Classificatori Statistici e Reti Neurali nella segmentazione ... - Circe

Classificatori Statistici e Reti Neurali nella segmentazione ... - Circe

Classificatori Statistici e Reti Neurali nella segmentazione ... - Circe

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ABSTRACTThis contribution describes the construction, via the automatic classification of remotelysensedimages, of a 1 km raster database of the land covers for pan-Europe. The database,produced in the framework of a research project funded by the European Commission, hasalready been used as input to some climatic and environmental dynamic models.The focus is mainly on the methodology. The project used a supervised statistic classifier,whose innovative features are described with some details, specially for what concerns theselection of the training set and the contextual use of available and relevant ancillaryinformation in the process of assignment of pixels to classes.Next, we refer shortly on the progress of a currently ongoing research, co-funded by the ItalianMinistry of Scientific Research (MURST), aimed at extending those innovations to differenttypes of ancillary information and to neural classifiers, to be used to process high-resolutionsatellite imagery in order to achieve an automatic recognition of the morphologic features ofbuilt-up areas.

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