torna strategica la - Confindustria

torna strategica la - Confindustria

torna strategica la - Confindustria


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Scenari industriali n. 3, Giugno 2012CENTRO STUDI CONFINDUSTRIACriscuolo, C. , Martin, R., Overman, H. e Van Reenen, J. (2012), “The causal effect of an industrialpolicy”, NBER Working Paper No. 17482.De Baker, K. e Yamano, N. (2012), “International comparative evidence on global valuechains,” OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper No.2012/03.DTZ Consulting (2010), Review of the Manufacturing Advisory Service.Duhigg, C. e Bradsher, K. (2012), “How the U.S. lost out on iPhone Work”, The New YorkTimes, 21 gennaio 2012.Edquist, C., Hommen, L. e Tsipouri, L. (2000), Public Technology Procurement and Innovation,Kluver Academic Publications.EKOS (2011), Evaluation of MAS-NE Service: Executive summary.European Commission Competition (2011), “The effects of temporary State aid rulesadopted in the context of the financial and economic crisis”, Commission Staff Working Paper.Ezell, S. e Atkinson, R. (2011a), The Case for a National Manufacturing Strategy, Washington,The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.Ezell, S. e Atkinson, R. (2011b), “International Benchmarking of Countries’ Policies and ProgramsSupporting SME Manufacturers”, Washington, The Information Technology & InnovationFoundation.Fuchs, E. (2010), “Rethinking the role of the State in technology development: DARPA andthe case for embedded network governance”, Research Policy, 39.Gallup (2009), F<strong>la</strong>sh Eurobarometer Survey.Gambacorta, R. (2004), “Il dibattito sul<strong>la</strong> legge di Verdoorn: alcuni risultati empirici usandol’analisi del<strong>la</strong> cointegrazione”, Rivista di Politica Economica, 94:251-77.Geroski, P. (1990), “Procurement Policy as a tool of Industrial Policy”, International Reviewof Applied Economics, 4.Harris, R. e Lau, E. (1998) “Verdoorn’s <strong>la</strong>w and increasing returns to scale in the UK regions,1968-91: some new estimates based on the cointegration approach”, Oxford EconomicPapers, 50:201-219.Helper, S. e Wial, H. (2010), Strengthening American Manufacturing: A New Federal Approach.Washington, Brookings Institution.Hajjem, O., Ayadi, M. e Garrouste, P. (2011), “Complementarities between organizationalchanges, R&D activity and technological cooperation for the French manufacturing firms”,MPRA Paper No.34617.144

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