gb use and maintenance manual blast chiller/shock freezer

gb use and maintenance manual blast chiller/shock freezer gb use and maintenance manual blast chiller/shock freezer
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Alarms are also indicated by a message on the display.For certain critical alarms, the message remains on the display permanently until the cause of the alarm has beeneliminated.Critical alarms are:- pressure switch alarm- compartment sensor alarm.For the other alarms, the messages flashes on the display in alternation with other functional signals (e.g.:temperature or execution time).These alarms or signals are as follows:- blast chilling / shock freezing cycle end;- incorrect blast chilling / shock freezing cycle end alarm;- prolonged door open alarm;- fan input alarm;- prolonged power failure alarm;- high or low compartment temperature alarm;- 7evaporator sensor or core temperature probe alarm.Some of these alarms are cancelled as soon as the cause is eliminated, whereas other alarms (prolonged powerfailure) remain until the end of the operating cycle (appliance stop) to ensure the user is informed of any anomaloussituations that have occurred during the cycle.4.1.5 ALARM DISPLAY CODESCOMPARTMENT SENSOR FAULT ALARMCORE TEMPERATURE PROBE FAULT ALARMEVAPORATOR SENSOR ALARMCOMPARTMENT LOW TEMPERATURE ALARMCOMPARTMENT HIGH TEMPERATURE ALARMPRESSURE SWITCH ALARMFAN INPUT ALARMDOOR OPEN ALARMPOWER FAILURE ALARMOVER TIME ALARMCPIPEPLiHiALFAOdPFtEr5. OPERATION5.1 STANDARD OPERATIONWhen the control unit is switched ON (ON/OFF) the last cycle to be used flashes on the display; the LEDs relativeto selected functions will also flash.To confirm the last cycle used, press the relative button (button -21- cycles CC1/CC2/CC3, button -23- cyclesCA1/CA2/CA3) followed by the START button (25).Hold down buttons (21) or (23) to select the preset blast chilling / shock freezing cycles and press button (19) toactivate or deactivate the storage function (functions deactivated = LEDs flashing, functions activated = LEDssteadily illuminated).Press the TIME button (17) to select timer-controlled blast chilling / shock freezing and press START to begin the cycle.When the timer-controlled cycle is in progress the display shows the minutes remaining; pressing SET (19) displaysthe set storage temperature; pressing TIME (17) displays the time elapsed since the beginning of the cycle;pressing DISPLAY (14) displays the compartment or core probe temperature, indicated by the two LEDs above the button.If the TIME button (17) is not pressed, the core temperature probe is automatically activated after START. If, afterapproximately 2 minutes, the control unit fails to acknowledge the core temperature probe, timer-controlledoperation is automatically selected: the LED above the TIME button illuminates and the core temperature probeLED (5) flashes.At the end of the blast chilling / shock freezing cycle, the message “END” appears on the display and the beepersounds for 10 seconds.The control unit now starts a defrost cycle and then switches to storage mode (if selected).The display shows the total duration of the blast chilling / shock freezing cycle; pressing the TIME button (17) againdisplays the function currently in progress (e.g.: DEF = defrosting).5.1.1 BLAST CHILLING / SHOCK FREEZING PROGRAMS- CC1 hard freezing- CC2 soft freezing- CC3 medium freezing (personalized program)21

- CA1 hard chilling- CA2 soft chilling- CA3 medium chilling (personalized program)5.1.2 SOFT BLAST CHILLINGThe “soft” blast chilling program is suitable for foods that are less than 20 mm thick, or particularly delicate foodstuffs.This cycle is programmed so that the compartment temperature does not drop below 0° C.The compressor runs constantly until the compartment temperature reaches 0° C, and is then thermostat-controlleduntil the core probe temperature reaches +3° C.If the core probe cannot be used because of the type of food product, cycle end is determined by the set time (max.90’). Once the cycle has ended, the program switches to the storage phase and the appliance functions like aconventional refrigerator.5.1.3 HARD BLAST CHILLINGThe “hard” blast chilling program is suitable for foods that are more than 20 mm thick.In this cycle the compressor runs constantly for the initial stage.When the compartment temperature reaches the programmed set-point, the compressor is thermostat-controlleduntil the core probe reading reaches approximately +10° C.This is to avoid superficial freezing of the product when the core temperature is above zero.The compartment temperature is now increased to +0° C and maintained at this temperature until the product coretemperature reaches +3° C.Once this temperature has been reached at the product core, the program switches to the storage phase and theappliance functions like a conventional refrigerator.5.1.4 SOFT SHOCK FREEZINGThe “soft” shock freezing program is suitable for foods that are less than 20 mm thick, or particularly delicate foodstuffs.In this cycle the compartment temperature does not fall below 0°C in the initial stage, until the product coretemperature reaches +20°C.The compartment temperature is then reduced to -40° C, until the product core temperature reaches -18° C.If the core probe cannot be used because of the type of food product, the end of the first stage is determined by apreset time interval, whereas cycle end is determined by the maximum permissible time (240’).Once the cycle has ended, the program switches to the storage phase and the appliance functions like aconventional freezer.5.1.5 HARD SHOCK FREEZINGThe “hard” shock freezing program is suitable for foods that are more than 20 mm thick.This cycle is composed of a single phase during which the compressor runs constantly.When the compartment temperature reaches -40° C, the compressor is thermostat-controlled until the coretemperature reaches -18° C.This system provides the maximum freezing power.Once this temperature has been reached at the product core, the program switches to the storage phase and theappliance functions like a conventional freezer.5.2 CORE TEMPERATURE PROBEThe probe must be thoroughly cleaned before and after each cycle.The probe should be inserted into the largest food piece in the compartment.Extract the probe by pulling and twisting. Never pull the probe by the lead.If the probe is not used, it must be fitted in the dedicated support.5.3 PROGRAMMING PERSONALIZED CYCLESPressing the PROG. button with the appliance in stopped status (STOP) displays the storage set-point temperaturerelative to the selected cycle. To modify this value, use the UP (12) or DOWN (13) buttons. To confirm the newvalue, press the PROG. button again or wait for a few seconds without pressing any buttons.22

- CA1 hard chilling- CA2 soft chilling- CA3 medium chilling (personalized program)5.1.2 SOFT BLAST CHILLINGThe “soft” <strong>blast</strong> chilling program is suitable for foods that are less than 20 mm thick, or particularly delicate foodstuffs.This cycle is programmed so that the compartment temperature does not drop below 0° C.The compressor runs constantly until the compartment temperature reaches 0° C, <strong>and</strong> is then thermostat-controlleduntil the core probe temperature reaches +3° C.If the core probe cannot be <strong>use</strong>d beca<strong>use</strong> of the type of food product, cycle end is determined by the set time (max.90’). Once the cycle has ended, the program switches to the storage phase <strong>and</strong> the appliance functions like aconventional refrigerator.5.1.3 HARD BLAST CHILLINGThe “hard” <strong>blast</strong> chilling program is suitable for foods that are more than 20 mm thick.In this cycle the compressor runs constantly for the initial stage.When the compartment temperature reaches the programmed set-point, the compressor is thermostat-controlleduntil the core probe reading reaches approximately +10° C.This is to avoid superficial freezing of the product when the core temperature is above zero.The compartment temperature is now increased to +0° C <strong>and</strong> maintained at this temperature until the product coretemperature reaches +3° C.Once this temperature has been reached at the product core, the program switches to the storage phase <strong>and</strong> theappliance functions like a conventional refrigerator.5.1.4 SOFT SHOCK FREEZINGThe “soft” <strong>shock</strong> freezing program is suitable for foods that are less than 20 mm thick, or particularly delicate foodstuffs.In this cycle the compartment temperature does not fall below 0°C in the initial stage, until the product coretemperature reaches +20°C.The compartment temperature is then reduced to -40° C, until the product core temperature reaches -18° C.If the core probe cannot be <strong>use</strong>d beca<strong>use</strong> of the type of food product, the end of the first stage is determined by apreset time interval, whereas cycle end is determined by the maximum permissible time (240’).Once the cycle has ended, the program switches to the storage phase <strong>and</strong> the appliance functions like aconventional <strong>freezer</strong>.5.1.5 HARD SHOCK FREEZINGThe “hard” <strong>shock</strong> freezing program is suitable for foods that are more than 20 mm thick.This cycle is composed of a single phase during which the compressor runs constantly.When the compartment temperature reaches -40° C, the compressor is thermostat-controlled until the coretemperature reaches -18° C.This system provides the maximum freezing power.Once this temperature has been reached at the product core, the program switches to the storage phase <strong>and</strong> theappliance functions like a conventional <strong>freezer</strong>.5.2 CORE TEMPERATURE PROBEThe probe must be thoroughly cleaned before <strong>and</strong> after each cycle.The probe should be inserted into the largest food piece in the compartment.Extract the probe by pulling <strong>and</strong> twisting. Never pull the probe by the lead.If the probe is not <strong>use</strong>d, it must be fitted in the dedicated support.5.3 PROGRAMMING PERSONALIZED CYCLESPressing the PROG. button with the appliance in stopped status (STOP) displays the storage set-point temperaturerelative to the selected cycle. To modify this value, <strong>use</strong> the UP (12) or DOWN (13) buttons. To confirm the newvalue, press the PROG. button again or wait for a few seconds without pressing any buttons.22

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