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Srivastava, V., Gairola, V. 1997. J. Struct. Geol., 19, 1; 107-112.338. Zagorchev, I. 1993. J. Struct. Geol., 15, 3-5; 243-251.Chauhan, N. et al. 1996. J. Geol. Soc. India, 47, 1; 59-74.339. Zagorchev, I. 1993. J. Struct. Geol., 15, 3-5; 243-251.Coussot, C. 2007. Bull. d’Assoc. geogr. Fr., 84, 2; 148-160.340. Zagorchev, I. 1992. Geol. Rdschau, 81; 635-654.Mantovani. E. et al. 2001. J. Geody<strong>na</strong>mics, 31, 5 ; 519-556.341. Zagorchev, I. 1992. Geol. Rdschau, 81; 635-654.Solakov, D. et al. 2001. An<strong>na</strong>li di Geofisica, 44, 3 ; 541-556.342. Boyanov, I., …..Zagorchev, I. 1989. Geol. Rhodopica, 1; 107-121.343. Zagorcev, I. 1992. Geol. Magazine, 129, 2; 197-222.344. Zagorchev, I. 1992. Geol. Rdschau, 81; 635-654.Vaughan, A., Livermore, R. 2005. Geol.Soc. Spec. Publ. 246; 143-178.345. Zagorchev, I. 1994. Geol. J., 29, 3; 241-268.Su<strong>na</strong>l, G. et al. 2006. Geodi<strong>na</strong>mica Acta, 19, 5; 283-300.346. Zagorchev, I. 1998. Episodes, 21, 3; 159-166.Lerouge, C. et al. 2006. J. of Geochem. Explor., 90, 3; 166-182.347. Zagorchev, I. 1998. Episodes, 21, 3; 159-166.Evans, M., Elmore, R. 2006. J. Struct. Geol., 28, 2; 284-301.348. Shterev, K., Zagorchev, I. 1996. Geojour<strong>na</strong>l, 40, 4; 397-403.Zimmerman, A. et al. 2008. Mineralium Deposita, 43, 1; 1-21.349. Zagorchev, I. 1998. Episodes, 21, 3; 159-166.350. Zagorchev, I. 2000. Geodi<strong>na</strong>mica Acta, 13, 1; 55-59.Christoskov, L., Solakov, D., Simeonova, S. 2006. – in Geody<strong>na</strong>mics of the Balkan Peninsula;Reports on Geodesy, No 5 (80), Warsaw; 127-135.351. Boyanov, I., …. Zagorcev, I. 1989. Geologica Rhodopica, 1; 107-121.Glavcheva, R., Botev, E. 2006. – in: Geody<strong>na</strong>mics of the Balkan Peninsula; Reports on Geodesy, No5 (80), Warsaw; 137-147.352. Zagorchev, I. 1992. Geol. Rundschau, 81, 3; 635-654.Botev, E. et al. 2006. – in: Geody<strong>na</strong>mics of the Balkan Peninsula; Reports on Geodesy, No 5 (80),Warsaw; 149-168.353. Dabovski, C., … Zagorchev, I., et al. 1989. CBGA, XIV congr., Extended abstracts; 499-502.354. Zagorcev, I. 1992. Geol. Rundschau, 81, 3; 635-654.355. Zagorcev, I. 1996. Z. Dt. Geol. Ges., 24, 1-2; 91-112.Dobrev, N., Frangov, G., Drakatos, G. . 2006. – in: Geody<strong>na</strong>mics of the Balkan Peninsula; Reportson Geodesy, No 5 (80), Warsaw; 196-198.356. Zagorcev, I. 1992. <strong>Geological</strong> Magazine, 129, 2; 197-222.Nakov, R. et al. 2006. – in: Geody<strong>na</strong>mics of the Balkan Peninsula; Reports on Geodesy, No 5 (80),Warsaw; 206-211.357. Boyanov, I., …. Zagorcev, I. 1989. Geologica Rhodopica, 1; 107-121.358. Zagorcev, I. 1992. Geol. Rundschau, 81, 3; 635-654.Rangelov, B. et al. 2006. - Geody<strong>na</strong>mics of the Balkan Peninsula; Reports on Geodesy, No 5 (80),Warsaw; 609-625.359. Zagorcev, I. 1992. Geol. Rundschau, 81, 3; 635-654.Boncheva, I. et al. 2007. <strong>Geological</strong> Quarterly, 51, 4; 407-418360. Загорчев, И. 1993. Обяснителна записка към Геол.карта на България. Картенлист Босилеград и Радомир.361. Zagorchev, I. S. 2001. Geologica Balcanica, 31(1–2), 3–52.Georgiev, I. et al. 2007. The Geody<strong>na</strong>mics of the Aegean and A<strong>na</strong>tolia. Geol. Soc. London, Spec.Publ. 291; 143-157.362. Zagorchev, I. S. 1971. Bulletin of the <strong>Geological</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, 20, 17–27.363. Zagorchev, I. 1992. <strong>Geological</strong> Magazine, 129, 2; 197-222.364. Zagorchev, I. S. 2001. Geologica Balcanica, 31(1–2), 3–52.Roniewicz, E. 2008. An<strong>na</strong>les Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 78; 91-134.365. Dabovski, C., ….. Zagorchev, I. 2002. Geol. Balc., 21, 1-2; 9-15.366. Zagorchev, I. 1995. Geologica Balc., 25, 5-6; 91-112.367. Zagorchev, I. 2001. Geologica Balcanica, 31(1–2), 3–52.

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