Messier List of Objects and Map Key

Messier List of Objects and Map Key

Messier List of Objects and Map Key

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<strong>Map</strong> <strong>and</strong> Constallation <strong>Key</strong> to <strong>Messier</strong> <strong>Objects</strong> for TELRAD Finders<strong>Messier</strong> Telrad Common Distance OtherObject Constallation <strong>Map</strong> #'s Name Type Light Years DataM1 Taurus <strong>Map</strong> 1, 2 Crab Nebula Supernova 6,000M2 Aquarius <strong>Map</strong> 11 Glob. ClusterM3 Canies Venatici <strong>Map</strong> 6, 7 Glob. Cluster 30,000 44500 StarsM4 Scorpius <strong>Map</strong> 13 Glob. ClusterM5 Serpens <strong>Map</strong> 6 Glob. ClusterM6 Scorpius <strong>Map</strong> 10, 13 Butterfly Cluster Open Cluster 2,000M7 Scorpius <strong>Map</strong> 10, 13 Open ClusterM8 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Lagoon Nebula Emmi. Nebula 2,500M9 Ophiuchus <strong>Map</strong> 12,10,13 Glob. ClusterM10 Ophiuchus <strong>Map</strong> 12 Glob. ClusterM11 Scutum <strong>Map</strong> 12 Wild Duck Cluster Open ClusterM12 Ophiuchus <strong>Map</strong> 12 Glob. ClusterM13 Hercules <strong>Map</strong> 9 Glob. Cluster 25,000M14 Ophiuchus <strong>Map</strong> 12, 10 Glob. ClusterM15 Pegasus <strong>Map</strong> 11 Glob. ClusterM16 Serpens <strong>Map</strong> 10 Star-Queen/Eagle Emmi. NebulaM17 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Swan/Omega Nebula Emmi. Nebula 35 StarsM18 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Open Cluster 6,000M19 Ophiuchus <strong>Map</strong> 13 Glob. ClusterM20 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Trifid Nebula Emmi. Nebula 2,200M21 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Open Cluster 3,000M22 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Glob. Cluster 10,000 70,000 StarsM23 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10, 12 Open Cluster 4,500M24 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Star CloudM25 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Open ClusterM26 Scutum <strong>Map</strong> 10 Glob. Cluster 5,000M27 Vupecula <strong>Map</strong> 8 Dumbell Nebula Planatary Neb. 1,250M28 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Glob. Cluster 15,000M29 Cygnus <strong>Map</strong> 8 Open Cluster 7,200M30 Capricornus <strong>Map</strong> 11 Glob. ClusterM31 Andromeda <strong>Map</strong> 3 Andromeda Galaxy G-Spiral 2.2 mil 160 mil sunsM32 Andromeda <strong>Map</strong> 3 Andromeda Comp. G-EllipticalM33 Triangulum <strong>Map</strong> 3 G-SpiralM34 Perseus <strong>Map</strong> 3 Open ClusterM35 Gemini <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open Cluster 2,800M36 Auriga <strong>Map</strong> 1 Open Cluster 4,100M37 Auriga <strong>Map</strong> 1 Open Cluster 4,600M38 Auriga <strong>Map</strong> 1 Open Cluster 4,200M39 Cygnus <strong>Map</strong> 8, 3 Open ClusterM40 Ursa Major <strong>Map</strong> 5 Two StarsM41 Canis Major <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open Cluster 2,400M42 Orion <strong>Map</strong> 2 Emmi Nebula 1,000M43 Orion <strong>Map</strong> 2 Emmi Nebula 1,000M44 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 2 Beehive Cluster Open Cluster 500 40 StarsM45 Taurus <strong>Map</strong> 1 Pleiades Open Cluster 400M46 Puppis <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open ClusterM47 Puppis <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open ClusterM48 Hydra <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open ClusterM49 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-EllipticalM50 Monoceros <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open ClusterM51 Canes Venatici <strong>Map</strong> 5 Whirlpool Galaxy G-Spiral 15 milM52 Cassiopeia <strong>Map</strong> 3 Open ClusterM53 Coma Berenices <strong>Map</strong> 6, 7 Glob. ClusterM54 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Glob. Cluster 50,000M55 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Glob. Cluster 20,000M56 Lyra <strong>Map</strong> 8 Glob. Cluster 40,000M57 Lyra <strong>Map</strong> 8, 9 Ring Nebula Planatary Neb. 4,100

<strong>Map</strong> <strong>and</strong> Constallation <strong>Key</strong> to <strong>Messier</strong> <strong>Objects</strong> for TELRAD Finders<strong>Messier</strong> Telrad Common Distance OtherObject Constallation <strong>Map</strong> #'s Name Type Light Years DataM58 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM59 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-EllipticalM60 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-EllipticalM61 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7, 14 Blackeye Galaxy G-SpiralM62 Ophiuchus <strong>Map</strong> 13 Glob. ClusterM63 Canes Venatici <strong>Map</strong> 5, 6 Sunflower Galaxy G-SpiralM64 Coma Berenices <strong>Map</strong> 6, 7 G-SpiralM65 Leo <strong>Map</strong> 4, 7 G-Spiral 35 milM66 Leo <strong>Map</strong> 4 G-SpiralM67 Cancer <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open ClusterM68 Hydra <strong>Map</strong> 14 Glob. ClusterM69 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Glob. ClusterM70 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 10 Glob. Cluster 65,000M71 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 8 Glob. Cluster 8,500 One <strong>of</strong> nearestM72 Aquarius <strong>Map</strong> 11 Glob. ClusterM73 Aquarius <strong>Map</strong> 11 Open ClusterM74 Pisces <strong>Map</strong> 3 G-SpiralM75 Sagittarius <strong>Map</strong> 11 Glob. ClusterM76 Perseus <strong>Map</strong> 3 Little Dumbell Planetary Neb. 3,400M77 Cetus <strong>Map</strong> 15 G-SpiralM78 Orion <strong>Map</strong> 2 Refle. NebulaM79 Lepus <strong>Map</strong> 2 Glob. Cluster 54,000M80 Scorpius <strong>Map</strong> 13 Glob. ClusterM81 Ursa Major <strong>Map</strong> 5 G-Spiral 7 milM82 Ursa Major <strong>Map</strong> 5 Exploding Galaxy G-IrregularM83 Hydra <strong>Map</strong> 14 G-SpiralM84 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-EllipticalM85 Coma Berenices <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM86 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-EllipticalM87 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-EllipticalM88 Coma Berenices <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM89 <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-EllipticalM90 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM91 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM92 Hercules <strong>Map</strong> 9 Glob. Cluster 28,000M93 Puppis <strong>Map</strong> 2 Open ClusterM94 Canes Venatici <strong>Map</strong> 5, 6 G-SpiralM95 Leo <strong>Map</strong> 4 G-SpiralM96 Leo <strong>Map</strong> 4 G-SpiralM97 Ursa Major <strong>Map</strong> 5 Owl Nebula Planetary Neb. 2,600M98 Coma Berenices <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM99 Coma Berenices <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM100 Coma Berenices <strong>Map</strong> 7 G-SpiralM101 Ursa Major <strong>Map</strong> 5 G-Spiral 15 milM102 Draco <strong>Map</strong> 5 G-Spiral 15 milM103 Cassiopeia <strong>Map</strong> 3 Open Cluster 8,000M104 Virgo <strong>Map</strong> 14 Sombrero Galaxy G-SpiralM105 Leo <strong>Map</strong> 4 G-EllipticalM106 Canes Venatici <strong>Map</strong> 5 G-SpiralM107 Ophiuchus <strong>Map</strong> 12, 13 Glob. ClusterM108 Ursa Major <strong>Map</strong> 5 G-Spiral 25 milM109 Ursa Major <strong>Map</strong> 5 G-SpiralM110 Andromeda <strong>Map</strong> 3 Andromeda Comp. G-Elliptical

MAP 1AURIGA, TaurusM1, M35, M36, M37, M38, M45AurigaPerseusM 38M 36M 37GeminiM 35TaurusPleiadesCrab Nebula10°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

MAP 2CANNIS MAJOR, MONOCEROS, Cancer, Gemini, Orion, LepusM1, M35, M41, M42, M43, M44, M45, M46, M47, M48, M50, M67, M78, M79, M93CncGemM 35Crab NebulaBeehiveM 67CMiOriM 78HyaM 48MonOrionM 43NebulaM 50M 47M 46M 41CMaLepM 93M 79Pyx15°6PupSYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright NebulaCol

MAP 3ANDROMEDA, TRANGULUM, LACERTA, Cassiopeia, Pegasus, PiscesM31, M32, M33, M34, M39, M52, M74, M76, M103, M110CepCasM 103M 52M 39Cork M Nebula 76M 34AndLacM 110M 32Andromeda GalaxyTriPinwheel GalaxyPegM 74Psc10°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

MAP 4LEO, LEO MINORM65, M66, M95, M96, M105Leo MinorM 98M 99LeoM 65 M 66M 105M 96 M 95Sextans10°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

MAP 5CANES VENATICI, Ursa MajorM40, M51, M63, M81, M82, M94, M97, M101, M102, M108, M109,Ursa MinorM 82M 81M 102?M 40M 108Owl NebulaM 101M 109Ursa MajorWhirlpool GalaxyM 106Canes VenaticiM 63M 9410°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

MAP 6SERPENS, COMA BERNICES, CANES VENATICI, BootesM3, M5, M53, M63, M64, M94M 106Whirlpool GalaxyM 63CVnM 94CrBM 3BooComBlackeye GalaxyM 85M 53M 100M 91 M 88SerM 58M 59 M 60M 90 M 8684M 89M 87M 49M 5Vir10°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

MAP 7COMA BERENICES, Virgo, Leo (Virgo Cluster <strong>of</strong> Galaxies)M3, M49, M53, M58, M59, M60, M61, M64, M65, M66M84, M86, M87, M88, M90, M91, M98, M99, M100M 3Coma BerenicesBlackeye GalaxyM 53M 85M 100M 91M 88M 90M 89M 58M 59 M 60M M 8684M 87M 98M 99M 65 M 66M 49M 61Virgo10°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

Zoom in View <strong>of</strong> Virgo ClustersM 85M 100M 98M 91M 88M 99M 90M 86M 84M 89M 87M 60M 59M 5811SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

MAP8LYRA, SAGITTA, VULPECULA, CygnusM27, M29, M38, M56, M57, M71M 39CygnusLyraM 29Ring NebulaM 56VulpeculaDumbbell NebulaM 71SagittaDelphinus10°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

MAP9HERCULES, LYRAM13, M57, M92LyraM 92Great ClusterRing NebulaCorona BorealiHercules10°6SYMBOLSComet Globular ClusterAsteroid Planetary NebulaGalaxy QuasarOpen Cluster Other ObjectBright Nebula

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