Directia de Sanatate Publica Iasi CUMULAT-executie venituri si ...

Directia de Sanatate Publica Iasi CUMULAT-executie venituri si ...

Directia de Sanatate Publica Iasi CUMULAT-executie venituri si ...


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Rrportari Buget Ministerul sanatatii - Formular Raportare cumulatePage 1 of 12/*Vfouuf$,toruJey-rf /0.?o/3,Inapoi iliflt Siga OulFormular 2124rq0 - DSP IASILuda Raportarll: FEBRUARY -2013CONTUL DE EXECUTIE A BUGETULUI INSTITUTIET PUBLICE - CHEL-TUIEUo€numlre Indrcator*- " *-';-*.-****" "^***? I"_" "" ". ... _ :"TOTAL BUGETo lt- ****'-x;;;ffi;i;;;;ffi;-Jn ffirqiilqoolzooz.o"zilo.i--" "' s0.20 iii6.20,05+66.20.06+66.20.(B+66.20.10+ ::1ll;l9l-" "-- *-****i -**-"*- isrylcll pqblledrcnualearcSeryhll medlcale tn.mbubtrylu(65'20.04l:laslfiGtla i)uge@rat---,-.-"Ju'*---**^Il-;;;--ll66.20.02 |66.20.(X''._- "_'i-Aibt€nta m€dkah <strong>de</strong> spelalltateo| ol ol ol '6620.04,0206***,***t-*,^,i@--.****'*t**of ol ol ol oAibEnta medhlh In @nue mslkalemulUtunctloml€6620.04,05o7Ate srykll medlcale 6620.04.5008girylcll prgpllallc6u 6620.05 09 0Silkll nedhale (55.20.0666.20.06.03+65.20,06.05)66.20.06 10i t l i i-.*i!,-******t*,,** **+-@'***+o{ ol oi oi o! .. ----.'..L--****'*4@"@ry"*!@q*ry{-_'-""**"s0 t 'l'i1724745 ol 0Spltah 9eneraE u0 ol oj oiUnllau m€dlcoslale 6620.06.03Sanaull ball@reffi;ffi-*-"-"""*6620.06.06l3,6620.09t40***.-.*.-...-...-."^i'."",*- *--*-*--*-.*-*-- -"""-""--t" "-**-' " *'*00"****-;l-*- ;i-****;r--*-*;oi ol oi o"-" ii ""q oi oi oPlatl efEtuateCheltuiell crefstlve8"*-;00.-*. ".*."-.""t -.*0oll o"4578333. f-***-;i---I"*;I***-;-*;T****-;clrebre apllcawa 0 oi ,i 0\hE cheltulell lf, dmenlul€nataul0158759 ,i66,20.50(66.20.s0.01+66.20.s0.02+16i(i,20.50.03+66.20.50,50)-...L"'i.,atlvltntl <strong>de</strong> ergoteraplel700tolkllnhl co plata 18 26373oi oUnltatl medl@slab 6620.50.03 19 o 0o J****-*" '/Jte lnstliiul 6620.50.50 200 683rs2: ,rt'tr.i132386ji____-:;f-****";tcutnt€ eryhllgl dddtarc plbllca070.20 2t;iln'i *i93040--:i -","-:",;938,f0 070.20.03 22Itrulnte/Ute cheltuhll h dmslul lculntelol 30 25l)enumlr@ IndkabrllotVENMJRJ PROPRIT.TOTAI CHELTUIEU(16,20+70.20)SAMTATE (66.?0(66.20.01+66.20.70) 66.20 001 |CHELTUIEU CURENIE(66.20.10+66.20.200l(x)201 66.20.3Or66.20.40+66,20.50+65'20.51I 66.20.55+56.20.56+66.20.57+66'20,59r'66.20.55)i+dooo: eroooo] ol oI " _"*-J*--"J*:_i __:J i_ _6048S03554798515594230Angalamnh:EgaE<strong>de</strong> platlt,:.,-... -""----'*"-t----z I. - .."---*-*""**t"-"o l-'*';i-"ilrol'---" - i-ol******''*t* ''ol0 l***-***"-..-""f'--'i**""*;T*00 0*-; l-t-':i0 o l0e3E40'i0r*'*-*--$ cnrom irsucEram l ^*$rn*AngalerenEIcheltulellCredlteianuale aprdate lal trtmedrtate i iefetlve<strong>de</strong> angalament I flncb perl@<strong>de</strong>l Phtl efectuate legoEi cumutate i bugebre'"9"4:<strong>de</strong> phtr:Il<strong>de</strong>rapoEErc i I lB I i(5-6)*-tt*'*** i 8 **'i 0000 0 as71274 6114g15i o] o a690355 0 l::i::r r..........-.-;.--:*--ri..".*,."*,,,.*,,-*"--;Ji;--.',"",*i;--- "'i'*",******-**5736274 i 5274e1soi00 l 0ii-"***^*-i"-' ^* ^**"r' ^***- "^',t- **-***szroz,i s274e151 .l1i i l i0-*t4796515i00000lfttp ://ms. softeh.rolaloadFormularCUMUl. aspx0710312013

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