next to synag.). Refreshments.No charge.Mrs. Ruth Lynton 020 7603 7961/3232Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue-Lau<strong>de</strong>rsdaleRoadQuality Gra<strong>de</strong> II listed 1890s Sephardi synagoguewith imposing domed roof.9 Lau<strong>de</strong>rdale Road, Maida vale, W9 9.30-12 noonWest London SynagogueBritain’s ol<strong>de</strong>st reform synagogue opened 1870,magnificent interior featuring an impressive pipeorgan; Gra<strong>de</strong> II listed. 34 Upper Berkeley Street, W1.11am-1:30pm Tours of the synagogueEvent: 2-3:30pm Short intro to a Jewish wedding,then observe a real Jewish wedding from gallerytimefor questions after ceremony. Booking necessaryby Monday 28 August.Contact Simone 020 7535 0267 Northwest/Middlesex:Edgware & District Reform SynagogueCelebrated its 70th anniversary in 2005; EDRS hasbeen completely re-built and is now housed in astriking octagonal-shaped building <strong>de</strong>signed byJeffrey Howard with unique stained glass windows.118 Stonegrove, Edgware, Middx. HA8Event: 10am-12.30pm Talk, Discussion & TourLiberal Jewish SynagogueState-of-the art auditorium, rebuilt in 1992 behindErnest Joseph’s 1925 classical portico.28 St. John’s Wood Road, NW8Event: 10am-12.30pm Silk Sale. The Miriam HymanMemorial Fund.Middlesex News Synagogue39 Bessborough Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1.Sunday 3 September10am-12noon Exhibition of ScrollsWednesday 6 September8pm “East End Jewish Settlement 1890-1939”-Talkby Professor W. FishmanJEWISH EAST END CELEBRATION SOCIETY(JEECS) 3-17 SEPT. EVENTS AND WALKSBooking and Information (except Walk J4) fromClive Bettington, Tel. 07941,<strong>de</strong>d Walks:Sunday 3 September- J1 Mysteries of the Kabbalah1pm Meet St. Paul’s tube Station. Walk through the78

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