Taxonomic literature on the genus Lepiota s. l. in the Czech Republic

Taxonomic literature on the genus Lepiota s. l. in the Czech Republic

Taxonomic literature on the genus Lepiota s. l. in the Czech Republic


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CZECH MYCOL. 58(3–4): 225–265, 2006<strong>Lepiota</strong> cosici Velen., České houby, vol. 1: 212, 1920.Ty p e : no type specimen exists. Type locality: Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> alneto humido <strong>in</strong> gram<strong>in</strong>e ad rivumprope Černošice, VII. 1918, leg. J. Velenovský et J. Kosík.<strong>Lepiota</strong> crustata Velen., České houby, vol. 1: 203, 1920.Ty p e : no type specimen exists. Type locality: Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> declivitatibus siccis m<strong>on</strong>tis Říp et <strong>in</strong>quercetis prope Radotín, VI. 1916, leg. J. Velenovský.<strong>Lepiota</strong> dumetorum Velen., Novitates mycol.: 53, 1940 (“1939”).Ty p e : Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> verrimentis dumeti Ligustri <strong>in</strong> colle arido (occid.) prope Menčice, 20. VIII.1926, leg. J. Velenovský (PRM 150260; day of collecti<strong>on</strong> is <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong> herbarium label; holotype).<strong>Lepiota</strong> glabra Velen., České houby, vol. 1: 205, 1920.Type: notypespecimenexists.Citedlocalities: Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> p<strong>in</strong>etis siccis sub colle Manda propeOndřejov, VIII. 1915, leg. J. Velenovský. – Bohemia, Kopan<strong>in</strong>a prope Kosoř, VIII. 1914, leg. J. Velenovský. –Bohemia, silva Krčiensis, 1918, leg. J. Velenovský. – Bohemia, Babice, 1918, leg. O. Zvěř<strong>in</strong>ová.<strong>Lepiota</strong> hederacea Velen., Novitates mycol. nov.: 20, 1947.Ty p e : Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> formati<strong>on</strong>e lata Hederae <strong>in</strong> silva fr<strong>on</strong>dosa prope Myšlín <strong>in</strong> societate <strong>Lepiota</strong>eprocerae et Psalliote arvensis, leg. J. Velenovský (PRM 153931; date of collecti<strong>on</strong> is menti<strong>on</strong>ed <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>in</strong><strong>the</strong> herbarium specimen – VIII. 1940; holotype).<strong>Lepiota</strong> lacerata Velen., Novitates mycol.: 52, 1940 (“1939”).Ty p e : Bohemia, sub Crataego prope Myšlín, X. 1934 (PRM 153940; holotype).<strong>Lepiota</strong> latisquamosa Velen., České houby, vol. 1: 212, 1920.Ty p e : Bohemia, ad acus siccas c<strong>on</strong>iferarum ad teram <strong>in</strong> declivitate meridi<strong>on</strong>ali m<strong>on</strong>tis Koženývrch prope Mnichovice, VIII. 1916, leg. J. Velenovský (PRC, bottle no. 76/b toge<strong>the</strong>r with Collybia pullaSchaeff. and Cantharellus suspectus; type status not checked).<strong>Lepiota</strong> nitens Velen., Novitates mycol: 51, 1940 (“1939”).Ty p e : Bohemia, Mirošovice, IX. 1938, leg. J. Velenovský (PRM 153924; syntype). – Bohemia, propeStránčice, 15. V. 1936, leg. J. Velenovský (PRM 154197; syntype).<strong>Lepiota</strong> nitida Velen., Novitates mycol.: 54, 1940 (“1939”).Ty p e : no type specimen exists. Type locality: Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> tremuleto prope Všesimy, IX. 1933.<strong>Lepiota</strong> nivea Velen., Novitates mycol.: 55, 1940 (“1939”).Ty p e : no type specimen exists. Type locality: Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> verrimentis nemorum propeMnichovice, aestate, leg. J. Velenovský.<strong>Lepiota</strong> pandorae Velen., Novitates mycol.: 48, 1940 (“1939”).Ty p e : no type specimen exists. Type locality: Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> desertis aridis <strong>in</strong>solatis propeMnichovice (Hubač.) quotannis, VIII.–IX.<strong>Lepiota</strong> parvula Velen., České houby, vol. 1: 217, 1920.Ty p e : no type specimen exists. Type locality: Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> declivitate regi<strong>on</strong>is deserte et <strong>in</strong>cultaecum Stipa, Muscare tenuifloro, An<strong>the</strong>rico liliago, Pulsatilla pratensis loco <strong>in</strong>solato, solo calcareoprope Radotín, VIII. 1915, leg. J. Velenovský.<strong>Lepiota</strong> pomacea Velen., České houby, vol. 1: 214, 1920.Ty p e : Bohemia, <strong>in</strong> desertis gram<strong>in</strong>osis siccis (Stipa, Koeleria gracilis, Teucrium chamaedrys,Andropog<strong>on</strong>, Dianthus carthusianorum) prope Chuchle, X. 1918, leg. J. Velenovský (PRC, bottle no.36/b <strong>in</strong>cludes ano<strong>the</strong>r 10 species – date of collecti<strong>on</strong> and locality miss<strong>in</strong>g; type status not checked).<strong>Lepiota</strong> pseudogranulosa Velen., Novitates mycol. nov.: 20, 1947.Ty p e : Bohemia, ad terram <strong>in</strong>ter Calam<strong>in</strong>tham ac<strong>in</strong>os <strong>in</strong> colle arido, saxoso prope Kunice, 21.IX.1940, leg. J. Velenovský (PRM 154184; holotype).252

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