Sporrtivo February 2004

Sporrtivo February 2004

Sporrtivo February 2004


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La rivista del dirigente sportivoIBSSA official magazine34 SportivoTheory and methodology ofshort weapons use - Security -the aspect of the weapon use is highlythought by teachers Ibssa. First we handto the candidates the basic rules of thesecure use of weapons: because is’ntindispensable that the security workeruse weapons but it can be in a conditionto “touch” a weapon found in a scene ofcrime and to be absolutely sure aboutwhich and how many operations i mustdo for make inoffensive the weapon.They proceed after to the use of inactiveweapons (with inoffensive charge) andto the handling practice.After candidates are introduced to operationsof shot with short weapons(pistols cal 9mmx21).Programme:1. Anatomy of short weapons2. Securities3. Handling and use of short weapons4. Tecnics of shot on feet with twohands5. Tecnics of shot with the strong hand6. Tecnics of shot with the weak hand7. Shot on knees8. Shot on the groundNotions theoretical - pratical ofpersonal defence - We prepared apersonal defence programme simple butefficacious, that we propose to all thecandidates, particularly they who do’nthave familiarity with combat sports ormartial arts. Obviously they will favouredin the practice.The course provides the defence againstvarious situations of immobilization andagainst simple attacs with fist or withkick. We illustrate also the main employmenttecnics of tonfa (club with handle inuse in the Usa polices) and the batton.Programme:1. Holds to wrists: wriggles, counterblowsand levers2. Holds to neck: interruption of the gripstrenght, protection from strokes with thehead, jamming strokes; articular levers3. Kick tecnics: scrolling, parries,blocking, counterattacks4. Fist tecnics: scrolling, parries, counterattacks5. Strategy - basic tecnicsTecnics of accompanying pedestrianand environmental reclamationThe accompanying is the main activity ofthe security worker.We illustrate roles of every single membersof the accompanying team and tecnicsutilizables if necessary.From signalling systems of anomalies tothe radio communication, to the protectionof goods and their keeping in a safeplace.The security worker must know “reclaim”at best the rooms where the customer willdo his work or will want to house. In thisphase we illustrate tecnics of ambientdecontamination (in enclosed space) fitconfrontatecon alcune delle principaliNazioni europee.Si informano i candidati sulle nozioni diporto e trasporto di armi, porto abusivo,legittima difesa, legge sulla privacy,eccetera, con particolare attenzione allaposizione del ministero degli Interni relativamenteagli argomenti trattati.Teoria e metodologia dell’usodelle armi corte - Sicurezza - l’aspettorelativo all’uso delle armi è moltoconsiderato dai docenti Ibssa. Prima ditutto, vengono consegnate ai candidatile regole fondamentali del maneggiosicuro delle armi: questo perché nonnecessariamente l’ods deve fare usodelle armi stesse, ma potrebbe trovarsinelle condizioni di dover “toccare”un’arma rinvenuta in una scena di crimineed essere assolutamente certo diquali e quante operazioni dovrà fare peressere sicuro di rendere l’arma stessainoffensiva.Si procede poi al maneggio delle armiinerti (carica a salve) e alla pratica dimanipolazione.I canditati vengono poi iniziati alle operazionidi tiro con armi corte (pistole cal9 mmx21).Programma:1. Anatomia delle armi corte2. Sicurezze3. Manipolazione e maneggio dellearmi corte4. Tecnica di tiro in piedi con due mani5. Tecnica di tiro con la mano forte6. Tecnica di tiro con la mano debole7. Tiro in ginocchio8. Tiro a terraNozioni teorico-pratiche di difesapersonale - E’ stato preparato unprogramma semplice ma efficace didifesa personale da proporre a tutti icandidati, in particolare a coloro chenon hanno dimestichezza con gli sportdi combattimento o con le arti marziali.Ovviamente questi ultimi saranno avvantaggiatinella pratica.Il corso prevede la difesa da varie situazionidi immobilizzazione e da sempliciattacchi di pugno e di calcio. Vengonoinoltre illustrate le principali tecniche diutilizzo del tonfa (bastone con manico inuso alle polizie Usa) e il batton.Programma:1. Prese ai polsi: divincolamenti, contraccolpie leve2. Prese al collo: interruzione della forzadi presa, protezione dai colpi con latesta, colpi di disturbo, leve articolari3. Tecniche di pugno: spostamenti,parate, bloccaggi, contrattacchi4. Tecniche di calcio: spostamenti, parate,contrattacchi5. Strategia - le tecniche di baseTecniche di accompagnamentopedestre e di bonifica ambientale- L’accompagnamento è la principaleattività dell’osdVengono illustrati i ruoli dei singoli comtedfor identify possible listening apparatus(microphones) or disturbance elements.Programme:1. Tecnics of ambient decontamination2. Generalities about accompanyingtecnics3. Behaviour of the Tl4. Systems of observation and dangerssignalling5. Arrangement of movables and realestate6. Urban accompanying with one ormore workers7. Ascent and descent of the vip fromthe car with one and two workersAthletic training - The activity of thesecurity worker, prevalently in charge ofthe prevention of risks and of the eludingcapacity of itself, provides sometimes thenecessity of a physical and motory activityof considerable intensity. For that wepropose to candidates an athletic trainingprogramme, who start with a joggingsession in the morning.The physical exertion build the characterand allows to the candidate the knowledgeof his limits and learning to surpasshimself. Of course, with dues precautions.CourseTraining courses are placed in France,Svizzera, Israel, Rumania, Latvija,Hungary and Italy, in specialized andrecognized centres, where internationaland highly qualified teachers make coursesin various levels, until the attainmentof the qualify of “International securityworker”. Individual and team coursesare expected, from a minimum of tenpersons to a maximum of fifteen, duringthat we face and analyse all theoreticalpraticalaspects of the security worker,also on the juridical point of vue, innational and international sphere.At the end of the course a committeevalue the ability of trainees and if theresult is satisfying it hands over a diplomathat give the opportunity to pass tothe following level (levels of the officialprogramme of Ibssa are three: 1 st , 2 ndand 3 rd level, with international test).Known centres are:• Bisfs - Paris (France)• Cefas. Inssa - Berna (Switzerland)• Hungary (with several offices) in additionto basic courses for security agentsare availables basic courses of parachuting• Israel (with several offices) generalcourses with specialization in “combattraining”, shot, security academy, eccetera.In Ibssa organization is possible comeinto contact with team of experts whotest products used in the security sector.From a research ensued that productstested by Ibssa are more diffused.Staff of Ibssa ItaliaFor greater clearness about the Ibssa

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