torna strategica la - Confindustria

torna strategica la - Confindustria

torna strategica la - Confindustria


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CENTRO STUDI CONFINDUSTRIAScenari industriali n. 3, Giugno 2012Riferimenti bibliograficiAghion, P. e Howitt, P. (1992), A model of economic growth through creative destruction,Econometrica, 60:323-351.Aghion, P., Bou<strong>la</strong>nger, J. e Cohen, E. (2011) “Rethinking Industrial Policy”, Bruegel PolicyBrief, 4.Arrow, K. (1962), The economic implications of learning by doing, Review of Economic Studies,29:155-173.Aschhoff, B. e Sofka, W. (2008), “Innovation on demand. Can public procurement drivemarket success of innovation?”, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-52, Center for European EconomicResearch.Autio, E., Kronlund, M. e Kovaleinen, A. (2007), High growth SME support initiatives in ninecountries: analysis, categorisation and recommendations, Ministero del Commercio e dell’Industriadel<strong>la</strong> Fin<strong>la</strong>ndia.Bharadwaj, S., Bharadwaj, A. e Bendoly, E. (2007), The performance effects of complementaritiesbetween information systems, marketing, manufacturing, and supply chainprocesses, Information Systems Research, 18:437-453.Bernat, G. (1996), Does manufacturing matter? A spatial econometric view of Kaldor’s <strong>la</strong>ws,Journal of Regional Science, 36:463–77.Bonvillian, W. (2006), “Power p<strong>la</strong>y”, The American Interest.Bronzini, R. e Iachini, E. (2011), “Are incentives for R&D effective? Evidence from a regressiondiscontinuity approach”, Temi di discussione No. 791, Banca d’Italia.Bush, A., Tiwana, A. e Rai, A. (2010), Complementarities between product design modu<strong>la</strong>rityand IT infrastructure flexibility in IT-enabled supply chains, IEEE Transactions on EngeeneringManagement, 57:240-254.Commissione Europea (2005), More research and innovation – Investing for growth and employment:a common approach.Commissione Europea (2007a), Pre-commercial procurement: driving innovation to ensure highquality public services in europe.Commissione Europea (2007b), Guide on dealing with innovative solutions in public procurement.Ten elements of good practices.Conference Nationale de l’Industrie (2011), Ensemble, reindustrialiser <strong>la</strong> France pour <strong>la</strong> Croissanceet l’emploi.143

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